Філософія: мислителі, ідеї, концепції - Kremen V.G.


• "Fourth" The historical form of positivism is postpositivism . Tse termin at fіlоofії sciences to be vikoristvuyutsya for viznachennya bagаthоh methodological concepts. Post-positivism is the goal position in osmislennny fіlofofskih problems, yakі vinikayut at zv'yazku rozvitkom izvestkovogo znannya. Pribіchniki postpositivism bahato in chomu not zgodnі mіzh himself, stink of criticism zayarіlі уявлення неопотивізму, але зберігають з ним спадкоємність. Basically respecting priadilyayut ratsionalnyim methods piznannya. The formulation of postpositivism was caused by the emergence of the 1959 р. K. Popper's book "The Logic of Science Vidkrtya" ta in 1963 р. - T. Kuhn's book "The Structure of the Science-Making Revolutions." Characteristic of rice postpositivism is the significance of the methodology of the methodological concepts of the same criterion.

One of them is represented by K.Popper (1902-1994), English philosopher and sociologist, having developed a critical rationalism - the theory of the growing of the scientific knowledge. On the opposite of skepticism, and dogmatism, Popper hanging the principle of phallibalism - the recognition of the principle of hypothetical be it a scientific knowledge. The process of the scientific penitentiary has seen the non-perpetual critical dialog mizh with the various types of science-based theories. Such a rank,

"MI could b rozriznyati three sviti, abo vsesvity: in Perse, svіt fіzicchnih ob'ektiv abo stanіv; In a different way, svіt stіnі svіdomostі abo, mozhlivo, installations up to дії; On-tretє, svіt obektivnogo zmistu myslenya, zokrema naukovogo ta khudozhnogo. "

K. Popper

The principle of a critical society, the theory of a critical rationality, on a day, until the pluralism of truth, the subjective character of knowledge.

The principle of demarcation is based on the principle of verifiability K. Popper. The principle of demarcation is inseparable from the scientific knowledge of the non-scientific. Having overlooked the principle of falsifikatsii, Popper viznachestvo zapezechennya be-yak of scientific firmozhenya: in nauchntsi naukove, sho mozhe buti zapezecim.

Before postpositivism, lay the concept of the scientific revolution of T. Kuhn; Methodology of science and dossier programs. Lakatos; "Rationalistic anthropology" by J. Agassi; Conception of U. Sellars ta.

Post -positivity to styliyuyut riznі sobyzii na slyakhu її rozvitku, obmіrkovot 'specifіchny problemy, yakі z'yavlyayutsya within the framework of the tiie chi іnshoi concept, proponujut rіznі virіshennya methodologіchnih problems. In the meantime postpositivity is required to enter into the ori- entation on the symbolic log and the zvertayutsya to the science of science. Vony dbayut about vedpovidnist his own impulses to the real scientific knowledge of the yogi istorii.

• The American philosopher P. Feyerabend criticizes cumulativeism, zgidno z yakim rozvitok znannya vidbuvaetsya vasledodok yogo postupovogo pokupchennya. Він - прибічник тези about nespіvmіrnіst теорій, для яких характерні різні поняття та концепції. Pluralism is guilty of panuvati not in the realm, in the ili and in the sciences.

Можливість універсального методом пізнання він заречучує, оскільки існує множина рівноправних типів знання. Criteria ratsionalnosti not absolutny, vony vidnosnі, ale yakshcho neme jorstkih kriterіїv naukovokostі, then it is natural to send a zv'yazok naukovyh factov with non-scientific. Ostanni vplylyvat on science and moyut samostynu tsinnity. Отже, наука, філософія, релігія і навіть магія - всі доцільні. This is the rank, the science of Feyerabend is post-sic, the process of making the theory, won not єdinogo lіnії.

• The philosopher T. Kuhn vvazhaє, scho in rozvitku sovkovogo znamnyu soblivu vidіgraye dіyalnіst sovicheskogo spivovarstva. Primary

"Dіysnі fіlоlofskі by problems zavzhdi ukorіnіnіsіsya v problems syogodennya, yakі perebuivayut poz fіlosofієyu."

