Organization of production - Kurochkin A.S.


4.1. The system of creation and development of new products (general provisions)

In a competitive environment, the company's product policy should be forward-looking. It should be borne in mind that any product eventually leaves the market and it is necessary to prepare in advance for the release of a new one. A new product implies a modification (improvement) of an existing one or an innovation significant to the consumer.

Innovation is defined as creative and successful implementation (work on the introduction) of a progressive discovery, invention or simply a concept. There are three components of innovation:

• the need to be satisfied, i.e. the function or set of functions that need to be performed;

• the concept of an object or set of objects that can satisfy a need, ie, a new idea;

• Components that represent the totality of existing knowledge, materials and technologies that have been reached, which make it possible to bring the concept to operational state.

The process of developing and mastering the production of new products at the enterprise was formed as an independent, preparatory stage of the production process and was called the technical preparation for the production of new products (goods of market novelty).

Technical preparation of production is a set of scientific, technical and organizational-economic processes aimed at developing and developing new types of products, carried out from the beginning of scientific research to the introduction of the product into operation.

Technical preparation of production includes the following stages:

• research;

• developmental;

• technological;

• organizational and economic.

The research stage covers the following set of works:

• research of the market of buyers and competitors;

• studying of domestic and foreign patent information;

• search for ideas (design) for a new product - their commercial analysis, evaluation and selection;

• development of the concept of the product of market novelty, forecasting its competitiveness, gaining market share.

Experimental design stage is a complex of works on creation of design documentation for new products (modernization), manufacturing and testing of its prototypes.

The technological stage of preparation of production assumes:

• creation and improvement of technological processes of production;

• development of a special tool, equipment and accessories;

• Implementation of plant and site layouts for the location of the production of a new product and corresponding traffic routes.

The organizational and economic stage is a complex of interrelated planning, organization, accounting and control processes, logistics, sales and financing that ensure the enterprise's readiness to produce new products.

The division of the process of creating and mastering new products or upgrading it to stages is conditional. In practice, these works are often intertwined or combined. Moreover, the process of technical preparation of production at enterprises of different industries has a certain specificity. Therefore, the system for the development and production of products for production provides for a certain composition of work and the procedure for their implementation. To a large extent, this depends on the change in production:

• introduction of new products;

• changes (modernization) of the construction of manufactured products;

• implementation of measures not related to the change in the design of manufactured products, - improvement of technology, organization of production, etc.

In the mid-1970s, the USSR developed and operated a system for the development and production of products for production. It was a set of national rules and procedures for the implementation of works on the creation and development of new types of products in all industries and included more than 20 state standards and regulatory documents.

In 1987, the International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Paris) approved a series of international standards, according to which each manufacturer of new products must comply with a certain order in its manufacture, starting with marketing and ending with the disposal of the product after its use by the consumer. In the world literature this order received the name "Quality Loop" (Figure 26). These standards are aimed at ensuring the production of competitive products.

Loop quality

Fig. 26. "Loop of quality"

In 1988, based on the requirements of the International Standard, OST B37.001.507-88 was established in the USSR, regulating the list of works of the Unified System of Technical Preparation of Production (ESTPP). This document is currently in effect at CIS enterprises, ensuring the selection and use of the most progressive methods and means of managing the process of preparing new products.

To carry out research and development work in the system of development and production for production in the USSR, there were various special organizations:

• Institutions - organizations specialized in basic research and responsible for development in a particular field of science;

• research institutes - branch organizations specialized in applied research and responsible for the scientific and technological level in a certain industry or in the scientific and technical direction;

• design, engineering, technological organizations, institutes of technical and economic research in any industry;

• installation and commissioning (commissioning) management, organizational and technical centers of scientific organization of labor, specializing in the development of developments;

• institutes of scientific and technical information and other organizations engaged in the dissemination of innovations. These organizations had a different scale of activities and subordination (interbranch, sectoral, regional), a different breadth of profile (specialized, integrated). The overwhelming majority of them had the status of state.

With the development of market relations, the so-called venture business began to be widely used. It is engaged in venture capital firms, which in the vast majority of organizational and legal status in the form of limited liability companies. They are designed to help accelerate the creation of new products.

Business in the scientific and technical sphere is always connected with the risk in obtaining the expected scientific, technical and financial results. This follows from the nature of innovative activity. Therefore, business in the sphere of creation and development of new products is inseparable from venture business - risky activity. A risky nature of the work determines the competitive struggle for the consumer.

In the system of creation and development of new types of goods and products to the sphere of venture business are such firms:

• Research, whose activities extend to the stage of research and development;

• Innovative, specializing in the practical development of scientific and technical developments;

• service (service), specializing in the maintenance of new products;

• expert (analytical, consultative), performing audit work, providing advice and providing other types of services.