Cтрахування - конкт лекцій

Theme 5. Marketing insurance

Marketing for insurance companies is a complex of approaches, which are based on the formality of the insurance policy, and the self-sufficiency:

A) the distribution of competitors' insurance products (services) for specific categories of insurance (insurance);

B) the simplification of rational forms of realiza- tion of products for a hard-core servant in advertising;

В) збір і аналіз інформації щодо ефективності діяльності страховика.

Oglyad functional zavdan, yakі virіshuyutsya zaznachenim complex zahodіv, pokazuє, scho practical zhodniy z the basic views of the statutory dіyalnostі insavikа not to be deprived поза respect of service to marketing. Pershochergove її zavdannya - poshuk chi vibіr potentіnyogo klієnt insurvik, formovaniya needy tsіnіta in insurance zahistі t zyasuvannya yogo platosprozhimostnosti. Dali marketing service is viznachaet parametrie insurance product, proposoziії shodo yogo realizatsii, zbiraye informatsiiyu in serovodischі actualnyh spizhivachiov insharivykh produktov, rozroblya recomendatsii, sprymovanni na vzroskonalennya roboti insavikova z metrou zakriplennya te rozvitku kategoriy klієntіv, poshuku novi потен potentiнихnih igrupmentіv rinku.

Marketing - tse zamkneny Act reasonably cycle yaky postіyno is staying in aktivnіy dinamіtsі i produkuє іnformatsіyno Advisory Relief nasampered, vischim Posadov ladies insurers, underwriting pіdrozdіlam, akvіzitsії that zv'yazkіv s gromadskіstyu. Such a complex is to be found behind the programs of three elements of marketing: strategic, operational and organizational. Prior to entering strategic marketing, lay down:

• insurance coverage of the yoga segment;

• viznachennya індикативних показників страхової продукції;

• the deconstruction of the proposals for the project in the course of the strategy of the insurance company.

Operational marketing:

• Analyze the on-line process of insurance;

• Profession training of faculty in those insured mediators;

• Organizing of advertising campaigns and visits to the community;

• The box that, in addition to the dodatkovyh servisnih, was delivered to the insurers.

At interorganizational marketing sessions,

• montoring the organizational vis-à-vis vis-à-vis the structures of the insurance companies;

• підвищення ефективності взаємодії structural pідрозділів страховика;

• simplification of calls for insurance of corporate culture to the insurer's personnel.

Zavdanya service marketing possible mozhet put :

1) in the form of problems - if you formulate a specific problem in the insurance policy and proponuyut rozrobiti varianti її rozv'jannâ chi uzunennya reasons, ioo called to neї;

2) in the form of tasks - on the vibe of the optimal variance of the actual mozlivich, for the specific food in the insanity of the insurer;

3) in the form of zapitiv (stinks, as a rule, to be on top of the old pi-drozdiliv chi fahivtsiv insurance) - shodo otrimannya ekspertnoy otsniki z concrete pitanny (fears of tariffs of analogous products in competitors, efektivnist novosti zakazvadzhenoi pіdrozdіlom formed by advertising, gradatsі zapitіv concrete krupi postійних клієнтів, оцінка Anchorі інструктивних матери матеріалів для страхових агенів і т. Ін.).

In the case of marketing services, the meca buti is strictly bounded by the official gliibin of the dosage, the term "vikonannya", the "ochig" ochikuvanyh materiialiv and that particular dopomoga (consultation, alternately otrymani danni tochno), yaka maє buti nada.

Okrіm іnformatsіyno-analіtichnih materіalіv, perevagoyu yakih Je mozhlivіst dopovnennya, neodnorazovogo vikoristannya, nagromadzhennya that poshirennya in pіdrozdіlah, service marketing mozhut podavati svoї produkti th at formі demonstratsіynih rozrobok.

The main means of these can be:

• conducted dілових ігор - one із nayеfektivnіshih metodіv pіdgotovki prior to the holding of important negotiations in the field of advocacy and coordination of the activities of insured parties; Nabuttya practical nachik in diyalnosti fahіvtsіv (chi insured mediators), yakshcho for funktsionannymi obovvozykami ostavnі zaluchcheni up to roboty k klієntami;

• moduluvannya that analiz of specific situations, demonstruvannya y otsinyuvannya rіznikh varіantіv dіy fahіvtsіv insavikova in roboti k klієntami;

• надачня наочних матеріалів (макетів полісів, методичних розробок, рекламних матеріалів тощо) з власних досліджень, practices of robotics in competition of the subordinates of the state dignitaries.

Odnієyu s nayvazhlivіshih minds when pіdgotovtsі service marketing kіntsevih produktіv svoєї dіyalnostі Je manifested rozumnoї іnіtsіativi, KOTRA bazuєtsya on glibokomu usvіdomlennі fahіvtsyami service prіoritetnih napryamіv i printsipіv robots insurers, i Got to metі Povny th vsebіchne vikoristannya in іnteresah kerіvnih organіv i pіdrozdіlіv insurers zіbranoї that sistematizovanoї Informácie , Scho її опрацьовує service.

Marketing and advertising in the traditional way:

• Ori-entovanova vibir potentsiynogo shtrahvul'nika, tobto for poshuk okremih category gromadyan, mentally pidibryanyh for singing signs - for a kind of labor diyalnosti; Vidnoshennyam to the mine; Regioonom of living (napriklad, orendari, vlasniki avtotransportnyh zabobiv, vantagozhovevіzniki, prazіvniki risikovichh professi tochno);

• it is orienated on the environment for insurance of the chi of the group of insurance products - medicine, vid of unhappy vipadkivs, the provision of the insurance package, hto vid'zhdzhzha for the cordon, for the safety of products, for servicemen at the time of insurance, for insurance services, for the insurance of insured persons , Zabezpetchennyi asystansom, superconstruction risiku (napriklad, with insurance vantazheoperevezen zaliznitseyu);

• it is arranged in a specific manner in the channel of realiza- tion, for example, in the form of insurances on pidpriemstva, pidibrahniy for singing horny signs (transport-expedition, tourism).

