Management of special projects (abstract lecture NDPSU)

The basic plan for the project is the basis for monitoring the drafts of the project

The basis for the move is robot - the basic plan for the project - that is, the concrete document-zobov'yazan'ya, yakomu zakozhenno planned vartizhest 'i ochikuvannyi termini vikonannya robit, z yakimi povyvnuyut actual vartizhest' and actualnye termini vikonannya. Він takozh mozhe bouti basis for the flow of streams gotivki i premіnnyh viblat. The flow of the basic plan to the project - is not seen as part of the zagal process of planning. The basic plan is an important part of the information system for the system / graph.

Basic plan koshtoricheskoe vartosty robot (BCWS) - tse Sum rakhunkiv vitrat, and kozhen rahunok vitrat - tse Suma vitrat set (packages) robot, scho enter the tzey rakhunok. In the basic plan include three types of vitrite - vitrati on pratzu, vitrati on uterkutvannya i vitrati on material. Vitrati, scho vinikayut u proodi roboti on the project (LOE) zvichayno zakladayut at priimi nakladnі vitrati on the project. LOE includes so-so operations, yak administristratna pidtrymka, komp'yutera pidtrymka, legalnye operatsii, PR tochno. Wongs for the robot package, the project segment, the tri-valued project, and are directly projected overhead. Звичайно відокоммлюють витрати LOE від vitration for працю, матеріали, устаткавання і вираховуть for them окремі коливання. Packages robot LOE povinni storazhi duzhe small part of the projected vitrate (vid 1% to 10%).

The rules for decommissioning vitrate in a basic plan

The main reason for the breakdown of the basic plan is the need to control the progress of the country and the region of the country. Otzhe, neobhimno ob'ednati oborinny plan iz sistemoyu vimiru i otsynki course robot. Vitraty potrobno podpodіlyati per hour, up to the prediction of the ex-vinynennya. At the practical integration, you can reach the vicarities of the same rules ascribed the vitrate to the basic plan, but for the move, the robot. There are three rules that can be reduced to practice. Pershy two zastosovuyutsya for znizhennya overheads of vitrates on zbіr reportinformation іnformatsії.

  1. The rule is 100% decommissioned. For the tsim, the rule is that the vikonanity of robots is spelled out, if the robot is completed. Otzhe, 100% koshtorisu mastered, if the ombden of robot tsilkom completions. Tse rule vikoristovuyut for robots with a short arc trivalistyu.

2. Rule 50/50. Цей підхід дозволяє списати 50% вагості кошторису робіт, if the robot is rozpochata, і 50% - on completed. Tse rule vikoristovoy stosovno to sets of robots in a short trivalvalu and small sprawling vitrates.

3. Rule vіssotka vikonannya. Tse method naybishe often vikoristovuyutsya keruyuchimi na praktitsi. For the tsim, the rule that steals the method of decommissioning the vitratus in the supporting plan is to carry out the parts of the translations through the extension of the period of the robot and to establish the final completion in the grotesque odinits. Наприклад, завершені одниці можуть бути використані for acquaintance with the basic vitrate і, пізніше, for виміру ходу робіт. Single rooms can be equipped with a chair, cubed meters filled with concrete, a model is fixed, etc. Such a podhid doday "obektivnist" to often vikoristovuvannih pidhodiv "sub'ektivnyh dumok." At the time of the vikonannya at the student control project, call up a visonne between 80% of the doti, leaving the robot package will not be 100% complete.

4. One rule, zastosovanim on practice, the rule of control points . Vaughn moge buti vikoristano for a set of robots in the great trivalov, de є chіtkі, poslіdnovі etapi, scho pіddayayutsya vimiru. With vikonanni dermal steppobrolyaetsya zazdalegdi set vartta vartist. The rule of control points is vikoristvuet tіh principle, but the rule of the vikonogo vidsotka (okremi, scho piddayutsya otsіnttsi Elementy roboti), to those mi not budo yogi report doslidzhuvati.

Cі rule to be vikoristovuyutsya for integrating the main kostorisu plan with the procedure for monitoring the progress of the project.

Control over the progress of the project is due to the approach to the method of graphical analisis vidhilen . In the main method, the method of step-by-step completeness of zooseconditions on two key keys:

  1. Portovnyanny vvedennoї vargosty ochikuvanoї for county vartіstyu.
  2. Portovnyannye reduced vartosty with actual vitrates.

Otsnika stream status status of the project in vicarities is given by the wartistic systems "wartness / graph" vimagae trjoh emelektiv dannikh - BCWS, BCWP and ACWP. On the basis of the dates, the SV і CV, yak, is shown in the vocabulary (SV = BCWP -BCWS; CV = BCWP-ACWP). Positively vidhilennya vkaazyet on the camp, the negative - to talk about the problems.

Basically, the meta-development progress of the robot is in the way that the yogo-mogu rannishe pomititi negativne vidhilennya vіd the plan і іn the middle of the koriguvalnyі дії.

In Fig. 6.2. It is shown that the actual design of the project is in accordance with the koshtorinous foundation, which is pledged in the supporting plan.

Graphic koshtorisnoi varostyi robot

Відхилення графіка дає загальну оцінку всіх наборів робіт project on the date of the date. It is important to know, but in SV a lot of information about critical steps. Графік відхилення від планованих термінів робіт показу зміни в русі фінансових потоків, а не в часі.

The third exact method, which allows you to dedicate the hour of the move to the project over the project, that is, the planned schedule for the project, in the actual project, count the project, the project, the project for the projects (Fig.6.2).

Fig. 6.2 - a set of incentives for the graphite koshtorisno vartostі robіt na zvіtny perіiod. Zvernit respect, gorikik focus on respect to what is acceptable to pay, and on be-good and unpleasant tendencies. Оцінка "сьогодні" позначає дата звіту (оцінка 25) і показує, on якій стадії виконання the project in dates is important. At zv'yazku tim, scho tsya system є ієрархічною, подібні граіки are possible warehouses for різних рівнів управління. Verhnya lіnіya poznachaє actual vіtti (ACWP) on the robot on the project for the present moment. Середня лінія is familiar with the basic plan (BCWS) and is assigned to the tri-valued project (45). Lower lіnіya cognate koshtorisnu vartіst actually vikonoї roboty for a specific date, for syogodny (BCWP) chi is reduced vartіst. Punctirna lінія, що продовжує лінію фактичних витрат від звітної дати до нової предзнаноїї дати завершення, are self-glossed numbers of actual actual vitrates; Tobto dodatkova інформація припускає, що витрати with the completed project budut vіdrізнятися від планинованих . Zvernit respect, trivalal project bula zbilshena i vidhilennya v sovershennenny (VAC) negativny (YOU - EAS).

In іншій інтерпретації даного граіка використовуться відсотки. Наприкінці періоду 25 for the plan guilty boolo бути виконане 75% роботи, але всегда наприкінці періоду 25 виконно лише 50%. Actual vartonost vikonoї roboti at daniem moment of storage is $ 340, chi is 85% of the pesky kostorisu project. Z graphika can be seen, it is possible prognozuvati, scho project to intervene wartivost by 12% and by 5 odnichnyi vіdstan vіd nimіchenyh termіnіv. The current status of the project is shown, but the CV is shifted to $ 140 (BCWP - ACWP = 200 - 340 = -140). Відхилення графіка термінів (SV) і від'ємною size $ 100 (BCWP - BCWS = 200 - 300 = - 100), but to talk about the look of the project від термінів.