Міжнародна торгівля - Дахно І.І.

4.2.15. Ugoda pro vozdevelnyi asyte of rights інтелектуальної власності

Цією угодою віоленні мінімальні standard і з іророни інтелектуальної власності procedure і заходи для їх дотримання

(Procedures and remedies for their enforcement). By the same means, the international mechanism of consultation is seen, and the front-regions of the member states are marked with standards.

Pid hour of robotics over the enemy is rife with the international conventions in the spheres of human rights protection and telecommunications. Ugod stosuєtsya ob'єktіv інтелектуальної власності:

O patent;

O copyright and rights claims (copyright and related rights);

O trademarks (trademarks);

O promyslovy zrazkiv (industrial designs);

O topographies of integrated circuits (lay-out designs of integrated circuits);

O commercial information (undisclosed information);

O the sign of the geographic march of goods (geographical indications);

O anticompetitive actions within the framework of contractual licenses (anti-competition practices in contractual licenses).

Unjustified vikoristania ob'ektiv інтелектуальної власності є pusheshennyam rights vіdpovіdnih vlasnikіv, and the friend, vygodovlenі such a way, vvazhayutsya "піратськими", пo counterfeit.

Economically, the regional authorities have been forced to reinstate control over trade in consignment goods within a few hours of the current round of negotiations of the GATT, and thus to expand the minimum standards for the protection of rights and intellectual property in member territories.

The basic position of the land is to be subordinated to the group:

O the main principle of crawling;

O Minimal standards of hunting;

O Intermediate Practice (restrictive business practices);

O primusov doktrimonya rights інтелектуальної власності (enforcement of intellectual property rights);

O перехідні положення застосування угоди на національному рівні. A well-known fact is peppered with a greedy treatment of the regime of national liberation and self-determination to the principle of the national regime.

Згідно з угодою виокремлюють soі критерії патентоспроможності винходів:

O novelty;

O Inventive step;

O promyslova zastosuvannya (industrial application).

Patents of mating can be seen in the wells of technologies. The objects of winemaking are the processes and products. By the law, it is indicated that the rules of the law and the provisions of the wineries can not be used:

O діагностичні, тератичні та хірургічні методи лікування людей і тварин;

O roslini i tvarini (krim mikroorgganizm);

O biologicheski protsessuvannya roslin and tvarin.

Охорона сортів рослин має vідбуватися for the procedure, an accredited Convention on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants. Критерії охороноспроможності сорту такі:

O distinction;

O availability of single homogeneity;

O Stability;

O novelty.

In obedience to chitko viklyuchny rights of patents-ласників. The product, vizgotovlenii iz to zastosuvannami patented vinahodu, mozhna vigotovlyati, prodavati neobimportuvati lishe z dozvolu vidpovidnogo patentsovalasnik.

It is not possible to viscovyvuvati patents spisib without zgody pentovalasnika and sell the product, product without any harm in a zither way.

In front of the car, the chicks of the primusovaya litsenzuvannya - vinyatkov and surround (exceptional situations), obektivnist (objective basis), non-exclusive use, vinotroyna (adequate remuneration).

Submitting an application for a patent, the applicant is required to provide information about the visa so that it is possible to visualize the fault in the art (the invention is carried out by a person skilled in the art).

Create, on yakі broaden the author's right, smudge the origins of the author (original).

By the law, it is indicated that the special rights of author's rights (moral rights) are registered. Sumizhnim vvazhayutsya rights:

O виконавців;

O Виробників аудіо- і відеопописів;

O Organizing telephoning and radios.

Ugoda pro Torgovelnі Aspect of the rights інтелектуальної власності доповнює Burnsu convention on the protection of literary and artistic creatures (1886 р.) І Genevsk conventions about the author's right (1952 р.) Schodo such ob'ektiv:

O Computer programs of databases;

O rights of sale on computer programs, sound recordings and films (rental rights to computer programs, sound recordings and films);

O the rights of vikonavtsiv (performers) and producers of phonograms (producers of phonograms);

O the rights of organizing organizations. Signs for goods and services are indicated by signs or combinations of signs, for some kind of goods or services of undertaking can be obtained from such goods and services. Vlasniki zarestrovanih signs to wield the right to secure the third persons vikoristvuvati ідентичні або схожі signs for тих товарів і послуг, for certain zarechstrovanііііпповідні signs, якщо таке використання можешь в оману (to cause confusion).

