Філософія: мислителі, ідеї, концепції - Kremen V.G.


The problems of hermeneutics prodzhuyu rozvivati ​​uch Heidegger Hans Georg Gadamer. Він розробляє філософську герменевтику - філософію розуміння, в якій розуміння є засобом буття людини у світі. Intercession of the transverse phylosophy of the poleas in the gnoseological gazebo, z'yasuvanni minds of the possibilities of the peninsula. Справжня філософія повина мати онтологічну орієнтацію, вона повинна починати дослідження зі з'ясування умов інунування людини.

Існування людини нерозривно по'яязане з переживанням her own буття, яке виражається в наявності «досвіду світу». Gadamer vvazhaє, sho osnovnі mehanizmi formvaniya "dovsіd svіtu" is pledged in the movers. Тільки в мові відкривається істина буття. Mowa is the middle ground, de "I" and "svit" virazhayutsya in pochotkovy vzajmozalezhnost. Mova є te, scho konstruyu svit mneni, scho viznachaet sposіb chelovekogo "buttya-in-svety."

Visloviti yourself in the minds means to prevail against the sun. "Buttya ludini є буття у мові" is such a hood of Gadamer.

Мова подає вихідні схеми человеської діяльності ще до вираження світу в понятях, забезпечує допонятійне та до-рефлексивне опанування світу.

"If you want to know yourself, then marvel at how to make money; Yakschoo zhochesh zrozumiti іnshih, then look at your vlasne serce. "

F. Shiller

Mova zabezpechuyu alternately rozuminnya, "predorozuminnya", ala realizuetsya in such forms of development svitu, yak "before the eyes," "pre-judging," "prizozhoplennya" that іn. Між цими формами ієрархії не існує.

I reckon myself at the svit, ludina sponchatka spirajtsja on zabobon. Він - the head form of pre-reflexive development. Naivazhlivshy type of fence - the authority (tradition). Gadamer vvazhaє, scho cross-day fіlоofіya zasperchuvala zabobon, stverdzhuvala rewording of the logos over the myth. At tsiomu bula її pomilka, oskilki vіd zabobonu pozbavitisya simply nedomozhlivo, azhe vin moe dvі sides: negative that positive. For example, how is authority? Z negative side - piskodrennia іншому, відречення від розому. A positive side is the assuredness of the fact that individuality overturns us with a rose and a gossip judgment. Lyudina zavzhdi properly upholster sobi authority, a lie in the fundamentals of tradition. Gadamera's hats: people's disposition, that number is theoretically-pisnavalna, reconciled in the fences, without them vona nemozhliva.

There is a fundamental specialty of the people's mindset in the world-history. It is impossible to stand on the posi- tion of the post-historical sub'ekta, to wit vozhdi viznachaetsya mіscem і an hour, tobto tієy situatsієyu, yakіy znahoditsya.

Pomilka єvropeyskoi fіlofofії polagayє in that, wo wona showed the position of the post-historical sub'ekta, yakogo boo "virvano zі svoogo ontologіchnogo doma," from the real process of his butt. And now it is necessary to "zanurit" gnoseology in the real world, but turn to the ontological rozumninya people.

Zavshyaki tsyomu traditional problems, matimuyt інший вигляд. Napriklad, істина розумітиметься реалью, "історичною" people's, і тепер вона ставитиме not the characteristic пізнання, but the characteristic буття людини. I yak "nebayduzha ludin", yak is corroborated in її fences with Ёїї truth. Lyudina can not be truthful without truth, but docks live on - live in truth. Naykaschy zasib vyavlennya "true Butte, tobto truth, to the mystery.

This rank, rozuminya - eksistencitsial real people, the form of self-sufficiency is self-esteem. Rozuminnya rooted yak in the feces of the sub-ect of rosuminya, so і in the fence of the rose. Zabobon sub'ekta rozuminnya spryaєe rozuminnu. First, fence an interpreter as much as possible zastrastryuyut text і, in a different way, to spread the translations of information to the extent of up to the generation. Interpretation of the text - the goal of yogic zmistu in a new way, and the skin act of interpretation - the moment of the text, the form of the traditional language, is translated into text.

Розуміння культурної традиції (тобто історії) to become a dialogue of the past and that of the hour. On the right, not in the vivienna історії, but in the її розумінні, to that сlід to apply the propensity to the self on the ontology (ontology) to the nobility of the world (gnoseology).

