Охорона праці - Moskalova V.М.

5.2 Bezpeka at the exploitation of the cryogenic machinery and systems,

5.2.1 Vimogi bezpeki to utensils, but pritsyuyut pid tiskom

Prior to obladnannya, scho pratsyue pid tiskom vidnosyatsya steam and water boilers, kompresori і baloni zі tisnutim aboriginal gases. Before the dishwashers, poo ptsyutsyut pid tiskom, vidnosyatsya ємності, у яких (0,07mPa) , De V is the interior of the utensils, l.

Porushenny rules ekspluatatsiї obladnannya, scho pritsyue pіd tikom more atmospheric to bring up vibuha, and vidtak up ruinuvannya budivel i travmuvannya people.

The main reasons for failure include:

  • Lack of kvalifikatsiya staff;
  • Pravoshenny rules ekspluotaatsii, bezpeki pratsi;
  • Low labor and technological disciplinary;
  • Відсутінст нагляду і контроль;
  • Low quality of viprobuvalnih and repairing robots.

The cause of avariya is perepovonennya abo nestacha voda at the steam boiler. With the significant water repartition at once, the steam is spent in the steam engine, but the reason for the hiccups of the hysterical strikes has been strong enough to bring it to yoga.

Trivalist Vibuchu zadnannya become doli seconds, that vtobuzhnost vibuchu reach velichionnoї sili.

Vibuch chistidi pid tiskom - tse takke ruinuvannya її stіnok, with yakomu internal tisk miтєво znizhuєtsya to atmospheric. Перегріта понад 100 With water, there is a great store of energy. With a mittovoi padinnyi tyska water raptovo peretvoroyetsya a couple, zbіlshuyutsya in ob'єmі approximately 1700 raziv. The goal is to carry the name of adiabatic rosirennya (vibuha).

Енергію at адіабатичному розширенні обчислюють for the formula:

, (28)

De - Energia Vibuha, J;

, - porchatkovyi і кінцевий тиск у посудині, Н / м ;

- ob'єm utensils, m ;

- display adiabati (for the time n = 1,41).

Potuzhnіst, scho rozvivayutsya pіd hour vibuhu, kW viznachaetsya for the formula:

, (29)

De - Trivale vibuchu, with.

The main causes vibuha:

  • Pidvistchennia visk for the permissible value;
  • Механічна або хімічна дія, корозія металу;
  • Defects prepared for installation;
  • Pravoshenya technologic regime and rules of exploitation;
  • Inaccurate adherence and armature.

The cause of vibuks is the re-transformation of the metal through a high temperature and vice, to bring it to plastic deformations, and to squeeze the metal into the metal in which it is rooted out.

Mehanichnyi rozriv stinok boiler vinicіє і through lack of kіlkіst water in the bowl. At tsiomu vipadku it is warm, but for rozrakhovan on nagrivannya i viparovuvannya the water is not to be led, but peregryvaє stinky boiler. Vnaslidok razuchochisti metal stinky boiler vypinayutsya, drowned before utvorennya trishchin, z obvoyuyu yakih kotel rozrivaetsya. Poyva trishchin takozh vinikaє todi kol at peregrіti boiler to serve water. With the appearance of vipuchin, it is necessary to over-heat the heat supply and let the steam out, rather than feed the water.

Nezadovіlna yakіst drove prizvodit before utovorennya na vnutrishnih stinki nakipu, scho є nebezpechnym z fizichnoy te khimichnogo dotsoru. Statistics about those who are on the skin of 100 avaris, yakis p'yazhenyana z pravoshennyam water regime, 83 vinikayut through vidkladuvannya scum and slag, 17 - vasledidok korozії metalu, yaka mozhe buti duh type: zagalnoyu і місцевою в місцях riveting vaslіd narushennya structuru metalu .

The cause of the poshkojzhennia boiler plants - vibuchi і spalov pylovidnogo, ridkoho gazopodibnogo pyliva.

For sposterezhennya for the right robot that careless exploitation of the boiler to enjoy control, control-vimiryuvalnimi priladami that priladami bezpeki. For zrachnogo spossterzhennya їх vstanovlyuyut on the prominent mіsці.

For the sake of adhering to the control of such parameters:

  • Temperature і тиск нагрітої betting on the way;
  • The betting in the boiler and the temperature of the water, but living the boiler;
  • Рівень води у котлі;
  • Kіlkіst water, scho nadyhodit u kotel і kilkist bet, scho virobllyaetsya;
  • Вміст СО ÍH In dimove gases.

For vimiryugannya vise vstanulyulyutsya manometry, but mozhut vimiryuvati tisk at the arc of wide mezhdy - vid ten drops to tysyach kg / cm .

To regulate the thermal processes, automatic control of the boiler unit is introduced. Automatuyu bezpeki vperbachaetsya avtochne vidklyuchennya podachi gazu before palnikiv vypadku nepravnoyї robot okremih pristroїv boiler.

The main details of the automation є zapobizhnі valve, yakі automatically skottsovuyut, yakscho tisk at the boiler pidvishchuetsya to vidpovidnogo znachennya.

Before the boiler armature, you can stay in the water for wardens, for the sake of some control of the rivets in the boiler.

Steam boiler is characterized by the basic parameters: steam production, tic and temperature, and water boilers - heat production and temperature of the hot water.

Steam water boilers are installed in the surroundings of the buildings and buildings, and are operated until they are wet. "Rules for the operation and maintenance of steam and water boilers". Cі rules raspovschujutsya na parovі kotli, sho potsyuyut під тиком 0,07 mPa, water-heating boilers with temperature more than 115 FROM.

Посудини під тиском mууть бути допущені до роботи на підставі письменного розпорядження адміністрації підприємства, після прийомки їх комісією від монтажної оргаізації і наявності дозволу Держгірпромнагляду.

Vlasnik on the balance of the yakogo посу dishwasher pіd tіskom, maє zeєstruvati їh in the bodies of the Derzhgirpromnaglyadu, yakshоo вони відповідають так вимогам:

(T-100) V 5,

De t - temperature of the forced bet in the robot squeeze;

V - boiler volume, m .

Reestrujut kotli on pідставі a letter of statement of the boiler's powerboat to the anchor as follows:

  • Passport of the established form;
  • About the installation;
  • Plan for the boiler room;
  • Довідка про якість води.

Dozvіl na ekspluotatsіyu kotelnykh izvodstvovatsya після їх реєстрації та технічного oglyudu, a kind of conduct before the start (initial), periodic in the process of exploitation (planning) and in the necessary vipadkas (pozakergovy).

Technical survey of dishwashers pіd tіskom poleagє у звнішньому і внутрирішньому огляді та гідравлічному випробуванні котла під тиском (в 1,25 - 1,5 рази виже робочого).

Kotel vvazhaetsya this, sho vitrimav gidravlychne viprobuvannya, yakshchoo not vyyavleno:

  • I mean the opening;
  • Течі, слоозин і потіння у зварні зъєднаннях і на металі;
  • Zalishkovoy deformation.

Внутрішній огляд котлів здійснють not one more time for 4 rock; Гідравлічне випробування - не рідше один разу на 8 років.

Dostrokovy oglyad zdіysnjut at vipadkah kol kotel:

  • Not exploited more than one rock;
  • Dismantling and rebuilding;
  • Repaired;
  • For vimogoyu adminostratsії chi organi visually.

At avariyhnih vipadkah obsluugovuychy staff mi negoyno zupiniiti cauldron. Можливі cause avarіynoї zupinki мають бути вказані у виробничій інструкції і written down у змінному журналі.

The service personnel are not responsible for the crushing of the construction of the schodoexploitation utensils.