Міжнародна торгівля - Дахно І.І.

4.2.12. General business with trades

Since 1947 r. The international trade in goods was regulated by the GATT regulations, and the baggage-related international law was regulated by the boules before the VIII (Uruguay) round of negotiations of the GATT. Within the framework of the round of boules, the General was laid down for the purpose of trading with the ambassadors, which is meticulously sounded by the GATT method. Putting GATT to zasosovuyatsya from the GATS z Urauuvannami specifichnyh osoblivostey ambassador.

In the main text GATS zafiksovano concepts, the principle of the rule, but zagalom stosuyutsya trade with the services. In additives to the site, the principles and rules are formulated, but one hundred and one of the last ones are seen.

The general purpose of the trade with the services is to broaden the services, but to rely on commercial ambushes both by the companies of the private sector of the economy, and by the firms that are overstaffed by the authorities to supervise them. GATS does not expand its services to the regulators of the Ruhu of the judging and judging of the rights. Services, yakі nadayutsya udarovyvat agencies, vivedenno z-pіd дії ради, before them zastosovuytsya poslovnya Угоди про державніі мовлення.

Zagalnye zobov'yatnya GATS stossuyutsya:

O zastosuvannya up to the international trade with the ambassadors to the regime of national self-reliance;

O transparency of regulations;

O взаємного визначення кваліфікаційних вимог до надавачів послуг;

O the rules of the monopoly of monopolies, exclusive services suppliers, those of the public administration, of the competition;

O заходів лібералізації торгівлі, zokrema such, yakі perebachayut zrostannya rolі kraїn, scho rozvivayutsya.

Ugodoyu buv vestanovleniy 10-rіchny perehіdny perіod for usunnenya vіnyh vinyatkіv іz zastosuvannya natsії naibіlshogo sprijannya regimen, scho mali mіsce sered six tsyatkіv kraїn. Наприклад, країни Північної Європи надавали пільги північноєвропейським фірмам, що співпрацювали у spheresі технологій для захисту довкілля. Країни Європейського To the Union of Bulls it is prejudiced preference fences in low інших країн світу.

A well-known good before the time of falling asleep at the skinheads of the territory, taking part in the "dovykodovo point", de-nisi krainei zmozyut oderti potrybnu Ім імформацію about the legislation of the international trade. Information at such points is given to the zvernennya for it through the national public services. Obviously, such an order of rectification on the changed stream of transfers to the non-terrestrial powers, the secrecy of bagativities can be summarized in the national orders.

To the messengers, I am assured from the edge, I am rooted, information is given to me without any reason in so-called contact points.

The right to attachments has been submitted to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the license of those documents. GATS заохочує країни-учасниці укладати двосторонні та багатосторонні угоди ododnogo vznamnnya viznannya (mutnal recognition) кваліфікацій, необхідних для отримання документаів, що підтверджють right to наданя послуг. Takі sistemi vzemnogo viznannya slіd trimati vіdkrtimi for priadnannya before them (accession) інших країн-учасниць, якщо вони ведун, що їх національні стандарти і вимоги відповідають міжнародним.

By the sake of the enemy, you go in order to lock out the zlozhivannya monopolnym stanovishchem exclusive incomparable nadavachami ambassador. Yaksho at pevnіy kraїnі zakalasya situatsіya, for the rivalry at nadanni sgig intervene, then інші країни мають the right to consult with her with the method of replenishing the admission.

Zahist natsionalnogo nadavacha ugod vbdbuevaetsya not for dopomogo zahodiv, scho vzhivayutsya at the cordon, and as a result of the legislative regulation of zarubizhnih direct investments.

Zgіdno z General'noi gruzoyu z torglivi sobov zobov'yanya kraine uchasnitsch schodo lіberalizatsii access to rinkyv vikonavatis for the importation of entries to the national legislation, creeping in a wide way zastosuvannya principle of the national regime to the unofficial nadavachiv obesg і servіsnikh prodacts (service prodacts). Mayut osuvatisya so obmezhenya:

O shodo іndivіdualnih i zagalnikh іnvestitsіі іноземців у областиі послуг;

O zasnuvannya іноземцями закладів, що надають послуги;

O кількості видів has served that їх занального обнагу;

O the number of competitors in a particular sector;

O Organizational forms of pidpriemnitskoe dіyalnі;

O zagalnoy chiselnosty nadavachi sent to the market.

The principle of the national regime is guilty of nagging margins in the outcome of negotiations with other partner countries, with sectors that scrape away, sector conditions, conditions, and qualifications for branding the principle.

Відповідно до угоди насамперед слід лібералізувати access to ринків has served надавачам з країн, що розвиваються. Tsim kraїnam dozvolyaєtsya zhorstkіshe zastosovuvati protektsіonіzm natsіonalnoї іndustrії poslug, zokrema, dopuskati іnozemnih konkurentіv from Mensch Quantity sektorіv, lіberalіzuvati less then tipіv lands and takozh vimagati od іnozemnih іnvestorіv utvoryuvati spіlnі pіdpriєmstva s natsіonalnimi nadavachami poslug i nadavati natsіonalnim kompanіyam access to Informácie іnozemnih kompanіy that їh kanalіv Zbutu.

Zgіdno з вимогами ГАТС національне Legislation on the international trade of goods is vikorovuvuvatisya obryontovano ob objectively, the right to vikonannya has to be applied to people without bureaucratic calls, such can not be zastosovuvati obedzhennya schodo international transfers and payments (international transfers and payments), yaksho kraїna not mie Serious problems with payment balance.

The situation is piqued, but the kraini-chleni conduct a meeting with the delegates to talk about the supply of subsidies and services to the international trade missions.