K. Popper

Vaga nalezhit not the norms of logic, methodology, and paradigms, toboto sukostnosty perekonan tsinnost, technical zabobiv, priinyatih naukovim spivovariststvom, yaki zabezpechuyut naukovu tradition. The paradigm of its own zmist shirsha for the theory and science-doslides programs. Yaksho ta chi іnsha paradigm bezmezhno panue, then the period of normal science. Zrujnuvannya paradigms lead to the scientific revolution. Skin paradigm is not universal, it is its own criterion of rationality. Paradigmi nespіvmіrnі one with one, mіzh them nemє bezposednogo logisticnoy spadkoyemnosti. Nova paradigm is in the old days. Kun zvertaє osoblivu respect for the significance of social and psychologic moments in science.

In postpositive situations, the headache of the phylosophy of science has become a rozumninya rozvitka scientific knowledge. Tse led to the fall of the cola of problems of the science of philosophy. On відміну від логічних позитивістів, послепозитивістів сікавлять проблемми: як виникає нова теорія; Yak vona vozgaagetsya vyznannya; Chi mozhlive rozuminnya, komunikatsya mizh prihilnikami alternativnyh teorii tan іn.

Postpositivism pom'yakshuyu dichotomiyu empiricichnogo i teorichnichnogo, v nimu it is spoken about vzaimoproniknennya empiricichnogo i teoreticheskogo, prolyvnykh perehid i vid one rivnya znan to nishego i naivit pro vidnosnist tiye dichotomii. On vіdміну від неопозитивістів, postpositivities are adjusted, schо відкриття a new knowledge yogo обгрунтування - це єдиний the process: виникнення і розвиток нової наукової теорії є in the same hour вьрунтуванням.

Sered naybіlsh important issues, yakі hviliuvali fіlosofіv post-posіvіstіskogo perіodu, mozhna vіdnichachi takі:

• The problem of falsifikatsii. Popper vvazhav, scho fact, a kind of superexchange teorii, falsifikuye її і tom zmushuє vchemih vіdmovitisya vіd neї.

"For criticism і простревання наукових теорій - як це не дивно и не звично - важливі філософські неууковій антинаукові теорії".

P. Feyerabend

• The problem of the truthfulness of science theories.

• The problem of the presentation of science theories. Kun і Feyerabend hired a thesis about the appearance of competing science theories, tobto about the visibility of the spirnyh for them, the standard of porting.

• The problem of racialism. Vuzke rozuminny ratsional'nost yak takke, scho vіdpovyde logiko-metodologicnym standards, zamenyuyutsya bіlsh broad і розпливчастим.

• The problem of rosumninya. Pittanne about mozhnovostі komunikatsії mіzh pribіchnikami alternative science noun theories and zlobzhenna fіlofіїї science in the fіlofofskoy hermeneutics.


Evolution of positiveism in the sale of the writer of the table has recognized the yogo law of the world in the development of the fiction of the Duma. Bagato pretenzіy pozitivіzmu, empіrіokrititsizmu, neopozitivіzmu, postpozitivіzmu viyavilisya bezpіdstavnimi, Ale stink at once s note proyshli Way doslіdzhennya, yaky vіdіgrav in bagatoh moments constructive role i target svoєrіdnu fіlosofіyu science. Pretenduyuchi its zverhnіst stosovno fіlosofії, pozitivіzm in svoїh modifіkatsіyah slit bіlshe stverdiv role i values ​​fіlosofії yak samostіynoї the Branch of Knowledge, yak spiraєtsya the whole array of cultures, in addition chislі i on prirodoznavstvo, i on suspіlnі science, i on Mistetstvo, i for all zhittєvy Dosvid people. The merit of positivistic conceptions of the field is in that, the representatives of the ies were hurling the vagomy of the extravaganza at the site of the mathematical logics, that knowledge of science. Pid vlivom їхніх ідей та діяльності сутєво змінилися уявлення about the science. Sogodnіshnє rozumіnnya science, yak formuvalosya bagato in chomu zavdyaki dіyalnostі pozitivіstskih napryamіv, rozglyadaє її yak sukupnіst іntelektualnih zasobіv, poklikanih optimіzuvati nashі vzaєmini s dіysnіstyu instead dіysnostі picture.