In time, there is a horizon of horizon, including a horizon of a fence, a sort of rosuminya. Minus takozh moe svy horizon. For rozumnіnya past neobhіdn zblizhennia, "remelting" the horizons of the hour and the past. The "re-melting" і є перехід від гносеології to ontologії, їх злиття. In the result, the third horizon, zagalny, a kind of perevazhaє i horizon of the hour, i horizon of the past. Здійснюється «сходження»: історик розуміє минуле краще, ніж розуміли самі author історії, і навпаки, passing away допомагає історикові краще зрозуміти сучасне.

It is not true that the horizon of the past, the horizon of the hourly one, but the synthesis of the urine, the horizon of the hourly radiation in the process of the unrestricted molding, is absent. I do not want to participate in the process without the participation of the past, for example, Gadamer, do not talk more profusely about the two horizons, but about one-édinium, a kind of intercourse between yourself and the legend.

The dialogue of the past hour of the day is at the nutritional-presentation level. Skin text - ідповіддю на якесь напитання, аже without нього він not z'yavіsya б. Оскільки text відповідає на запитання, він має смисл і завжди є те, що відповідає на запитання. Skin text, reads on the supply, propone істину відповідь. Істина "розчинена" в змісті текст. Zrozumiti minus meaning "get-away", scho vono "bazhaє" tell us yak істину. Zrozumi minulet means zrozumiti yogo truth.

For vedennya dialogu z we pass through the reconciliation of the diet, on the basis of the text. It is necessary to vyyaviti those who tse text on the feed. Potim ask the goal of the supply of your own money, in a hurry. The rafting of the past and the hour of the day is the result of a sustenance. Zrozumivshi zapitannya, yak svoe vlasne, slіd ask yogo text; Оскільки цевже інше запитання, текст і відповість по -ншшому. So zdіysnyuetsya similarity to the iodinogo horizon.

By this rank, Gadamer, in a more perceptive way, re-aligns hermeneutics with the ontology of the rose; In the other, the principle of the reflexion of the principle ro

"Nіhto - ні жінки, ні чоловіки - do not listen to zmistu slіv. Vazhlivim є voice, a kind of ich vimovlya. Words for the sake of subtrimination of rules, cleavages, ordinances. Їх promovlyayut, після chого whitened to take to nayvazhlivіshogo.

A. Camus

"Rozumnik visuvaє problems, fools and neviglas virishuyut їх, але всі трудноіі залишаються для філософа".

J. Lametrie

Zoom; On-tretє, priymaє yak pervinnu ontologichnu realnist mannu yak buttya in mobi.

Central ponimttya in hermeneutic French fіlofa Polya Rіkera - individuality, yaka є місцем folk persona, scho give cob osmislenyu

Culture. Itself sobistyst to create svit culture. Zavgodnya fіlоofії - rozrobiti method analіzu manzkoї sub'єktivnostі. Namagayuchis ob'ednati in hermeneutic ontology and gnoseology, Riker pragne rasrobity hermeneutic yak methodology rozumnіnya. Zavgodnya fіlоofоskoї hermeneutics - critical analysі sііh mozhlіvі methodів іnterprtatіії, okreslennya dzhere zastosuvannya rіznikh metodіv іnterpratatsії ta rіznyh "hermeneutichnyh systems."

For vikonannya chyogo zavdannya Riker proponeu method analzu lyubskoy sub'ektivnosti, nazivayuchi yogo regressive-progressive. Tse method is given to zmogu zrozumiti yavische chelovekogo buttya y triokh chasovikh vimirah: the past, the hourly, the Maybutni, the advery of the time, the lyudin is written and gone, and the Maybutnim. Zavdannya polagay in that, shob visvitya "archeologii" people, її укоріненість at the last and і зрозуміти "телеологію", motivation і спрямування її руху в майбутнє. "Archeology" of the sub-eclature is to be supplemented by an additive regressive method, "teleology" - for the add-on of the progressive. Through the regressive method, the jerelic sense of human dignity is to be borne, and to lie "after" the obekt, ​​to the last.

I will add special help with vivchennih "archeologii" mozhe nadati psihualaniz Freud, zdatnyy rozkriti krainy i osnovy lyudskoy eksistentsii. Yak is the basis of the regressive method of psychoanalysis, the "archeology" of the subverte, z'yasovoychy krayni osnovi ekszistentsiії, rozumіє svіt kul'turi yak ya formy sublіmіtsії ta іnversії zhenschogo "I".