The GATS has a fixed position, and regulates vinyatki із zagalnih rules of the country (at the risk of economic unintegration, payment balance, integration of the market, etiko, health of the people, the hunt of the mediocrity, bezpekoyu powers).

The ombudsman has access to the market in order to supplement the principle of the national regime in order to subscribe to the horizontal, tote, so that the whole range of services is to be assigned to the whole complex, and speci fi cally, to conserve the sector of services.

Practically all omegzhennya so zvanih horizontal zobov'azan (horizontal commitments) stosuyutsya igg, for nadannya yakikh neobhhdna komercicnaya presence at kraїnі-importeri, and takozh peresuvannya fizichnih osib. Economically, the edges of the sky are not horizontally horizontally interlaced with the commercial presence of commercial landowners. Horizontally zobov'yaznya y zvoyazyu z rukhom fizichnikh osib stosuyutsya pereproitelno vnutrushnih peresuvan at kompaniyakh "keyovogo personnel" (essential personnel) - managerів і технічних працівників, а and також неривалих візитів ділових відвідувачів (business visitors).

Krajni, scho rozvivayutsya, vygystyayut for those who could not be professionally pratsyuvati behind the cordon without the assimilation of their companions and the formation of commercial presence. Do not completely economically divorce the weather from such a point of view.

Krayini, scho rozvivayutsya, perebachayut at his horizontals zobov'yazannah soi obmezhenna shchodo komercynogo presence:

O Presence is allowed to deprive the form of a joint venture (joint venture);

O foreign landlord is not allowed to take control of the majority share package of the spindle;

O пвнана кількість членів правління it is guilty of buti by gromadyanyami danoyї kraїni;

O a non-terrestrial postmaster who is technically advanced (advanced technology and managerial experience);

O The landlord is guilty of failing native workers;

O a non-terrestrial liaison officer in the subcontractors with local subcontractors;

O a non-terrestrial liaison officer, maє chіtko and shvidko zvіtuvati (to furnish accurate and prompt reports) about his dіyalnіst.

The order of the horizontal strikes is the sectoral commitments. Economically, the retailers reserved for themselves the right to vstanovlennya obmezhen in all sectors. Kraїni, scho rozvivayutsya, viyavili bil'shu gnuchkist i igopili omezhenu kilkist sector (limited number of sectors).

Зобов'язання і обмеження щодо комерційної Presence of these sectors:

O Budivelnі ta povz'yanyі z them інжинірингові послуги;

O sotsial'ny, z zherroni zdorov'ya tak poveshana za them sgomi;

O management consultancy services;

O financial services.

Otzhe, vyatі kraїnami zobov'yazannya slіd rozglyadati yak first krok u svjatmі lіberalіzatіz mіzharodnogo torghіvіі slegami. The roster of the effective and inde- pendent services has been designed for the baiting of the territory. The tertiary sector is represented by its own development in the second sector of the economy, and is growing. Ці країни надаі момуть скористатися вигодами від співпраці з іноземним почальникам posig. Marriage інформації about commercial technic aspects of the service, yaku bazhayut oderzhuvati kraїni, scho rozvivayutsya, pevnoyu mirovu usuvatimetsya zavdyaki pryvrneny rozvinenimi kraynami "contact points". Інформацією про національне законодавство у областиі послуг і practice yogo zastosuvannya mozhut skoristatisya allі kraїni-uchasnitsi. Фізичні individuals miyut ninі bіlshі mozhilostі for nadannya іsg, not іnstoryuyuchi for whісh form of komercіynoї presence at kraїні-імпортері. Slid all the same vrahovuvaty, sho shansi fahivtsiv shchodo nadannya served for the cordon zrostut, yakshcho stink at himself at batkіvschinі diyut at the warehouse juridicheskogo individuals (juridical personality).

Лібералізаційні go in to see the world of trade with the services of the world, and grow. Спільні підприємства, уворені юридичними та / або фізичними особы цих країн, mozhut uspіshno konkuruvati з фірмами економічно розвинених країн, especially at the front end of the kraїnam, scho rozvivayutsya.

The general status of the trade with the services is the following:

O Додаток about рух фізичних осіб, які надають послуги відповідно до угоди (Annex on Movement of Natural Persons Supplying Services Under the Agreement). Predbacha, scho, the service is given up to specific goals, specific obligations, by the use of kraine-mi-importerami.

O Supplement on financial services (Annex on Financial Services). Cost of insurance and reinsurance, banking and financial support, zokrema, let's help the krains to live in zahodiv, crocheting on the zahist of interests of investors, depositors, and authorities;

O Supplement on telecommunications (Annex on Telecommunications). Predbacha, scho until all the other countries have postponed the regime of the national economy and the principle of the national regime, including access to the hinterlands of telecoms, customs and services. Zgіdno z hodoyu not vimagaetsya zastosuvannya zaznacheny principles to the cable mini broadband radio programs (cable or broadcast distribution of radio and television programming). Krajnam, scho rozvivayutsya, permissive prokvadzhuvati rozumni umovi (reasonable conditions) for the purpose of national communication and telecomunication and infrastructure, and the strengthening of the participants in the international trade of telecommuting messages;

O Dodatok about talking about the basics of telecommunications (Annex on Negotiations on Basic Telecommunications). Stasuyutsya negotiations on the lіberalіzatsiyu mіzhnarodnikh komunikatsіynih igzg, scho nadayutsya na velikі vіdstanі;

O Dodatok about talking about the maritime transport services (Annex on Negotiations on Maritime Transport Services). Поширюється на морські перевезення, допоміжні сервиби, access to ports of exhortations і їх використання. The rules of the GATS schodotskogo sector is not zastosovavlisya before dialing chinnosti dodatku for the results of negotiations.