Management of special projects (abstract lecture NDPSU)

Monitors of the state power register

Montoring of the sovereign budivnitsvta zdіysnjut otnovnovazheni lending banks. Credits vzaimovidnosinі mіzh fіnansuyuchimi banks that poshchalniki be regulated by the normative acts of the NBU і formalized by the loan agreement, the way of payment up to the recommendations Положення НБУ "Про кредитування".

Poschalniki повинні забезпечити цільове і своєчасне використання отриманої бюджетної позики та вернення її у визначені credit agreement та тапоням терміни.

For zasushennya minds of the loan agreement, the banks zastosovyot to pozhchalnikіv soi sanktsії:

- at times, the budgetary positions on the loan, not vysnachenni credit agreement, the bank pripinyayut crediting tsikh vitrat, maє right to distribute the credit agreement, the form of the pledge, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance for the privatization of the budget;

- at the time of the planned line of the schedule, the loan is to be sold before the actual date of the introduction of the rate of interest rate;

- for a fixed payment, the fee is in the rozmiri 0,07% of the sum for the day of payment of the payment for the payment of the payment.

Kosti pozhachalnikov, scho nachodit banks for korostuvannya budgetary posychoyu (vidotski), pererahovuyutsya to the state budget in rozmіrі 60%, and in times shameless penalties - 70% of the sum of soums, it is decided to straighten out the banknotes for servicing the budgetary positives.

Zgіdno з Положення about finance in the state of the credit of buds і об'єктів виробничого призначення banks on a quarterly basis, not on the 25th of the day following the quarter of the month, submit to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Finance about the budgetary budgetary positions, the insignia of the pawns, the redemption of the positon, the balance of visas for them, those fine Sanqciy.

The control over the security of those offices before Derbudzhetu koshtiv, and the control over the restraints of the project lines in the budgets of the regions, and the control over the restraints of the project lines in the budgets of the regions, are controlled by the ministers.


  1. Clifford F. Gray, Eric W. Larson. Project management. Practical guidance / Пер.с англ. - Moscow: Publishing House "The Case and Service", 2003. - p.407-457.

2. Peresada A.A. Інвестиційний процес in Україні. - К .: Лібра, 1998 р. - articles 265-270.

3. Mazur II, Shapiro V.D. Project management. - Moscow: Higher School, 2001 - p.779-800.

Питання for перевірки завоєних знань:

  1. Які роботи здійсниемться під час проведення попередньої експертизи проеків?
  2. Describe the essence of the basics of conducting an independent expert project.
  3. In chomu polyagaet sutnist postaudiutu project?
  4. Ідентифікуйте цілі постаудиту.
  5. Yak factories obomovlyuyut vyiknennya difficult in the conducted postaudit?
  6. Які переваги надає the scheme of conducting the expertise of the most important investment projects, interrogated Svitovim bank?
  7. Describe the essence of the system of control of the assessment of varosty projects to the "wartness / graph" project.
  8. Yakim chinom zdіysnyuyutsy rorakhunok vidhilen actual move of the robot of the planned graph in the system "varity / graph"?
  9. Describe the essence of the basic elements of the supporting plan for the project.
  10. Yakі rules decommissioned vitrate zastosovuyutsya to control the baseline plan?
  11. By a certain rank, the method of the granular analysis of vidhilen allows the control of the drafts of the project?
  12. Describe the algorithm of the rozraunku pokaznikiv vikonannya robot.
  13. Describe the model for the forecast of a residual project.
  14. For some documents, planning and monitoring of the investment process are carried out?
  15. Що таке моніторинг?
  16. Які види моніторингу Ви знаєте?
  17. Describe the visibility of the monitoring?
  18. Що здійснює моніторинг державного будівництва?
  19. On shcho vikoristovuyut budgetary poses?
  20. Yakі sankkії naklazhayutsya zaprashennya minds loan agreement?

Zavdannya for self-ta individualnoy roboti

1. Control of the construction of the project for the remaining period (5) showing the onset:

- Actual vitrati for period 5 to become 550 thousand UAH;

- Planning kostoris for period 5 perebvchav vitrati in rozmіrі 350 tis.grn .;

- reconsideration of riene vitrate at the time of completion of the project (EAC) to become 9000 thousand UAH;

- the sum of the adjusted project at the time (5) is 400 tis.grn;

- zagalny cobbler kostoris project (BAC) becoming 7000 tis.grn .;


A) yak vidhilennya project vіd plannannogo gorііка станом на період (5)?

B) yake vidhilennya vartosty project pit on period (5)?

C) where will the project be in front of the graph that kostorisu project?