The economics of agrarian applications - Andriychuk V.G.


The process of rozbudovi rinkovoi ekonomiki in Ukraine is filling the non-rotating character. Restrukturizatsіya Collective sіlskogospodarskih of companies i stvorennya on їh osnovі novih agroformuvan rinkovogo type - Selyanske (fermerskih) Gospodarstwa, gospodarskih tovaristv, the privacy of companies, virobnichih sіlskogospodarskih kooperativіv, stimulyuvannya powers pіdpriєmnitskoї dіyalnostі, of acceptance of the new Land Code that іnshih vazhlivih normative aktіv aimed at zaprovadzhennya bіlsh doskonalih Economical regulation of economy, zapochatkuvannya інтеграції економіки України у світовий ринок створюють pridtilivіshe rinkovo ​​seredovische for rozvitku vibrobnitsva in usіh spheres of economy, in number and in agrarian-promyslovom complex. Tse vimagaє digit pіdvischennya rіvnya pіdgotovki spetsіalіstіv vischoї kvalіfіkatsії - ekonomіstіv-agrarnikіv, SSMSC boule b zdatnі on temple profesіynomu rіvnі rozv'yazuvati fіnansovo-ekonomіchnі gospodarskі that problems in the minds market analysis. Вирішенню цієї problems pevnoju мірою сприятиме даний підручник. Yogo mainly methane - rozshiriti Znannya studentіv schodo dії rinkovogo mehanіzmu in agrarnіy sferі Economy, navchiti їh CREATIVE pіdhoditi to rozv'yazannya rіznomanіtnih zavdan (nasampered on rіvnі of companies), prischepiti vmіnnya ovolodіvati novimi spetsіalnimi knowledge spriyati formuvannyu ekonomіchnogo mislennya, adaptovanogo to vimog rinkovoї Economy .

In pidruchniku ​​visvіtlyuyutsya important aspects of the economy of agrarian pidpriemstv. Їx glyboque rozuminnya managers ekonomiki i vibrobnitsva є neobhіdnim chinnik priinyattya them obruntovanyh rіshen in the minds of rivalry and zmіni konjunkturi rinku. Zokrema, chіlne Location zaymaє rozglyad such vazhlivih problems yak popit i propozitsіya on sіlskogospodarsku produktsіyu i vpliv zmіni Tsikh faktorіv on ekonomіku agrarian of companies, ekonomіchnі Ambush їh funktsіonuvannya that zovnіshnє seredovische їh dіyalnostі, zamіna zhivoї pratsі kapіtalom, formuvannya vitrat in rinkovіy ekonomіtsі, viznachennya th otsіnka funktsіonuvannya avansovanogo i Vlasnyi agrarian kapіtalu of companies, formuvannya іntensivnogo type їh rozvitku, otsіnka rinkovoї pozitsії pіdpriєmstva, rinkove tsіnoutvorennya i problemi tsіnovoї konkurentospromozhnostі sіlskogospodarskoї produktsії, power vimіryuvannya that analіzu efektivnostі sіlskogospodarskogo virobnitstva vіdpovіdno to vimog novih standartіv buhgalterskogo oblіku in Ukraїnі toscho.

The structure of the office is regulated by the need for post-graduate and logistical development of the daily, interdisciplinary problems of the agrarian economy. Викладання матеріалу починається із загальних, відносно відокоммлених nourish disciplinary, prodovzhuyutsya і otveshuyutsya these problems, yakі ґruntuyutsya on earlier visiviteleny aspects of economics. Vidilyayutsya, zokrema, chotiri parti pidruchnika. Persha parta - "Entry", de rozglyadayutsya mісце і role of the galus in the economics, subject and methodology of science that is delivered to the food and services on the sylvskospodarska product; Friend - «Agrarian solutions, їх виробничі витрати та кінцеві результатти діяльності; Third - "Resource of agrarian pidpriemstv"; The fourth part - "The effectiveness of the agrarian requirements for the economic development of the country and the region".

When the material is used, the laws of Ukraine are to be enacted. Decree the Cabinet of Ministers of the Presidential Decree on the development of the agro-industrial complex and the establishment of the economy in Ukraine.

In the instincts of the Stabilization of Economies, albeit for the mundane, the development of the process of in fl ation, the guidance of a digital source of material, can not meet the absolute values ​​of the economic parameters, yaki formuyutsya syogodny. Ale tse not zmіnyuyu zagalnogo nature of the law and the tendencies of the development of the agrarian economy, visivitenyh at pidruchniku, it is not vplylivet on visnoki і recommendations, submitted to the skin of the most prominent topics.

Author spodіvaєtsya, scho Tsei pіdruchnik korisnim not bude deprivation for studentіv - maybutnіh ekonomіstіv-agrarnikіv and minutes for spetsіalіstіv i kerіvnikіv agrarian of companies, pratsіvnikіv upravlіnnya APK, aspіrantіv, Naukova pratsіvnikіv.