Охорона праці - Moskalova V.М.

5.2.2 Whiskers of baked goods during the operation of compressor plants

Compressor is a machine for otrymanya stisnutogo povitrya, sho - energeticheskim dzherlo for reduced in dyu bagatooh technologicheskih protsessiv, pneumatic tools and mehanizatsii інших трудомістких видів робіт.

Compressor (for the Latin compression - stisnennya) - stisnennya povitrya, gazu abo gryuchcho pylivno-mastilnoi sumiši in the cylinders of piston machines - compression of the engines of the internal zhoryannya і ін.

Wimogs up to the maintenanceless operation of compressor installations with the rules of power supply and maintenance of stationary compressor plants for pipelines and gas pipelines.

Prior to the compres- sion of the station, enter the radio receiver, the receiver, the lag box, the poglonniki posthtah, the device, the combo, the combo for the pulsation in the pipeline. At the reception it is necessary to takozh zhilozhenzhenya povіrya і vidokremlennya vlogy і oils.

With improper operation, the receiver can vibuchnuti. Yogo vstanovlyulyuyut pose budivlyu kompregornoї installation, to enjoy a manometer, oil and vodozbrnikami. Before the start of the operation, the receiver must be tipped, 1.5 times as long as the robot.

Повітропровід компресорної installation випробовуть гідравлічним тиском, що у 2,5 разів перевищує робочий. Result viprobovuvan zaveysat spetsialnu book, zarestrovanu in the organs of Derzhgirpromnaglyadu.

The main causes of avarios, shcho prizvodit to vibuchu kompressoriv:

  • Zlislenshnya vise povіrya vishche permissible;
  • The overhaul of the compressor into the pitch of the temperature of the clenched belt;
  • Nezadovіlna zmashchuvannya і nizhnya yakist mastil;
  • Забір запиленого повітря, improper installation and service;
  • Самоспалахування газоповітряної суміші;
  • Inadequate control of adjoining and attaching bootlegs;
  • Accumulated nagaru that charges in a static stream і ін.

When adiabatic stisneni povitrya in kompressorі zbіlshuyutsya temperature stisnenogo povіrya, yaku viznachayut for the formula:

, (thirty)

De , - the temperature is up to і після стснення, FROM;

, - the vice is pressed to the stamping, Pa;

- a show adiabati (m = 1,2-1,4).

Control and regularity of the grip in the compressor are blocked by the valves. In the automatic mode, when the compressor is compressed, the compressor is transferred to the idle speed, and the overhead is blown into the atmosphere.

With a weak grip on the mouth, the metal is exposed, and in some ways, it's possible that the compressor is not in vain.

At a grip of 5 kg / cm The temperature of the metal reaches 221 C, scho veda to viparovovannya kompressornogo oil, utvorennya Nagaru and vibuhonebezpechnoi sumyoshi, scho sprichinyaet vibuh. Vibuhonebezpechni sumysh ymyazyayutsya takozh at vsemoktuvanni an unknown zabrudnenogo povitrya.

For zabibnyannya vibuchu perebachene povitryane nebo watery hozlodzhennya that spetsialnoe kompresorne mastilo z temperatura spalakhu 216-240 With the temperature of self-sleeping ponad 400 C, scho є vishchim for the temperature of stisnennya povitrya.

Until the maintenance of the compressor installations, individuals are not allowed to be young, 18 rock-nies, attachments to the robotry behind the camp, health programs, and the right to operate the compressor units. Knowing the rules obusgovovuvannya pereviryayutsya not less than once in the ric.