Rhetoric - Gritsenko TB


Module 1. Krasnokhovstvo yogo riznovidi. The rhetoric rhetoric

  1. Rhetoric is the science of:

A) the sounds of the movi;

B) oratorku mystetstvo, krasnomovstvo;

C) Partial motivation.

  1. The speaker is the person, yaka vmіє:

A) Vigoloshuvati promo;

B) dancing;

C) robity of the complex;

Г) підтримувати spiritually-эмоційний contact з аудиторією.

  1. Mystetstvo perekonuvati not realizuyetsya through ponatretya:

A) logos;

B) pathos;

C) etos;

D) topos;

Ґ) інвенція.

4. Before zagalnovidomih p'yat vidiv krasnomovstva not vydositsya:

A) legal (ship);

B) Academic;

В) політичне;

D) the church;

Ґ) promyslov;

E) suspilno-rostovove.

5. P. Soper vvazhal, scho існує лише two visions of krasnomovstva:

А) information;

B) lektsine;

В) агітаційне.

6. Sudowe (juridnoe) the Red Army - tse:

A) the speaker of the science of science, that of the vicarage, of which the result is supplemented with the popularization of science;

B) the oratoriacs take part in the courtship in the process of reviewing the ship's record of the legislation;

В) проповіді, бесіди, напучення, коментавання Біблії у практиці різноманітних християнських конфесій.

7. Oratorka dіyalnіst naukovtsya that vykladacha, yakiy dopovіdaє about the result of the dosage of the popular version of the science of science - tse:

A) juridical (shipbuilding) ritual;

B) Academic criminals;

C) Polichnichnoe ritualism.

8. Проповіді, бесіди, напучення, коментування Біблії у практиці різноманітних Християнськие конфесій - tsel ritual:

A) suspilno-zapotovove;

B) Politically;

C) church.

9. Vluchne, gostre abolished the word from the drive to the anchorage in the privatized living quarters of the peasants' state of the art: the criminality:

A) suspilno-zapotovove;

B) agіtatsіne;

В) інформаційне.

10. Speaker's whistle, wow virazhaet інтереси тієї чи іншої партії (політичної сили) чи роз'яснює якусь суспільно-політичну ситуацію - це красномовство:

A) Academic;

B) legal;

В) політичне.

11. Promowa, brutalized before the court, who participated in the judicial proceedings, and those present at the sight of the criminality, the civic admissions civic, and the writing of the viscous adresses of the text of the promo:

A) the ship;

B) lektsyna;

C) it is true.

12. In court with promos not vidyayut:

A) the prosecutor;

B) an attorney;

В) підсудний.

13. Visivtili gromadsku point of view visually vchinenogo zlochenu that individual pidsudnogo - TSe gratitude:

A) academic promo;

B) ship promo;

C) Suspilo-rostovoy protuberance.

14. When you are rozglyadі spravi adhere to the respect to the iniquities and the vikrivlen realities, yakі muyut mіsce u vystupah tih chіnіshih uchasnikіv sudovi де debatіv:

A) replicas;

B) superrechka;

C) Promos.

15. Prior to the head rice of academic krasnomovstva not vidisitsya:

A) proof;

Б) бездоганна логічність;

C) mlyavist;

D) the term of terminology;

Ґ) the accuracy of the mission.

16. Prior to the genres of academic red-carnality do not nalezhit:

A) scientific supplement;

B) science of detection;

C) science lecture (university chi shkilna);

D) a step on the south;

Ґ) the abstract, the work on the seminary;

E) science-popular lecture, besidy.

17. Kolokvium, discus, debate, usna review, agreed:

A) form dіалогу викладачів зі students;

B) слідчого і підсудного;

C) dad and sina.

18. Політичне красномовство формується на грунті:

A) doradcho rhetoric;

B) епідектичної (учичистоїї) rhetoric;

C) ship rhetoric.

19. Vigiloshena on the part of the party, doc, okollyuє polichichnu dіyalnіst цієї партії, є:

A) church service;

B) academic degree;

C) polichnichyu dopovіddju.

20. In the Greek mythology, rhetoric was performed by one of the virgins of the mystic muses of Don Zeus and the goddess Mamosini of the goddess:

A) Clio;

B) the outside;

C) Taliya;

D) Calliope;

Ґ) Melpomene;

E) Terpsichora;

F) Erato;

Є) Полігімнія;

G) Uranium.

21. In the Roman culture, rhetoric was reflected in the image:

A) the two goddesses of Yeridi;

B) godly perekonannya of Peyto;

В) вченої жінки - богині мистецтв.

22. Long-time Greeks mali especially the form of pokranynya - tse:

A) ostracism (in the case of a shift in a group - a potato);

B) Areopagus (for laws aristocratic);

C) Viche.

23. The first of the great oratorov Afin buv:

A) Korak;

Б) Лісій;

C) Perikl.

24. Having approved the principle of "rhetoric - mayter perekonannya" і and rasprobiv number of zakobіv, yakimi speaker, podolodzhuyuchi the soul of the hearer, and having slept trolley roshom, lead the yogi for himself:

A) The architect;

B) Gorgiy;

C) Socrates.

25. Having vvazhat, scho first understand the speaker's ease - Zhvavist , the other - Zhvavist , the third - Zhvavist ;

A) Demosthenes;

B) Cleon;

C) Molon.

26. Rhetoric vicanya viklav in two treatises: "Rhetoric" ( "About the mystery of rhetoric" ) and "Poetics" :

A) Cato;

B) Guy Verres;

C) Aristotel.

27. Rhodian style of rhetoric:

А) діловитістю змісту;

B) emotion;

C) the beauty of the form.

28. For the old-time rhetoric, the following are characteristic:

A) folding of the construction of the river;

B) innovation (rozvynchuvannost);

C) aphoristic.

29. "About the speaker", "Brutus", "Orator", fіlоofіkі "Tuluskansky besіdi" - target:

A) Cicero;

B) Caesar;

В) Квінтіліана.

30. The most visible rhetorician and the nineteenth Ukrainian speaker. XVII - the mail. XVIII century. Vvazhayuyt:

A) Stefan Yavorsky;

B) Antony Radivilovsky;

C) Theophanes Prokopovich.