Rhetoric - Gritsenko TB

Логіка та емоції в промові

The system of logistical reports - authoritative posilan, statistics, riznomanitchnikh primeniv i visnovkiv - pratsyue perekonannya sluchachiv. In Myslenni zdavna vidilayut two methods - induction and deductance. Індукція - це хід думки від часткового до загального. Deduktsiya , navpaki, - dyad dumki from the foul to the private.

Often at the practice of oratori with vikoristani індукції vdayutsya to prove for analogy, tobto visnovom from private to private. Analogy is the goal of the writing, but it is based on the similarity of the suttivs, the sign of the apparition. Obovyazykovoyu Ivoyu when induced analogs є porivnyannya for suttvyimi signs (and not vypadkovymi).

Існують laws of the log , yakі not slіd pravushuvati orator. Same the word "Logic" (in Greek for impulses on mirkuvanni) means the science of shaping the wickedness of the Duma. Tse term of actions in terms of understandings "logos" - a word, zmist, basis, science. Antichna that middle-of-the-art science vikela so and laws of logic:

1. The law of the totality (everyone is self-absorbed in itself). At the practice, you mean, with the help of the pre-emblem of the true meaning of the word, the unique varivants.

2. The law of protection (nyakke sudzhennya can not be watered by the true and pardonable). Yaksho vistly superscribe one to one, stinks can not be buti.

3. The law of the third person who is wounded (Istinnim moge bouti abo visliv, abo yogi zapeperchennya). One of the two wislows, one to one to one in one and the same hour in the one-to-one and the same thing (the thing, the individual) is one and only.

4. The law is plausible pidstavi (every sudzhennya, scho priymaetsya, maє bouti by the insignificant rank of obgruntovane). Dostatnoyu pіdstavoyu for the speaker mozut bouti: actual material, quotation, naochnist.

Knowing the law of the logistic and type of logistical pomoloks is more important than promovtsev uniknuti smishnogo y nezgrabnogo poslovnya, kot yogo dokazi nikogo not perekonuyut, oskilki їh nedovedennost chi plastnost, neko nekonkretnist bude easily vikrita be-like people, yak mozhe posaviti lectureri zapitanne.