Organization of production - Kurochkin A.S.

Planning of energy consumption

The basis for the rational organization of the energy economy at the enterprise is the

Planned production and consumption of energy resources. As a rule, it is implemented on the basis of a normative approach using the balance method.

Norms are element-wise components of norms. They characterize the specific consumption of the normalizing element per unit volume, productivity and other indicators in the performance of production processes.

The rate of consumption is the maximum allowable planned amount of resources for the production of a unit of production (work) of specified quality in the planned production conditions.

Standards are applied technically sound and statistical. The first are more progressive. They are developed on the basis of technical and economic calculations and careful analysis of production conditions, the accounting of technical and technological documentation of the existing organization of production. Technically justified norms allow to take into account the advanced production experience of achieving science and technology, the possibility of introducing new technology, technology and advanced production organization in the planned period. In order to implement these norms, organizational and technical measures are being developed to save material resources.

However, the development of technically sound standards hinders the unsatisfactory state of accounting for the use of resources for each type and element (direction) of expenditure, as well as accounting for productivity and costs for obtaining it for each unit of equipment. The reliability of accounting for the initial information will increase when it is automated on the basis of computer technology.

Statistical norms are established on the basis of reporting data on the average expenditure of material resources over the past period, with some adjustment to the downside for the planning period. Such a valuation method has significant drawbacks. Experimental-statistical norms are based on the level of technology and organization of production of the previous period, as if legitimize the losses and irrational energy costs that exist in it and transfer them to the planning period. Such norms usually poorly orient production teams to find reserves.

The norms of energy consumption are formed on the basis of statistical methods. For technological needs, they are compiled in the form of consumption rates per unit of output or per unit of time of operation of the equipment and have a common name - the specific rate of consumption (for one product, for 1 h of equipment, for 1 kWh of electricity produced, etc.).

Fuel consumption rates for heating purposes are compiled in the form of consumption rates in kilograms (for solid fuel) or in cubic meters (for gas) for heating 100 m2 of the area by 1 ° C, etc.

Energy consumption rates are differentiated and enlarged (average). The first are established for individual names, the size of products, the second - for the type of products, for the production of 1 ton of rolled products, etc. Differentiation of norms is the main condition that determines the efficiency of the standardization. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the correlation of rationing and accounting for finished products and energy accounting. Energy accounting data are used to compile and analyze energy balances as a whole for the enterprise and for its production units. The objects of energy accounting are the generation and consumption of energy, the output and use of secondary energy resources.

Energy balances The main task of developing a planned balance sheet is to justify the company's need for fuel and energy for the production program to produce products (the expenditure part of the balance sheet), as well as to justify the most rational ways to cover this demand by generating energy at own facilities, obtaining fuel and energy from outside, using Secondary energy resources (the incoming part of the balance sheet).

Classification of energy balances is given in Table. 17.

Perspective balances are drawn up for a long time and are used in the design, reconstruction of production and development of the energy economy of the enterprise.

Table 17

Classification feature

Type of energy balance

Illustrative list

Assign Balance


Electric balance of the enterprise for the future development


Annual electric balance, fuel balances for all types of fuel


Monthly balances of heat, fuel, electricity

Type of energy carrier

Private by type of energy source

Balances of certain types of fuel (oil, gas, coal, etc.)

Electricity balance of the workshop, enterprises

Balance of steam, hot water, compressed air


Combined fuel balance of the enterprise for all types of fuel

Consolidated energy balance of the workshop, the enterprise (by the sum of the expenditure of all energy carriers)

The nature of the target

Use of

Of energy

Balance of power use of types of energy

Balance of power steam (8-10 atm)


Technological use of energy types

Shop balance of technological energy use


Production and economic use of energy types

The balance of steam and hot water for heating and ventilation needs of the workshop, enterprises

The current planned balance sheets (Table 18) are compiled for various (annual, quarterly) time intervals, broken down by quarter (month), and are the main form of planning the consumption and use of energy resources in the enterprise.

Reported (actual) balances are used to control the consumption of energy resources and the implementation of planned balances and are the main material for analyzing their implementation, assessing work in the field of rationalizing the energy economy and saving fuel and energy.

Table 18

Balance sheet item


Thousand kWh


Thousand kWh

Received, total





Developed by the enterprise






From CHP № 7





From Gorenenergo





Consume, total










Expense of the enterprise, total





Technological energy





Motor energy















The balance includes:

• calculation of the needs of the main and auxiliary production facilities of the enterprise in all types of energy and fuel, including heating, ventilation, lighting, non-production needs, etc .;

• determination of permissible energy losses in production networks and conversion plants.

Based on the balance sheet, annual (quarterly, monthly, daily) schedules of the enterprise's load for various types of energy and energy resources are built.

To compose a report energy balance requires a well-organized differentiated and accurate accounting of fuel and energy consumption. The basis for the organization of primary accounting is the proper setting of the monitoring and measuring facilities of the enterprise - energy meters, steam, water flow meters, etc. If costs are not directly recorded, the costs are calculated using the total indicators. Primary accounting information is recorded in the journals, and after processing, the indicators are transferred to the secondary documentation forms. The aggregate data of these forms are used in the compilation of balances.

