Management of special projects (abstract lecture NDPSU)

9.2. Principal pіdhod before formvannya a business trip

Vikoristannya methodologies of managing projects are in front of the special forces group (the project's commander), which is an independent participant in the project і здійснює managніння інвестиційним process within the project. Tsya gopupa stovorjatsya perіоd realizatsії project і після його завершення розздається.

The team of the project - the group of spivobitnikov, pidporyadkivanyh manager of the project, yaka bezpiredredo pritsyue over zdіysnennyam realizatsyї project. The team of the project is the main element of the organizational structure of the project.

Organizational structure of the project management is that of the subcontracting of the project management bodies and the project participants.

Існує two basic підходи prior to formwork to the commander of the project:

  • Provisional participants of the project (a jumper that pidrjadnik) stvojjujut vlasnі grupi, yakі ocholyuyut kerivniki to the project - vidpovidno vid zamovnika that vid pidrjadnika. Ці керівники, in its own right, pidporyadkuyutsya one project manager.
  • For the management of the project, the team is responsible for the project manager. The team consists of representatives of all participants in the project to the extent to which the rozpodil of the zones is blocked.

Organization of the robot to the project team is characterized by:

  • Chitkim zakriplennjam of the rights that obovozjjakkiv a dermal member the commander;
  • Postlіdovnoyu orієntatsієyu on the final result;

The main characteristics of the commander are:

Warehouse - tse sukupnist characteristics of the members of the commander, important for її analіzu yak єdіnogo tsіlogo. Наприклад, чисельність, віковий склад, кваліфікація тощо.

Structure - to be seen from the point of view of functions, yakі vikonuє kozhen member of the commander, and takozh z zoru mіzhosobistіshnikh vіdnosin.

Factor, I mean the principle of formulating a command to the project:

  • Specific to the project. Vona viznachaet formal structure of the command, the role of the warehouse, perelik znan, vmin, naivik, yakimi povinni volodichi chleni command.
  • Organizatsiyno-cultural medium. Zovnishne seredovische - all the factor, yaki do not lie in the commander of the project, or vplyivayut na її robot. The interior is a medium, that is organisational culture, the commander, including the method of rozpodilu vladi, the method of organizing meetings between members of the commander, the method of conducting conflicts, the organization of call-ups, and so on.
  • Specific style of vzajmovodnesin kerivnik with members of the commander. Tse style to lie in the type of the leader. Сучасна концепція лідерства formіляє такі ти керівників:
  • Lіder, yak mozhe organizuvati robot the commander on the principles of samokernіvnitva є naybіlsh tsіnim, yogi nazivayut superlіderom;
  • Strong lіder, він впливає on the member of the command with a shlash sham, they were strong, formal, formal;
  • Transactor - lider, a kind of organization is effective to the robot by the command of the state in particular forms of personal and information systems in the teams;
  • The hero-visioner-lider, who sneaks in on people by the power of a vernal perekonannya;
  • Пассіонарні особистості - лідери, які в змозі запопонувати іншим високі цілі та перекоти членів команди в необхідності досягнення цих цілей.

The specifics of the management of the command of the field are in the fact that the draft is not a traditional organi- zation, the organi- zation form is to be blamed, but the concrete draft is to be drafted. In the whole organisation structure of projects management, lie down to the ginny, administrative structures of management. For them it is characteristic і відсутість of detailed rozpodіl обов'язківі according to kinds робіт, нелікія кількість рівнів управління, decentralizatsiya прийняття рішень, індивідуальна відповідальність cutaneous member for the result of діяльності.

Pіd the hour of formulating a mission to give two warants:

  • The project is implemented within the framework of enforcement. In the case of так tako mozylic:

A) Robot on the project, yak dodatkov task. Tse means the need for robotics to be included in the commander's rhythm of robotics. Warehousness of the model of management of the field in that, through the neobihdnist vikonannya streaming robotics, the robot on the project vikonuetsya in ostannju chergo. The manager of the project moe mozmozheny vplyv on the member of the team through the presence of the hierarchy on the penitentiary.

B) Organization of the structure in the framework of the organizational structure of enforcement. With the project, the project is known to be without patronage of kerivnitsva, and the robot over the project is the priority.

D) Змішані shaping. For robotics over the project, a manager is required to borrow a loan from a kerivnitz project. Він може, в міру необхідності, залучати для роботи також інших співробітників, які, in the same hour зазаються своєю поточною діяльністю.

The model of formulating an effective commander's project

Fig.9.2. The model of formulating an effective commander's project

The approximate warehouse for the project's commander

Fig.9.3. The approximate warehouse for the project's commander