"All science (nezvazhayuchi to those scho won all blizhcha i blizhcha to іstini) - tse sproba opisati Іndіyu s point Zora okeanіchnogo resident of the island, and potіm opisati Rosіyu for the Relief of the inventory Іndії ... Naybіlshy іdealіst - tse pozitivіst, yaky namagaєtsya vivoditi Parts of solidarity and zagalnih. "

C. Forst


• Describe the law of the three classes of O. Comte.

• What is the evolutionism of G. Spencer, and in the course of the Polaga? Yogo grupna prisochennya?

• Explain that "criticism of pure information", yaka її meta tavernnya.

• In whom is the principle of the principle of veri fi cation and that of the yogi meaningful for the accomplishment of science?

• Viznachte basic pozhennya "logistic positive."

• Scho taquet "Critical Rationalism" is the same in the course of the field of the concept of falsifikatsii?

• Yak's role in the science institute in the life of the state and people in post-op -ism?


"You can let go, but not verifikovannіst, and falsifikovannost sistemi potrybno rozglyadati yak kritery demarkatsii. Tse oznachaє scho mi not povinnі vimagati mozhlivostі vidіliti Pevnyi Naukova system once i nazavzhdi in positive rozumіnnі, ale povinnі vimagati, dwellers won small Taku logіchnu form yak gave b mozhlivіst zavdyaki empіrichnim perevіrkam vidіliti її in zaperechuvalnomu rozumіnnі: empіrichna system blame dopuskati zaperechennya Shlyakhov Досвіду.

... Закони природи підлягають фальсифікації. Yakscho mi viznaєmo іstinnim deyake Singular (odinichne, elementarne, "atomic") vislovlyuvannya scho porushuє zaboronu i talk about іsnuvannya rechі (abo podії), yak usuvaєtsya law, Tsei law bude sprostovano (butt Mauger Buti vislovlyuvannya: "In such and such Місці існує апарат, який є вічним двигуном »).

... Dekilka vypadkovyh basic vistovlyuvan, yakі superechat teorii, unlike chi zmusyat us proskatevati її yak falsifikovanu. Mi vvazhatimemo її falsifikovanuyu Lisha in that razi, yakschoo us vdalosya vikriti efekt vidvtrenennya, scho prostovuєe teoriiu. Іnakshe kazuchi, mi viznazhmo falsifikatsiyu tilki todi, if inadvertently and penitently, the hypothesis of a low рівня універсальності, що descriptive is such an efect. Subobnі gipotizi mozhno nazvati falsifikatsynimi gipotozami ".

(Popper K. Logic and the growth of scientific knowledge .- M., 1983. - P. 63, 95, 115-116).

Наскільки переконливими for you є міркування K. Popper about falsifikatsyu yak method perevirki істинності знання?


1. Analytical philosophy: formation and development (anthology). - M., 1993.

2. Wittgenstein L. Philosophical studies. - M., 1994.

3. P. Gaidenko. Evolution of the concept of science. - M., 1980.

4. Gaidenko PP, Davydov Yu.N. History and rationality. - M., 1991.

5. Kuhn T. Structure of scientific revolutions. - M., 1997.

6. Popper K Logic and the growth of scientific knowledge. - M., 1983.

7. Russell B. Wisdom of the West. - M., 1998.

8. Modern Western philosophy. - M., 1991.

9. Spencer G. Synthetic Philosophy. - K., 1997.

10. Hübsher A. Thinkers of our time: A Handbook on Western Philosophy of the 20th Century. - M., 1994.