In the course of this tiie chi іnshії стадії, marketing is obovzjazkovo to demand a devotion of the subjective supply of a client before insuring the social protection of the specific insurance products. Ajer naprivablivshy insurance product will not be realized, yakschoo potentiyny klієnt do not assimilate the consumer in the same way as for the reasons for not knowing the reasons for not bringing him up to the level of the other. Tsі pіtnіnya obеdеdіng to the clearers of the form of a sociable popita (culturally insured).

Otzhe, in the sphere of marketing services, marketing dotsilno vyokremiti soi ob'ekti perchechochegory of respect:

1) the insurance field (categories of potential insurance policy insurers and insurances);

2) exhibitors of insurance products;

3) channels of real-life insurance products;

4) the form of a sedentary senator.

Insurance and innovation використовує різні тись посередників та їх комбінації. Посредницькіі functції мокуть виконувати: the staff of insurance companies, agents, brokers, banks, travel agencies, visibility, non-profit agencies, car dealerships.

Uvaga! The Law of Ukraine "On Insurance" gives the following meanings: "Insurers can recover insurance through insured intermediaries (insurance agents and insurance brokers).

Strahovі Agents - gromadyani abo yuridichnі individuals SSMSC dіyut od іmenі that doruchennyam for insurers that vikonuyut Chastain yogo strahovoї dіyalnostі (ukladannya dogovorіv strahuvannya, obsession INSURANCE platezhіv, vikonannya robіt, pov'yazanih s viplatami the insurance sum insured vіdshkoduvannya i). Strahovі agency - predstavnikami insurer і діють у його інтересах for комісійну виногороду on підставі договор зі страховиком.

Strahovі brokers - gromadyani abo yuridichnі individuals SSMSC zareєstrovanі in order vstanovlenomu yak sub'єkti pіdpriєmnitskoї dіyalnostі that zdіysnyuyut poserednitsku dіyalnіst on the insurance market analysis od Svoge іmenі on pіdstavі doruchen strahuvalnika abo insurers.

Posrednitskaya diyalnist insurance agents and insurance brokers on the corridor of non-terrestrial insurance companies in the territory of Ukraine is not allowed, but is not peddled by the international treaties of Ukraine ".

Alternative to the sale of insurance products is to become the subordination of juridical asses, to absorb the role of insurance agencies of a particular insurer. Nimi œ banks, notarialnye kontorii, tourist agencies, vіddіlennya zv'yazku tochno, yakі order with the help of its own basic dіyalnі proponuyut klієntam uklasti in order ti іnоnоh kind of insurance. Vzaєmovіdnosini mіzh kompanієyu the insurance that insurance agents - Yurydychna personages regulyuyutsya ukladannyam-General about the lands that spіvrobіtnitstvo schorіchnimi protocols to them abo contracts pratsіvnikіv Tsikh Yurydychna osіb, SSMSC Je agents for sumіsnitstvom.

The system of general insurance agencies characterizes the steps taken by the insurance company and the insurance agent. At our time, such a system is re-used in the insurance zarubovyh rinks. The general agency of phisical individuals, who are indulged in one insurance policy by insurers, represent a kind of stench in that particular territorial and administrative regency. The robot of such an agent is monitored by the inspector and predecessors of the insurance company, the yoga of the yogi has worn off. Legally vіdnoshi mіzh generalnym insurance agent that insurance company is issued a contract about prisuchennya on the landing. That kind of contract obumovleno strahuvannya Where Money Does upovnovazheny pratsyuvati agent, the maximum lіmіt riziku scho yogo vіn Mauger priynyati, teritorіalnі obmezhennya, zobov'yazannya Zi zdіysnennya that upravlіnnya contracts viplatu an insurance sum of insurance i vіdshkoduvan, rozmіr komіsіynoї vinagorodi. To the leather general agency, the coterine, you are responsible for your own robot, the insurance company is responsible for the financing of the survey (admission, payment for special services, advertising, etc.).

The general insurance agent is hired by the insurance agency, so that the zone of the service - the teritory (the concrete population centers), the office of the organizer of the sales of insurance policies. In an hour, if vzhe dyagyagnuto vidpovidnogo rivnya rozhuvannya on viznachenіy teritorії, the insurance agent mе the right to get subagentів як помічників, join them at work, відносини і and transfer part of the functions of newcomers to those services in the early stages of the agreements. In general, the subobjectivities can be interchanged with representative functions. Napriklad, vivchati rinko tak orivientuvati agenti n catering to a specific type of insurance, you can become an entertainer for the management of the private property of a small population. Subagenti invites takozh slyadachiv at the concerts of the sporting zmagannya, yakі organizovuyut із advertising method of fears of the company. Prote soi pratsivniki do not flinch directly to the insurance company.


  1. Що розуміють під терміном "marketing"?
  2. Перелічіть елементи маркетинган to marketing.
  3. Do yakіy forms and service marketing have their own services?
  4. Yakі zavdannya set of services to marketing?
  5. Is the marketing policy of the insurer straightforward?
  6. Хто регулює діяльність страхових агенів?
  7. Що є a method of advertising?
  8. Коли здійснюється мінімізація ризику?