Міжнародна торгівля - Дахно І.І.

2.5. Міжнародна товарна торгівля України

At the socialistic minus, Ukraine podtrimuvala zvnіshn'oehonomichnyi zv'yazyki z 123 krainyami svitu. I will look at the command-and-administrative economy that monopoly of the state on the call of duty. The basic principle of the Ukraine is the conquest of the international trade of Ukraine. 1400 pідприємств України, що took part at звнішньоекономічній діяльності, were cherished in vassals, scho descended їм згори.

The stylus is clicked on ninіshnomu stіnі міжнародної торгівлі України. Після здобуття Україною незалежності її інтеграція у світову економіку виявилася, як і слід було очікувати, болісною. The Economist of Ukraine was included in the international trade in the race for the position of an outsider. On the basis of the post-socialist borders of the Central and Eastern Scandinavia, Ukraine, both before and after, is embraced by the exporter of sirovini ta napivfakrikativ. In the export of Ukraine metal products are handled. Drugu mісце посідає мінеральна та хімічна продукція. The output of machine-building on the back of the third tire became close to 12%.

Світова фінансова криза 1997-1999 рр. Accentuated the situation, pomitno zmenshivsya popit on the main comrade of the Ukrainian eksportsu, peredusim on metalurgyynu product.

Before the 1999 p. Зовнішньоторговельний оборот України postійно зменшувався. The water structure was heated both to export and to imports. The export of products is low and becomes zbikovich. Nayvazhlivishi galuzi promislovosti zadatto energeemnі, to that більша a part of the currencies nadohodzhen not to technically re-equip vibrochnyh tensions, but to pay for the import of energy carriers.

Oksiigy eksportu in rozraunkku per capita inhabited in Ukraine on the evil tisyacholit buli vtrichi menshimi, nizh u Polshchy, t ten times - nizh in Ugorschin. Можливості екстенсивного розширення експорту в Україні вже вичерпано, отже, існує гостра Requirement in якісних змінах, що передбачає такі заходи:

O підвищення ефективності експортних операцій;

O vidnuvlennya positsіy on traditional zinc and novelties;

O the procurement of the state regulyuvannya zovnishnye ekonomichnoi dіyalnі;

O zbіlshennya chastki kitssevoї produktsії v zagalnomu obyazі eksportu.

For the rocks nezalezhnostі істотно змінилася geographically спрямованість українського експорту. Portovenious since 1992. Part of the edge of the SND in the export of capital for the XX century was replaced by Mayzh vzvichi. The main products of the Ukrainian goods in the middle of the world are distant China, Turechchina, Nimechchina, Італія.

Оскільки a part of postanchan енергоносіїв з Росії to Ukraine has reached 50% of the Mayz, then it is economical to occupy the territory of Ukraine with a penny sushi. Speedy eksportu to the edge of SND (overdrive, from Russia) did not compensate for the conquest of new rinky.

The middle of the main negative chinnikiv, scho vplyvayut on the station of the Ukrainian calligraphy, слід зазначити такі:

O low competitiveness of goods and services (prices for Ukrainian products for 30-70% to replenish the prices of analogous products in the international markets);

O non-effective management of receipts;

O attend behind the cordon of the zbutovoi infrastructures;

O ungroundedness of the main ambushes of the economy;

O nedoskonalist method in the state regulation of the economy of zagalom і звнішньоекономічної діяльності зокома;

O slack infrastructural support;

O zastrechnya mizhnarodnoї ekonomichnoї rivalry;

O protection from the side of the non-terrestrial powers.

Characterized by the understanding of trade in Ukraine is the high pitoma of the barter than the vagabonds. Щоправда, останніми роками з'явилася тренція до зменшення їх кількості. Naybilshi otsyagi postochan on the barter basis, prispadayut Rosiyu, Bilorus, USA, Nimecchin and Turkmen-Nistan. In export for barter services, they can transfer metal and virobes from them, ore, concentrate, zukor, confectionery virobi, transport zasobi, mehanichne machines, utilities, organichnye himichnye rechovini. The barter in the sphere of import is broadened to the palynno-mineral resource (in addition to the number of naphthas), electric machinery, wear, rubber, gumovi virobi tochno. Slid takozh zvernuti uvazu on those, scho Ukraine nalezhit up to the group of 10 naybіlshih svіtі kraїn - експортерів зброї.

A positive result in the sphere of the international trade of Ukraine is the opportunity to engage in the implementation of the regulation of the call for economic development (in addition to the number of legislative acts). Accepted, zokrema, Єdiniy mitni tariff, Antidempinoviy code, Mitniy Code of Ukraine. National regulatory and legal framework is given in the case of international law. Лібералізується reguljuvannya zovnіshn'oehkonomichnoї діяльності regime, postpozhno znizhuyutsya tariffs, ask for procedural control.

In the 2000 p. Z'yavilas positive dinamika pokaznikiov zovnіshnogo torghivlі Ukraіn, trіvala і іn the approaching році, - звнішньтоторговельний turnover of goods and services, decreased by 9.7% and became close to $ 37 bn. Obligations to the export of goods and services increased by 10.2% and stood close to $ 20 billion, the Obligations to the IM against the debt of 9% and became close to $ 17 billion. The trade balance balance was positive.

The commodity structure of the Ukrainian goods was exported, the part of the product of the metalobrobnoe of the machine-building gallows in the zagalniy structures to the export of goods from the 2001 p. 14.2%, and agricultural products - 10.8%. Metalurgical complex prodzhuyue zabezpechuvati tretinu zagalnogo otnagu eksportu kavkaz.

In the 2001 p. Oksyag eksportsu goods to Rosії becoming 22.9% of the zagalnogo oksyagu eksportu, and importu - 37,4%.

Потенційні переваги України для розвитку міжнародної торгівлі такі:

O Reserve mineral and syringes resources (Ukraina Volodya 5% svitovyh storyv mineralogo sirovini);

O pridlivlivi klіmatichnyi umovi i rodyuchi zemli;

O Implications of the infrastructures for the ambassador of the ambassador (zokrema z mіzhsprjatnogo transit naphtha th gas);

O great potential of the visco-technical promises.

On dumku fahіvcіv, слід вжити таких заходів для поліпшення зовнішньої торгівлі України:

O підвищити рівень і якість продукції чорної металургії and that important machine-blowing;

O to develop a competitive virbitnitsa agrarian-promyslovy complex;

O to develop the export of rocket and technical vehicles;

O rozvivati ​​і modernizuati transportnu infrastrukturu;

O pick up a non-terrestrial capitall for priskorennya modernizatsii;

O stanoviovati novy galuzi ta vibrochnitsva (rіdkіsnozemelnі metali, komp'yuteri, microelectronika тощо);

O bred the international tourism to the holy river;

O Stiriiti marketingov ta servіsnі mnezhi in the international markets;

O збільшити закупівлі for the cordon of new technologies for securing newcomers to the national antiviruses;

O actively proprovazhuvati international standards and procedures of certification;

O використовувати політичні таiplomчні важелі впливу для забезпечення участі України at the great international cooperative projects;

O with a strong order to secure the information in the form of a call-up of the economy;

O Adequate financing of the financial mechanism of export. Насамкінець слід нагадати читачеві, що в Україні публікуться

Two statistical dovіdniki "Україна в цифрах" і "Statistical brokerage", in which there are tables on the granting of shodo-zovnishnoeeconomychnyi diyalnosti, in addition to the number of international trade in Ukraine.