Management of special projects (abstract lecture NDPSU)

10.3. The plan for informational calls

The plan for information in the form of information includes the identification of information and communication needs of users: if necessary, if necessary, it is necessary, if they are to be known, and they will be above them. Usy proizvobuyut rassobuyut produktsi proektnoy iznformatsії, ale informatsiynі consumer і method broadens widely varіyuyutsya. Viznachennya needs zatsikavleny osib in information and presentation methods udovolennya їх є importantly chinnikom uspishnogo vikonannya project.

In the case of bolshosti projects, the part of the planning of the komunikatsi is meaningful in the very early phases of the project. Prote, the result of this process must be regularly reviewed and coriguated at times of necessity, without guarantees.

The plan for the informational call is often tisno zvjazane z organizatsіimim plannuvannam (we will describe at pidrozdіlі 9.1), oskilki organіzatsyna structure of the project is knowingly vplivaye on komunikatsіynі vimogi to the project.

Logic scheme of the plan for information disclosure

Fig.10.2. Logic scheme for the planning of information disclosure

Вхідними give for planuvannya інформаційного зв'язку є:

1. Вимоги до комунікацій - tse zalіlna kіlkіst інформаційних потребиціціціції інізації osіb project. Vimogi is viznachayutsya type і a subscription of the necessary information in the territory of the її цінністю. The resource of the project is to be screwed up with the transfer of information, such as information to the people, and it is impossible to persuade others to remain unsuccessful. For viznachennya project wimog up to komunikatsiy neobhodna іnformatsіya z such nourishment:

• The project organization and the interdependence of the implementation of the Osb.

• Напрямки діяльності, Відділи та спеціальності, що вклюі до проекту.

• Logic rіshennya about those, a kind of staff neobhіdny for vikonannya project і yogo rozstanovka.

• Calling information and information (on the application, iz from the nuts of the masovo Інформації).

2. The technology of transmission and information. Priyomi, this method, which can be visored for the informational call of the elements to the project, can be quickly and easily resolved: from short messages to expanded dates, from documents to shvidko available calendar schedules and databases. Chinniki tehnologicheski transmissions information, yakі mozhut vlyavati vikonannya project:

• The lack of demand in information - the success of the project to be buried in the fact that the squeals are often vikorized Information is available at the time of filling, chi zadovilnyi zvіti project?

• Accessibility of technology - chi vistachaє systems, yakі vzhe dityut, abo mozhe budut potribnim yakis zmіni?

• Очікуваний the personnel - chi відповідають пропоновані комунікаційні sistemi досвіду і знанням учасників проекту, abo mozhe bude potrebnym far away навчання останніх?

• Trivalal to the project - how do I need to update the technology for new projects before the completed project?

3. Obmennyony - the goal, interchange the vibrior commander of the project. On the other hand, if you want to purchase important resources for the project, then you can revisit the project-based information for the contract.

Yakshcho project vikonuetsya for the contract, існують пвнні contractіі мочи, які впливають на планування комунікацій.

4. Dopuschennya - tsuchniki, scho for the purpose of planning the sight of a true, real viznacheni. Dopuschennya zvichayno to bring a song to the world of riziku.

For the planning of an informational call,

1. Analyz consumption needs zasib. Потреби в інформації різних зацікавленийх осіб мають бую проаналізовані, in order to solve the methodical and logistical needs in information and dzherel for the satisfaction of the rest. Analis podbachaet takozh rozglyad pritannih danyogo project methodіv і tehnologiy, zavdyaki yakim podhodimme neobhіdna іnformatsіya. Slid unique zayvikh vitrat na nekorisnu інформацію чи невідповідну технологію.

The result of the planning of an informational call:

1 . The plan for managing the communications is a document, in a form:

• The structure of zboru і зберігання інформації - is more detailed about that, yakі method використовувамумуться for збору і зберігання різних тиів інформації. Procedure for obvinny takozh perebachati zbіr і поширення вже відкоригованого попереднього матеріалу.

• The structure of the wider - more detailed description of the person to whom the information is addressed (information about the camps, the data, the calendar plan, the technical documentation) and the method for the future of the country (letters, news, narrations, etc.). The structure of the project is to be consulted in the form of information and documentation, and I will describe it in the organizational draft.

• Describing the shuffled information, including the oath, zmist, rіven detailing and that vikoristvovanni ugodi-viznachennya.

• Vyrobnichi calendar schedules, in some form, if there is a zv'azok zdіysnyuvatimsya.

• Methods of access to information, but through planning channels.

• The method of calculating and implementing a plan for managing information in the process of prosecuting the project.

The management plan for the municipalities can be formal and informal, detailed and widely visited, and can be based on the needs of the project. Він є dodatkovym element element of the fatal plan of the project (described in pidrozdіlі 4.1).