Rhetoric - Gritsenko TB

Controlling nutrition from the course "Rhetoric"

1. Understand about the oratorka mystetstvo. Historical traditions of oratorical beauty.

2. Call of rhetoric in the newest sciences.

3. Basic understanding of classic rhetoric.

4. A type of oratoriac mystery.

5. Oratori Starodavnyo Gretsii.

6. Oratori of the Old City of Rome.

7. To the orator of mysticism on Rus. The first rhetoric.

8. Oratorske Mystetstvo in Ukraine in the XVI-XVII century.

9. Formal forms of krasnomovstva.

10. Zhanri of the hour oratorkogo mistertstva.

11. Speaker and audience. Sprinyattya orator rumors.

12. Vchennya about ponyattya in the log.

13. Vchennya about the court.

14. Figuri syllogism.

15. Logic pomolki and paradox.

16. The subject of action.

17. Krasnomovstvo sophistіv і софістика.

18. Davnogretsky maystria of the Red Army.

19. Rhetoric of Socrates.

20. Demosthenes is the great orator of Gretsia.

21. "Rhetoric" of the Architect. Основныені ідеї праці.

22. Cicero is the great orator of Rome. Secret yogo maysternosti.

23. Vidatny oratori of the Imperial Rome.

24. Pershy propaganda of Christianity.

25. Християнське красномовство у Київській Русі ХІ-ХПІ ст.ст.

26. Viznachnі Ukrainsky maystria krasnomstva (Petro Mogila ta Ivan Vyshensky).

27. Ritori of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy.

28. Inventions, її basic elements.

29. The main clasic "toposi".

30. Mystetsvto disposition.

31. Log-off pomilki pіd hour of the preparation of promos.

32. Basic principles of elocution.

33. Stilisticheskie figuri rhetoric.

34. The main vimogi before zvnіshnogo viglyadu і manners of the speaker.

35. Доведеність і and arguments at виступі.

36. The main vimogi before the speech of the speaker.

37. Significance of rhetoric for everyday Ukrainian syspilstva (for the minds of the forensics of the Ukrainian law).

38. Fahovy aspect of rhetoric.

39. The category of morality (etosu) in rhetoric.

40. Understanding the style of rhetoric.

41. The basic rhetoric of rhetoric.

42. The main laws of rhetoric.

43. The main stages of the rhetorical preparation of prom.

44. Main vimogi before the speaker and auditorii.

45. Peredumovi vikinnennya rhetoric in the Danny Grechesky.

46. ​​Davnogretsky rhetorical schools.

47. Місце риторичної техніки в ораторстві давніх греків.

48. The truth, morality, beauty and harmony in the old-world rhetoric.

49. Rhetorical diyalnist Gaya Yuliya Caesar.

50. The main genus of the species of prom.

51. The Red Army.

52. Propovid yak basic genre of church rhetoric.

53. Rhetoric signings sent by Ivan Vishensky.

54. Rhetoric of the Theophan Prokopovich.

55. Specifics of ship rhetoric.

56. Humanistically, the spontaneous rhetoric.

57. Shelfs are well versed in the specialty of the rhetoric.

58. Українські судові оратори ХІХ-ХХ ст.

59. See the promovyh promov, їх functції.

60. Preparation of ship promo.

61. Zmist and motivated by accusation.

62. Analyz і оцінка зібраних у справі доказів у промові.

63. Characteristics of the individual in the prosecutorial field.

64. Obgruntuvannya propositsіy about the world pokarannya, tsivilny poses in the prosnovnulnyi promovi.

65. Analisis of the causes and minds, scho vschinili vchinennu evil (in prosvuvinalnyi promovi).

66. A part of the promo of the prosecutor is concluded.

67. Repeat of the prosecutor.

68. The prosecutor's promo is riddled with accusations.

69. Zmist zahisnoї promo lawyer.

70. Part of the zahisno promo.

71. Establishment of actual conditions of the police, analisys and otsynyuvannya dokaziv in zahisnіy promovi.

72. Obgruntuvannya kvalіfіkatsії evil in zahisnіy promovi.

73. Міркування about tsivіlny poses, the world pokarannya zahisnіy promovi.

74. Part of the part of the zahinosnoy promo.

75. A lawyer's rep.

76. The alternative in zahisniy promovi.