Фінансовий стан підприємства та шляхи його зміцнення

2.2. Dynamics of operational cycles

Cyclic character of disagreements of acquisitions of laws by the laws of the creative process and the capital accumulation, but at the time of writing. Tsya zagalna fundamentalnaya power of the dyyalostі pіdpriєmstva nabuvaє spefifichny risi v sodezhnostі vіd galusevih mozlivostey, characteristics makroseredovishcha, and takozh vladnoї politiki pіdpriєmstva.

Operatsіyna dіyalnіst Promyslova pіdpriєmstva in zagalnomu vipadku, Got chotiroh lankovu structure: pridbannya virobnichih resursіv, pererobka sirovini i materіalіv in Ready produktsіyu, realіzatsіya produktsії spozhivacham, іnkasatsіya koshtіv penny. Neobhіdnіst bezperervnogo pіdtrimannya tsogo tsiklіchnogo obumovlyuyut processes require at stvorennі zapasіv sirovini, materіalіv i gotovoї produktsії, SSMSC vikonuyut a buffer mіzh popitom propozitsієyu i have vipadku їh neuzgodzhenostі in chasі.

H point Zora fіnansovogo zabezpechennya processes vіdtvorennya in tsіlyah pіdtrimannya bezperervnoї lіkvіdnostі, analogіchnu role vikonuє stvorennya zapasіv penny koshtіv on rahunkah pіdpriєmstva. Dinamіka operatsіynogo cycle Je s one headache faktorіv pіdtrimannya neobhіdnoї lіkvіdnoї pozitsії pіdpriєmstva realіzatsії i yogo transaktsіynogo popitu on groshі in tіy chastinі, yak yogo stosuєtsya potochnoї dіyalnostі, tobto upravlіnnya Current assets i їh fіnansuvannya processes.

Mozhlive unsuccessful in the whole technologic lancuge of the ruin of commodity resources and pennies can bring to an uncontrolled growth of consumption in turntables, and in credit vipacks - and bankruptcy. In zv'yazku s CIM optimіzatsіya operatsіynogo cycle in tsіlomu yak єdinogo trohfazovogo processes, i yogo kozhnoї skladovoї, Je Basics dosyagnennya i'm pіdtrimannya fіnansovo-gospodarskoї rіvnovagi.

So, of acceptance by rіshennya posilennyu kreditnoї polіtiki scho vіdnositsya to the Branch upravlіnnya debіtorskoyu zaborgovanіstyu, Mauger skorotiti termіni її іnkasatsії, ale Mauger negatively vplinuti on oborotnіst trademark zapasіv, prizvesti to znizhennya shvidkostі їh realіzatsії i zbіlshennyu vitrat zberіgannya. In this way, the structure of the operation in a cycle can be reduced to calling for consumer consumption in turnaround facilities.

Another butt is the intermittent burden on the management of credit losses in the settlement of the transactions in the operational cycle. So, vibir postachalnikov, scho nadaayut dovgostrokovu vidstrochku pay lenderskoy zaborgovanosti, ali yaki deliver the goods of the highest quality, can negatively vpolnuti on the process of managing inventory stocks, so as to reduce the turnover and the call to the growth of vitrates.

Know the problems that arise through problems such as rozvitok methods in managing redistributed elements of a turnaround capita and unnumbered vicarities to override the "network rugibus", permitting the sight of the operational cycle of a third tri-phase process, in which control the elements are connected to the system.