Міжнародна торгівля - Дахно І.І.

4.2. Contract within the framework of the Svitovo Organizatsii Torgovli

The basic principles of international law are the following within the framework of the Svitovo Organizatsiia Torgovlja:

1. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Stochuyut torgіlі goods.

2. The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). Stochuyut traded with the service.

3. Ugoda about the trade aspect of the rights of intellectual property (the Agreement of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - TRIPS). Tse lanka, scho pov'yazuє інтелектуальну власність з торгівлею.

Same on the cich trioh "pillars" is "budivlya" Svitovoi organizatsii trades.

The result of the Uruguay Round of negotiations GATT is financed by such documents:

A. Marakeshka for the purpose of establishing the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization.

B. Multilateral Agreements:

1. In the sphere of trade in goods (trade in goods) - General information on tariffs and trade in 1994 p.

Associated Agreements:

O The pleasure of draping art. VII GATT 1994 p. (The agreement on the implementation of the Article VII of GATT 1994, Customs Valuation);

O Advantage of the Advancement Inspection (PSI) (Agreement on Preshipment Inspection - PSI);

O Ugoda about technical barteries in trade (TBT) (Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade - TBT);

O Ways to apply the sanitary and phytosanitary approaches (SPS) (Agreement on the Application of Sanitary & Phytosanitary Measures - SPS);

O Advantage of the Import Licensing Procedure (ILP) (Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - ILP);

O The benefit of the entry into the wilderness (AS) (Agreement on Safeguards - AS);

O Subsidies for Subsidies & Countervailing Measures (SCM);

O The pleasure of draping art. VI GATT 1994 p. (Anti-dumping agreement) (Agreement on the Implementation of the article of GATT 1994, Anti-dumping - ADP);

O Ugoda pro povzjazanni z Torgovleju інвестиційні заходи (TRIMS) (Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMS);

O The benefit of textiles and clothes (ATC) (Agreement on Textiles & Clothing - ATC);

O Agreement on Agriculture (AA);

O Advantage of the Rules of Approach (APO) (Agreement on Rules of Origin).

Домовленості і рішення:

O Homeownership of GATT 1994 p. About payment balance (Understanding of Balance-of-Payments Provisions of GATT 1994);

O Rishennya about vypadki, for a yakim mitnі admіnіstritsії majut pіdstavi sumііvatiysya u pravdivostі chi ukrawnі zadeklareno вар vartostі (Decision Regarding Cases Where Customs Administrations Have Reasons & Doubt the Truth or Accuracy Of The Declared Value (Decision on Shifting the Burden) Of Proof));

O Homeownership about tlumachennia st. XVII GATT 1994 p. (Derzhavnі pokeditelnі pідприємства) (Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII GATT 1994 (State trading enterprises);

O The information about the rules and procedures, to be prepared for dealing with disputes (Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes);

O Domovlennost pro tlumachennya item 1 (6) art. II GATT 1994 p. (The Importance of Tariff Deeds) (Understanding on the Interpretation of the Article II: 1 (6) of GATT 1994 (Binding of tariff concessions).);

O Decision on Trade & Environment.

2. Trading services.

The general status of trade with the servants (GATS).

3. Rights Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs).

V. Plural trade agreements:

O Agree on Trade in Civil Aircraft;

O Agreement on Government Procurement;

O International Dairy Agreement;

O International Bovine Meat Agreement. By the basic method of the General State, the tariffs and trade conditions of the securitization of the liberal and the commercial trade system, the yak dae zmogu pіdpriєmstvam kraїn-iznev zdіysnjuvati trade dejalnist on the ambush of good competition. Існують такі основні правила, визначені GATT:

O захист національної промисловості лише за допомою тарифів, країнам-член забороняється проваджувати кількісні обмеження. Є the bow is interchanged with the letter of the rules;

O Privjazuvannya tariffs. Кожна країна має свій графік зниження тарифів, знижені тарифи забороняється підвищувати;

O the regime of the national economy, which means that the tariff is to be stuck on the nondiscrymnative basis until all the world. Vinyatki z cogogo rule stosuyutsya kraїn-iznev regionalnyh ekonomichnih ugrippovan і kraine, scho rozvivayutsya. For such a region, you can pre-charge preferential tariffs, and do not invoke the rules of the rules;

O the principle of national treatment, the elimination of the disinflation of import goods in the form of commodity products, and the preparation of national economic policies.