Zavshyaki progressive method vstavlyayutsya dzherelo sensu lyubskoy diyalnosti, yak slid ducking along the sub'ect, in Maybutnomu. Lyudina діє tsіlesprjamovano, to that vona істота телеологічна. Zavdanya polagaye in order to open the teleology of the sub'ect. The progressive method is to enter the phenomenology of the spirit and the phenomenology of reign. Through the phenomenology of the spirit, the teleology of the human beings is rooted, and through the phenomenology of reign, the human mind is crooked to the sacred.

Ontologicheskaya hermeneutics of the Rikera, yak spiryaetsya on the regressive-progressive method, raising the problem of mori zhinuvannyam, let it be possible zrozumіti існування людини до виникнення мови і банути в мові засіб, за допомогою якого людина створює «другий світ», що симвоічно виражає «світ First. " In addition, Riker vbachach zeldannya hermeneutics in order to obruuntuvati the role of people yak sub'ekta cultural and historical creativity, in yakіy zdіysnyuyutsya zv'yazok chasiv i yaka bazyvaetsya na activeniy dіyalnіі індивіда


Hermeneutics vystupa svetyerdnim way fіlosofstvuvannya - «vіd rozumіyuchogo buttya». Problems, poselenni fіlofoskoyu hermeneutics, real, stink of truth. Categories: in the hermeneutics, in the wake of the importance of the theoretically significant meaning and "pratyuyut" in such sciences and in the spheres of literature, the history of the semiotics, the logic of that gnoseology, the criticism of the literary criticism, the shifting of the lack of truth. Hermeneutics will prophesy the bagat of concrete pi-dodhods to the science of science problems. Existential plan for analizu rozumninya rozglyada tlumachennya yak characteristic of butt, without yakogo vono go to the position of an unhealthy butt. Take rozuminnya vystupaet the basis be-yak podalshogo tlumachennya: і addition, scho є, i yogo mozhnostey. Butty Same itself rozumіє through concrete people і podії - takke boottya є mova, traditsiіya. Meta robot hermeneutta - naybilsh vyavity mehanizmi formovannya its dosvidu (fagot), yakimi nadilya yogo tradition. Viyavlennya vidbuvayutsya through the practice of robot with texts - through spivvidnesennya їх змісту з досвідом сучасності. Tse - dialog, zavdyaki yakom naroduzhutsya novy smisl - etap zhitty traditsiіy the same text. Екзистенціальний план передбачає розпізнання за різними imagery інтерпретації різних способів буття for problematic knowledge of Іх єдності. Our hour of hermeneutics has become more and more just a concrete theory of science, - won has become the principle of the philosophical approach to dystonia.


• Give zagalnu characteristic of hermeneutics yak method phylosophy.

• What are the main stages of the formation of hermeneutics?

• What is the meaning of the "special" hermeneutics of F. Schleiermacher?

• Brisk the zmist tezi M. Gaidegger: manseke buttya from the very beginning - hermeneutichnee.

• What is the explanation of the interdependence of the Moovi, but that of the people?

• For the third part of the formation of the past and the day?

• In the case of polygamous sutnism and the role of the "regressive-progressive" method of analysis of human sub-ectivity?


"The word" humanism "is the meaning of the word. Pід гуманізмом моз розуміти теорію, що розглядає человену як мету і найвищу цінність. Подібний гуманізм є for the French writer Cocteau, for example, in yogo for the "For 80 years on the eve of the holy days", one of the heroes, about flying on the aeroplanes over the mountains, Viguku: "Lyudin vrazhayucha!" Tse means, especially I, but not taking The participants in the vertical lines, can cope with the results of the cich wines and ichoco I, the yak lyudin, can carry the vision, the zokram for the day, and the people who have been vikonan. Tse meant b, si mi mi mozhemo otsynyuvati muzhchinu naybіlsh vidatnymi dіami of active people. Such humanism is absurd, it could be given to a dog that could characterize the identity of the person, the person who was hostile to him, who, before the speech, did not go around robbing him, scurrilously change his mind. Llya can not be seen, but about a man could judge a man. Eksistentsializm nekoli not rozglyada people man yak metu, oskkilki lyudina zavzhdi nezvershena. I do not misbehave, I'm a human being, before yakim can be taken to the office of Auguste Comte. The cult of the people is brought to the closed humanism of Comte and - slid to say - to racism. Such humanism is not acceptable to us. "

(Taranov PS Acute philosophy .- Simferopol, 1998. - P. 308).

Chi pogodzhuєtes vі s tlumachennyam humanitarianism? Wislow his own imagery of the shodo rozuminya understanding "humanism".


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