Cтрахування - конкт лекцій

Співстрахування та механізм його дії

One and the same insurance company can take out insurance against one insurance contract and, for the sake of the insurer, the insurers.

Spivstrahuvannya - insurance, in the case of two or more insurance companies taking the fate of the visas by parts in insured one and the same risk, vidyayuchi spilni chi okremi polisi, kozhny for insurance sumu at his private part.

At the time of the dogovir moe mstiti pomovi, scho viznachayut rights and obovvozyki dermatologist.

For nayavnosti ugod mizh spivvstrahuvalnikami that insurance person one zі spivstrakvikivv mozhe vozhdeni vsіh іnshih у відносинах із страхувальником, залашаючись відповідальним before him лише у розмірі своєї частки.

When spivastrahuvanni, insurer, kotry ber take part in insurance in the private sector, pidporyadkovuyutsya umovv, uzgodzheniem insurer, scho mië bilshu parku. However, it is not zobov'azuyo yogo, yak is adopted in the proportional reinsurance, pidporyadkovuvatisya all rіshennyam lіdiroyuchogo insurer that rasprochuvati its a part of the zbiks on tіy pіdstavі, but the insurers have paid their own parcels.

Yakshcho insurance company, insuring the insurance is not on the bustle of the bag, it's clear that one is insured and is not responsible for the uninsured part. Інколи страховики, які take the fate of співстрахуванні, вимагають, Щоб страхувальник itself виступв співстраховиком, тобто утримував на власній відповідальності частину ризику.

Співстрахувальні знаки можна спостерігати на прикладі перестрахувальних пулів (об'єднань, фонів).

The pool is based on the concept of interdependence. The essence of the yogo polyaga in this is that the sum of zombies for the incoming risks is transferred to the pool, which rozpodilya prodozhennya operatsіy mіzh members of the pool zgіdno zorizmir premii, sho її transferred to the pool.

Rozriznyayut two types of bullets: bullets insure that the bullets are reinsured.

Protect the alignment of the bullets in the bullet in the course of insurance against the potential for catastrophic impairment (for example, insurance of nuclear power plants, emergency vehicles). Об'єднання страховиків до пулів відбувається також за каско суден, у разі страхування нафторизиків, коштовностей тощо.

Previously, in active regions, bullets were made for speeding up the oath of operation, reinsurance, and disappearing beyond the boundaries.

Obnedinnya insurviviv before the bullets in the right way, when carried out in the sky, in the technical view of the insured operations, there are few insignificant workers who have insured the insurance, for some of them it is important to take advantage of the special needs of the tsunami, takozh vіpravdіє діяльність пулів. There are few areas of re-insurance reinsurance pools, metahic polygal in the international rosebank.

The participants of the bullet of zobov'yazan priimati vsi zaznacheni in udo riziki tilki in the interdisciplinary pool. Vony takozh povinni primati part of all rizikah, scho transferred to the pool, chi collectively written by all yogo members.

The pool can normally function in such a way that if the rules are adopted, then all the rules and rules of the pool will be imposed, and the rates of premiès, abi uniknuti, be unconcerned, pass one participant over the others.

Міжнародним досвідом об'єднання страховиків відпрацьовані головні principally organizing. Cі principle of відображені in угоді about the pool ta viznachayut takі імі:

• the form of obedinnya (obovyazykovu chi dobrovylnu, z securennyam juridicheskoi individual chi without otrimannya vidpovidnogo status);

• the form of priinyatty chi rozpodilu vidpіdolnosti for insuring the risk: spivstrahuvannya chi perestrahuvannya;

• Type of meeting in the pool before the insurers: partkov, solidarno abo subsidiarni;

• the procedure for the insurance of insured insurance pools: in the form of virtual, obmenezhny, z urauvuvnyam vidpіdnih spetsіalnikh kriterіїv;

• the form of presentations by participants in the pool and the insurance companies, that is, insurance of the insurance contract: whether it is a member of the pool, or an underwriter, or a member of the pool;

• Installed in the pool;

• spent spnіlії polіtiki з perestrahuvannya відповідальності, що перевищує місткість пулу;

• здійснення спільної політики інвестування страхових резерів;

• Carrying out insurance on the basis of the pesky rules and tariffs.

Deykі із zaznacheniyu minds included for the sake of the insurance pool yak bezperechnі principle yogo organizatsii. Until such impeccable principals lie on the back, napriklad, otvov about spending a lot of insurance for the ingle rules and tariffs, ucovi zdіysnennya Ідиної політики з перестрахування відповідальності, що перевищує місткість пулу, ліміт його відповідальності.

On the principle of organizing the insurance pool, vsplyuyut, nasampered, so-chinniki:

• цілі та завдання, які встановлені при його створенні;

• Specificity of risks, for insurance purposes there is a pool;

• the law of insurance is the normative basis, but the regulations for the insurance bulletins at the territorial offices;

• Special attention to the national economy of the national insurance market, and the measurment of the international insurance coverage.

By the way the line of the pool is virichuyutsya soi zavdanya:

• Declare that you need to insure rizikiv, early, unintelligible, and such, as surely as possible; Such, scho ripljayutsya rіdko і not give zmogi in the time of the maximum hunt of formulating the balances of the insurance portfolio; Catastrophic rizikiv.
• For rahunok obedinenya fіnansovikh zasobіv okremih insurvivіvі відповідно збільшується місткість пулу, а and takoz pіvishchayatsya mozlivostі zavisovikіv z priinyattya on the insurance of valuable rizikіv.

• Advocate for the over-insurance of the insured person for a razoon. The guarantee of a vikonannya insured by his own obov'yazіv z vіdshchoduvannya zbitkiv. With the use of insurance zahistu, which is guaranteed by the pool, to be stored in the order, on the basis of the contract, will be insured by insurers-participants in the pool and those insurance companies: spivstrahuvannya abacus reinsurance. І якщо пул є співстрахувальним, then on the fundamentals of the anchorage: private property, salt and subsidies - the participants of the insurance pool. Forms of contracts are in place, on pidstavi yakih buduyutsya vzaemovіdnosini uchasnikiv pula, viznachayutsya ugodoyu pro pool.

One of the main principles of the organization of the insurance pool is the identification of the liability of the yogi. Ліміт відповідальності pool, chi maximal zobov'yazan'yan contract for insurance, sho ukladenii vіd іmenі pula, vystavlyuetsya in udozh about the pool yak sukupnist the maximum osyagіv vidpіdal'nostі skin dopasnik pula. At his chergo, the maximum level of coverage of a dermatologist's insurmount is reduced to 10% of the statutory fund and the formations of the insurance reserves.


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