Management of special projects (abstract lecture NDPSU)

9. Organizing a tender for projects

Contracts for the implementation of investment projects

The contract is the juridical one, the operational document, the name of the housekeeping of the parties, and that of the vikonannya.

Kontrakty povinni vrahovuvati natsionalnyi pravoV normi stosuyutsya rights vlasnosti on the land, planuvannya budivelnikh robot, zabezpechennya standards baked, insurance.

Monitors of contracts є warehousing part of the process of design works і include the following basic steps:

  1. Вибір Potential Partners.
  2. Preparation of contractual documents.
  3. Conducted negotiations that are written down to the contract.
  4. Contribution to the contract documents.
  5. Completing the contract, contracting the contract.

Type contract. For the way vstanovlenya tsіni vidilayut 2 types of contracts:

  1. Contracts for raw materials;
  2. Contract with a solid (lump-sum) price.

Contracts for vodkisduvannjam vitrat perebachayut vіdshoduvannya підрядником тієї частики витрат, які згідно до контракту, підлягають відшкодуванню.

Contracts for vishodkuvannannyam vitrate stuck in the onset of vipadkah:

- The project is inadequately detailed in order to distinguish the yogi from the solid;

- in times of need for control over the implementation of a major project;

- якщо замовник бажає здійснювати більш жорсткий control of the installation of postpaylovniki та субпідрядників;

- osoblivosty project, in the number yogo tina, do not give pidrryadniku zatsikanovlosti in priinyattti on yourself dodatkovogo risiku.

Transfers to the contract in the form of vitrification:

For the zamovnik:

- the ability to vlistivati ​​on the process vikonannya contract;

- Pributok pidrjadnika obmezheny rivnem, scho viznachaetsya rivalry;

- result in the predicted forecast.

For the companion:

- Відсутність ризику грошових збитків;

- pomarny vitrati for the fate in the tenders.

Nedolіky contract vідшкодуванням vitrate:

For the zamovnik:

- Rizik povitrati koshtiv;

- більш високі витрати on утримання контроючого апарату;

- In pidrjadnika nemeє stimulіv zmenshuvati napladnі vitrati.

For the companion:

- omegenyi rіven pributkostі;

- nayavnnst zhorstkogo operative control z the side of the zamovnik.

Contracts for a solid (lump-sum) price pobachachyut plut pidrjadniku viznachenoї tsіni nezalezhno vid otsyaga vitrate on vikonannya project. Tsei type contractov zastosovuyutsya in that razі, yakshcho draft resorbs, roboti nyomu vikonuyutsya chіtkіy poslіdovnosti, pіdryadnik mozhe himself zdіysnjuvati control of vikonannnyam robіt and ready-made brothers on themselves відповідний ризик. The breach of the existing contracts, which are propped up on the tenders, are the type of contract. Bilshist sudovihn spravov, povyazanykh z depositsnyam zmіn to proektiv, stosuyutsya sama kompanekіv z paushnoyu tsinoyu. Tomo scho be-yaki zmіni in the project means for the companion dodatkovi vitrati i vony vimagayut compensatio cich vitrat.

Transfers of contracts with a firm price.

For the zamovnik:

  1. Mensha vartistic to the project;
  2. Viznachenіst the budget of the company;
  3. Less demand from the staff, the control of the project;
  4. Вибір підрядником кваліфікованих виконавців.

For the companion:

  1. Potentzyna mozhnivіt otrimannya bilshogo pribudku;

Недоліки контраків з firmю ціною.

For the zamovnik:

  1. Less able to control the implementation of the project;
  2. Витратам приділяється більше уваги ніж якості;
  3. Neobhіdnіst rezhnoї proznyodnyi razborki project, but it will need an add-on hour and that vitrate.

For the companion:

  1. Visoka vartok in the trades;
  2. Potentzyna mozhnivist znachnyh zbitkiv;
  3. Відволікання ресурсів на підготовку пропозицій для укладання контрактів.

In the solitude of the nature of the vzajmovodsinos mizh participants in the project, they will be exposed to the following contract:

- traditional - the land of the landlord, that general (head) pidrjadnikom about budivnitsutvo ob'ektu u predpodnodnosti to the project. Yak rule, tse kontrakty t zadoyu tsinoyu.

  1. Project-budivelnі - contract, shcho perebacha vidpovidannist pіdryadnika for the project, the present one budіvnitsvtvo. Cі projects, as a rule, укладаються behind a principle відшкодування витрат for actually собівартістью plus guaranties прибуток.
  2. Contract "pіd key" з повною відповідальністю підрядника for introducing the project into exploitation. Cіcontacti ukladyayutsya for the scheme: the actual vartit plus pributok, ale mozhnivi i kontrakti s zdorovu tsinoyu.
  3. Managerial-budivelnі kontrakti, pov'yazanny from the manager's part of the project of the abonishment of the budivnitsva, yakі to take on the functions of management of such stages yak project, that budivnitsvto, and for the zamovnikom zalshayutsya functitsії poshuku ukladannya ugod s pidrjadnikami.