Organization of repair of energy equipment

One of the conditions for efficient and rhythmic operation of industrial enterprises is reliable and economical supply of production units with energy resources of the required quality. All this, in turn, depends on many factors, among which an important role is played by the organization of maintenance and repair of power equipment.

At the heart of maintenance and repair of power equipment are such factors:

• standardization of parameters and primary indicators of equipment operation;

• equipping the equipment with instrumentation and automation, control, communication and alarm equipment;

• organization of energy accounting and control;

• clear regulation of the functions of maintenance and repair;

• Development of a system for maintaining technical documentation, operation and maintenance.

The main task of maintenance and repair is to maintain the equipment in working condition while maintaining the specified performance characteristics. Maintenance and repairs are performed by the EMS system and TSTOR.

Normative parameters and labor intensity of maintenance and repair of power equipment are similar to the standards of these systems for all equipment of the enterprise, i.e. repair cycle, overhaul period, etc. At the same time, emergency and restorative repairs are not included in the PPR system.

Repair parameters of boiler, compressor, pumping equipment and grid facilities differ significantly from the parameters of the consuming power equipment, as for generating plants and networks there is no need for coordination with repair standards of production equipment, and for power receivers is a necessary condition. For a significant part of the energy equipment, it is not advisable to include in the repair cycle major repairs, since they are carried out at large intervals of time, calculated in years and even tens of years. This particularly applies to pipelines, air ducts, cables and wires of electrical networks, gas pipelines, sewage networks of water pipes and other types of power equipment. At present, there is no single composition of the repair cycle of power receivers. For other types of power equipment, the structure and frequency of the repair cycles are determined by the recommendations on the CPD. At each enterprise, they are adjusted depending on the technical condition and operating conditions of the equipment.

For each technological process of repair, "technological repair cards" are compiled for the main and auxiliary power equipment. Based on these maps, the complexity of repair, the need for materials, tools, repair parts, components, etc., are established.

For the repair of power receivers and networks, another system for the development of the regulatory framework has been adopted. Since such equipment is very diverse, it is inappropriate to develop technological processes for each type and size. For this purpose, a generalized concept is introduced-the category of repair complexity.

The repair service in the energy economy of enterprises solves many tasks. Let's list the most important of them:

• choosing a rational method of repair;

• Organization of repair work;

• technological preparation and maintenance of repairs.

The repair of power equipment can be carried out in three ways: centralized, decentralized and mixed. The most suitable is considered a mixed method of repair. In this case, the repair work can be carried out by both specialized and complex brigades.

In practice, a comprehensive team of repair workers is widely used. In this case, the management of the repair process is simplified and the responsibility of the performers for the quality of the repair and the condition of the power equipment is increased, since the members of the team alternate on duty for the inter-repair service of the site assigned to them.

Improving the organization of energy services for the enterprise

Taking into account the specific properties of the energy economy, the interconnection of energy and industrial technology, as well as external relations, it is possible to present the main directions for improving the enterprise's production processes and improving the organization of energy services.

The development of the energy economy is affected by such objective factors that reflect the changes that occur in the enterprise and its general energy system:

• Increase the level of energy-labor ratio;

• Increasing the level of energy use and, as a consequence, reducing energy and fuel consumption per unit of output;

• Increase the share of energy spent on power, high-temperature and physical-chemical processes;

• a decrease in the share of energy spent on medium- and low-temperature processes;

• increase in the share of electricity in the total energy consumption of the enterprise;

• interchangeability of energy resources.

Along with constantly acting objective factors, the development of the energy economy is also affected by uncertain and random factors:

• changing the enterprise's demand for energy resources due to deviations from the previously planned production volume and the range of products;

• change in meteorological conditions;

• restrictions imposed by higher organizations on the consumption of energy resources (limiting the consumption of electricity, fuel, water);

• Emergency disconnections of equipment and power grids, etc.

The main directions of improving the organization of energy services, taking into account the objective, uncertain and random factors acting on it, are shown in Fig. 18.

In addition, the organization of rational use of energy resources is becoming increasingly important. It provides for the technical and economic analysis of energy saving reserves, the development of OTM plans and their implementation. Energy savings are achieved through:

• intensification of technological processes and introduction of new technology and advanced technology;

• Reducing the norms for the consumption of energy resources for the production of products;

The basic directions of increase of efficiency of power economy

Fig. 18. The main directions for improving the efficiency of the energy sector

• Reduction of energy losses;

• operation of equipment in economical modes;

• maximum use of secondary energy resources. Experience shows that the reserves of fuel and energy savings are distributed as follows:

• about 60-70% give the development and use of new, more economical energy-consuming equipment, the introduction of less energy-intensive technologies, the use of automation, control, etc.;

• about 20-25% are received due to reduction of energy resources losses at the stage of consumption in the main and auxiliary industries, as well as during the transfer, transportation and storage of energy resources;

• About 10-15% can be provided by OTM, including the use of secondary energy resources.

Along with the organizational and technical measures to save fuel and energy resources, it is of great importance to stimulate personnel (primarily workers) for their effective use.