Zgіdno z podlozhnymy krai kraїni maiyut pripinyti practice, for the alleged vikoristana of a non-terrestrial trademark, it is permitted to deprive a person of his nationality. Zaboronetsya takozh prokvazhuvati schodo znakomv specialnyh vimogi (special requirements), yak zavazhayut vidriznyati signs one of one. Умови видачі ліцензій і від-столення знаків належать до компетенції держав, але угоюю не дозволяється пов'яззувати вичу лиіцензій або відступлення знаів з відчуженням того бізнесу, де використовується знак.

A well-known favor is indicated by the singing of criticism of the shodovu skasuvannya reestrazії znakіv (napriklad, bezpervnne їх beskorystannya vprodovzh shonaaimenshe tryokh rockiv).

Let us propose to invade the ornamental features (ornamental features) of virobes, for example, shapes, lines, motifs, colors.

Zgіdno з Ugodoyu pro Torgovelny aspect of rights інтелектуальної власності критеріями охороноспроможності промислових зразків є originality and originality. Vlasnik promyslovogo zrazka, yakomu nadana ogrona, mi viklyuchne the right to yogo vikoristania, and takozh right oboroniti third persons vigotovlyati, prodavati nebo importuvati virobi, scho vtilyuyut vidpovіdnі promyslovy zrazki.

The designation of geographic march of goods is signified, the purity, the reputations and the characteristics of the items are geared to the geographic walks of goods. It is advisable to keep the people of zobov'yana not reestruvati commodity signs, but to deceive the deception of geographic goods (misleading indication of the geographical origin of goods).

The face is peppered, but the secrets of the trade secrets, in other words, the know-haw (know-haw) is to apply the right of the hunter.

In ugodi secrets, vibrobnitsvah is indicated as a yak ob'ekt vlasnosti і zaznacheno, sho vlasniki povinni mati mozhivіst zapogygti rozkrtyu (to disclose), won (to acquire) abo vikoristannu (to use) їх third persons всупереччесій комерційній практиці (contrary to honest commercial practices) .

In accordance with the agreement of the topographic integrators and microcredits, they are to be protected against the Washington Treaty by the Treaty on the Intellectual Property of Microcircuits (Washington Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits, 1989).

In ugodi zafiksovano, sho іmport, sales of virobіv, in some Vikoristani topographic integrators, without permission for the right holder (right holder) і is illegal, in the presence of vipadka of a so-called innocent pilgrimage.

Ugodoyu is recognized as minimally permissible for the protection of rights in the sphere of telecommunications. Наприклад, патентований винахід охороняється впродовж 20 років від дати подання відповідної заявки, прорысловий зразок - щонайменше 10 років; Trademark - 7 rocky dates of the first day of the registration (initial registration) of the subscription date of the crochet ponovlenya.

The TRIPS is peppered with the possibility of combating iz with zlozhivannami in the side of the authorities with the rights of intellectual property. Tse mozhe mati mіsce тоді, if the bureaucrat is untranslated in the middle of the trade, negatively vplyvaє on the transfer of technology.

In ugodi zaznachaetsya, scho norms of legislation in the sphere of telecommunications, it is not enough to flaunt, but to vikonuvatisya, in podshennymi slid borotisya, spirajuchis on norms tsivilnogo, administrativnogo i kriminalnogo law.

The situation is perechachcheno perehiodnyi periody for the different groups of krais, in the course of which national legislation does not exist. Наприклад, найменш розвиненим країнам на це відведено 11 років (until 1 січня 2006 р.).

Ugod pro prokvodelnі aspect of rights інтелектуальної власності можна розглядати як інструмент глоної гармонізації стандартів у областиі охоруни прав інтелектуальної власності, що требоє значних змін передусім із legislative regulation of the telecoms and laws in the regions, шо розвиваються. Окремі з цих країн повинні впровадити охорону фармацевтичних і хімічних товарів. At bagatooh kraineh at the time of settling down the lands of the bula vyssutnya legal hunter's computer kobe'pechennya, sorts Roslin tochno. Інші групи країн теж мають виконати пвну роботу у цьо напрямі.

In the past, reverse engineering was vikoristivavsya yak importantly dzherelo technology for kraine, scho rozvivayutsya. It is a pity to transfer the technology to the front of the commercial ambushes, but can intercept the secession of the spillovers and the development of other forms of international transmission and technology.