Філософія: мислителі, ідеї, концепції - Kremen V.G.



"The heart of the ludina is the center of respect for the Індійської релігійності. Індуси - найбільші майстри в дослідженні residual, прихованого to the center of our "I", нашої самості. Up to now, the entire wisdom is crooked. "

Індія - a colic of pradavnyої culture. Romain Rolland, Saying, about spirituality Zhittya іndіytsіv, vіdznachiv, scho tse єdina Krajina in yakіy vtіlilis Bazhannya lyudstva de protyagom troh tisyach rokіv growth "tree the Dream", yak postіyno vіdrodzhuєtsya. Perche Jerel information The davnoіndіyske suspіlstvo Je Texti іnduїstskoї culture, not slit povnіstyu rozshifrovanі, SSMSC zbiralisya protyagom dev'yati stolіt (1500-600 pp. To AU.). Vony distali nazvu vedichnoi literatury, and in the bolsh piznіy period already wit the vigil of books. Hoca vedichna literature Got relіgіyny zmіst, won takozh mіstit danі about spirituality Zhittya, ekonomіchny rozvitok, svіtoglyad of toscho hour.

Vedichna literature formuvalasya od cob populated Іndії i to viniknennya Perche powers SSMSC ob'єdnuvali velikі teritorії. Kochovi tribes peretvoyuvalis on difentsitsiovane suspilstvo s rovinnoyuyu infrastrukturoyu, doshit hi-tech rivnem rozvitku saborobstva, crafts and trade. In chiomu suspilstvі vidiljayutsya chotiri stani: brahmani - priests and Čęci; Kshatrії - воїни і представники колшньої племінної влади; Вайш'ї - землероби, ремісники, купці; Shudri - bezposerednyi vibrobliki, zamozhdi tararki populated. Nadal sotsialnaya structure suspilstva pochinaє zmіnuvatisya, i zgodom ymyuzyovatsya folding system riznomanitnikh castes.

Vedichna literatura duzhe riznomannitna, іїї text can be subscribed to the group. Naidavnisha group - tsechori Vedi ("Veda" - knowledge). Head of them - Rigveda - zbirnik gimniv, yaki were formed in the course of the trivial hour before the XII century. To ae. Y X st. Before the eu. Brahmani was announced as keeper of the Vedic ritual, the basic zakih - Shatapathabrahman (brahmana hundred shlyahiv). Zakіnchennya vedichnogo perіodu presented Upanіshadami, SSMSC vіdіgrali duzhe vazhlivu role in rozvitku relіgіyno-fіlosofskogo mislennya davnoї Іndії.

Lead - rіznomanіtna system poglyadіv that іdey: od obrazіv mіfologії to Perche sprob stvorennya fіlosofskih poglyadіv on Butt, Sens lyudskogo Zhittya. Acting gimnah prostehuzhyutsya pragnennya znayti zagalny law, vidobrazheny in "cosmic order" (mouth). Tse principle, yaky upravlyaє vsіm: Ruh Sontsya i Mіsyatsya, zmіnoyu pіr rock and takozh narodzhennyam, Death, Happiness Helsinki Human. In the Brahmanas, the hypostasy of the shodo viniknennya svitu, vyzlovlyuyutsya poslozhnya about water yak about persoshubstantsiyu. In the first place, the theory of bottlenecks, by the rudimentary manifestations of the past, rises in the form of dihannya.

Закінчується ведична література Упанішадами (lit., "сидіти біля"). They vikladeno nove tlumachennia navkolishnogo svitu бу buttja - brahma, scho є universal principle. In Brahmo, the spirituality of skinhead people - atman - is irreversibly expressed.

Odnієyu z pіnovnykh partan Upanіshad і conceptі of the cycle of life - samsara і povyazyannogo з нею відплати - karma. In teorії cycling lyudske Zhittya Indications yak neskіnchenny number pererodzhen In Upanіshadah fіlosofіya vzhe vіdokremlyuєtsya od mіfologії relіgії that i have vstupaє vіdkritu opozitsіyu to vedichnogo ritualіzmu. Zokrema, nayvischy Sens wise Zhittya vbachaєtsya in usvіdomlennі, dosyagnennі Brahmin sutnostі yak, scho is staying at vsomu and takozh in fact dwellers pobachiti neіstinnіst, plinnіst empіrichnogo Butt, vіdmovitisya od priv'yazanostі to Demba i will win i spravzhnє vіchne bliss of immortality in pіznannі svoєї Totozhnostі z brahmanom, u zlitti z him (moksha).

Up to the Upanishad there were often zvertalis bilsh pisni fіlofoski techії, zokrema vedanta. В цілому ж у філософії Давньої Індії домінує

"It is important to know nobly the people: do not skriz von naroduzhuetsya. Ale de narozhuyutsya such a wise, there is a shake of humanity. "


Moral-etichna topics over the natural-empirical. The head of respect is brutalized on the problem of the post-soviet self-hypnotizing people, and not the widow's sake. Sprinyattya real-object svitu viznaetsya yak chimerna fiktsіya, omana, yaka lisha through neviglazstvo budennoї svidomostі to be built chimos "spravzhnim". In tsіlomu fіlosofіyu orієntovano on mіstichne experiences oduhotvorenostі Butt i practical bayduzhostі to ob'єktivno-ratsіonalіstichnih metodіv osyagnennya realnostі.