Охорона праці - Moskalova V.М.

6.1.2 I'll understand that I'll burn that bezpek

Vogon, scho viyshov z-pid control, zdatniy stvoryti oseredok pozhezhi.

Pozhezha - tse protsednotkontrolovanogo gorіnnya poza spetsialnim vognishem, scho rozvivayutsya chsyі і prostorіі і є nebezpechnim for people, material tsinnosty navkolishnogo sredovischa.

Process gorіnnya, as a rule, sprinkinyayut rechovini, sho moyut pidvishchenu vognenebezpechnist.

Trivalval pozhezhi to lay down in the nature of the combustible rechovini and the magnitude of the pozhezhny navantazhennia, tobto mas of combustible materials on the territory.

The ear can be burned in the following way: yakshcho in the cold fuel to enter the heat, impulse, wax and the oxidation of the acid, begin to see the heat, yak roses in the sushi ball, in which they begin to react chemically. Швидкість пошарового розігрівання створиє ланцюгову реацію і визначає інтенсивність пожежі, що єїї найважливішою feature.

To the zone, the fuel of the rechovin and the protector of the chemical reaction is to be nazivayut front fires. Process posharovogo (lantsugovogo) rozigrivannya, zakorlennya zgoronya trivete dots, leave the whole ob'єm gyryuchoї rechovini.

Prostir yakomu rozvivaetsya pozhezha, mentally podilyayut on three zoni:

І - Zone of heat production - tse prostir, de pass through the process of heat transfer to the top of the floor, that combustible rechovina;

ІІ - The zone of the mountain - is a part of the spaciousness, the process of the thermal sprinkling of the vipovarovuvanya gyryuchoї rechovini;

ІІІ - The zone of zadimlennya - zec part of the spaciousness, but intersted in the zone of the mountain, damped with dimovi gases, but becomes obsolescent for human life and health.

Naybilsh zagaloyu power vozhstyu pozheshі є zdatnst rotten peresuvatis shakhom transfer of warmth in the zoni gorinnya in sumizhny zoni.

Pozhezhi mozhut vinikati for such obstavin:

  • In початковий період експлуатації (недоліки in projects, неякісний installation, притирання елементів обладнання);
  • In the basic period ekspluatatsii (inadequacy of control-vimiryuvalnyh priladiv, pozhreshennia bezpeki, nezadovіlny visage that іn ..);
  • In the period of the so-called "old age" elements of the technological environment (corozion, renovation works, etc.).

Pozhezhnu nebezpeku rechovin і materіalіv viznachaє sukupnist їхніх characteristics під час горіння; Widows of the widening of the vengeance, there are negative negligencies.

Pozhezhna bezpeka ob'ektiv - tse such a mill, if pozhezha neemozlimlyuetsya, and when її viknennnі zabezpechuetsya zahist people that material tsennosti.

Pozhezhna bezpeka ob'ektiv zabezpechuyutsya shtah shturennya sistemi pozhezhnoї profilaktika that active zazhist ozhezhnu.

Pozhezhna profilaktika - the complex of organizatsionnyh zahodiv that technical support, spinnovy on zapobygannya mozhlivogo vikinennya pozhezhi zmenshennya її negativnyh naslіdkіv.

The active post-revolutionary zahist is a system of organi- zations and technical assistance for the struggle with the re-ignition of negativity on the organi- zation of people and that of the material zbits.

For zapobigannya pozhezham rozroblyayut:

  • Organizatsiny visit - the right kindness to the technological process, visibility and control, navigation and IT.
  • Technical attendance - installation supervision, electromechanical installation, mode, sho viklioste іскроутворення або contact of combustible materials with heated surfaces and so on.
  • Regime of entering - a fence of a courtyard, a fence of a wolf, control of zberiganni mastilnyh materialov, promaslenichi ganchyrok i t. Ін ..
  • Tactical-profilakticnii come in - shvidka dіja poezhezhnyh commands, zabezpechennya zasobami pozhezhogasinnya i t. Іn.

Causes of the fire arisen riznomannіtі, but the processes of the mountain arcing are not folded and not zovsіm shiv vivcheni, to that they are described by the vises with no zavzhdy vdaetsya zabezpechiti povozhnu bezpeku, potrybnyi poshuki novi ta efektivnykh naukovo-tehnichnyh rishen.