Theory and practice of self-management - Lukashevich NP


Continuing the acquisition of a "package" of conceptual ideas for the theoretical substantiation of self-management of a business career, we will consider an idea explaining the "career" behavior of the employee. Systemic understanding of the person at the same time is the basis for a systematic approach to his behavior and activities, including the description of his business career. In other words, the idea of ​​a person as a biopsychosocial system is quite suitable for including it in the "package" of the concept of a business career.

Behavior and human activity in the system-structural approach are the result of interaction of all five specified levels of the system, aimed at maintaining the integrity and vitality of the system. Since a person is an open socially integrated system, his behavior should be viewed as determined by the natural and social environment, as well as by the essence of connections, relationships and states in the "person-environment" system.

The basis of human behavior as a system is the adaptive mechanism for maintaining the dynamic equilibrium of the "person - environment" system, which is broken due to changes in each of the subsystems - "person" and "environment". Directivity of behavior and human activity towards maintaining equilibrium with the environment are determined by the desire to preserve it as a living system. In other words, all human behavior is conditioned and directed to preserve and ensure his life. In this context, his "career" behavior should also be considered. After all, every step of a business career is the achievement of success, making life better, more secure, more comfortable, more meaningful, more interesting, etc. At the same time, a business career acts as one of the types of life-supporting activity, that is, it is essential for human survival.

According to the stated principles of the system approach to activity, every behavioral act of man has an adaptive character and is carried out according to the scheme of a complex spiral cycle, which includes a successive series of links replacing each other:

1. The exchange of matter, energy, information - the main attribute of life, the main condition for maintaining equilibrium in the system "man - environment." Equilibrium in the subsystem "man - business environment" at the next step of business success is the starting point for the beginning of "career" activity. In a state of dynamic equilibrium, a person is affected by a stream of various external stimuli, but their strength is insufficient to disturb the homeostasis (internal equilibrium) of the "man" system. In the body there is a normal exchange of matter, energy, information, all organs and systems function normally, but at that moment a person does not perform purposeful activities to change his business status.

2. Objective equilibrium criteria are vital contacts that characterize the exchange of matter and energy with the business sphere, as well as all forms of information exchange between a person and the business environment. Constants of equilibrium (achieved success, satisfaction) are indicators of the normal life of the subsystem, indicate success.

3. Deviation from the equilibrium constants informs about its violation due to the impact on the person of both internal and external factors, especially the latter. The deviation is accompanied by the flow of the first impulses into the central nervous system, including the cortex of the brain.

4. Subjectively, these signals are perceived by a person in the form of sensations, perceptions and representations that testify to the impact of external factors. Signals are a system of warning about the changing conditions of the business environment or changes in the "well-being" of a person.

5. For every vital deviation from equilibrium, a person reacts by his behavior. This involves all mechanisms

1 See: Khomich, II, "Human-Living System: Natural-Scientific and Philosophical Analysis." - Minsk: Belarus, 1989. - P. 70-94; 248-261.

Life support from irritability to consciousness. The corresponding need for success is formed - the state of the person's internal readiness for activities aimed at restoring the balance in the subsystem "man-business environment". The need makes itself felt in the form of a sustained subjectively conscious experience of need. The need precedes motivation.

6. Motivation, goal formation and decision-making - integration, reconciliation of the readiness of all working systems and submission of the team to the action. Motivation covers only those actions in which the realization of the need requires the participation of consciousness. On this basis, two forms are distinguished in human behavior: the conscious and the subconscious (instinctive).

7. Activity, behavior - a strictly coordinated system of human actions aimed at achieving an object that must satisfy the need, in this case - the need for success. Along with the satisfaction of various other needs, this activity is aimed at the final result of the functioning of a person as a multi-level living system, to preserve and ensure his life.

8. Satisfaction of the need for success, which caused a mismatch in the balance of the subsystem. The activities to meet the needs are aimed at restoring the dynamic balance in the new business situation.

9. The completion of the cycle is the restoration of the disturbed equilibrium in the subsystem. The satisfaction of the need leads to a normalization of the relationships between the external and internal environments of man and is accompanied by a return to the initial activity of the motivational centers. Subjectively, a person experiences positive emotions and general calmness.

10. Temporary rest. From the state of activity associated with the satisfaction of this need, a person passes into a state of relative rest. This period is different. After satisfying one of the needs, the other can be actualized, and the person immediately starts to implement it. But pauses are possible. However, the satisfaction of the same needs again requires a compulsory break or rest.

11. The beginning of a new round of "life spiral" is the satisfaction of the next actualized need. Almost a person, having satisfied one need, immediately starts to satisfy another, and can satisfy them in parallel. However, in that, and in another case, the satisfaction of each need forms another turn in the spiral of human activity. As we see, the approach to man as a living multi-level socialized open system can serve as a theoretical basis for describing "career" behavior of a person. A new step in the business career, a new labor situation disrupts the balance of the "man-business environment" subsystem and actualizes the adaptive need-need for restoring equilibrium. The adaptive behavior of a person aimed at mastering a new labor situation and achieving success in it is motivated. The restoration of equilibrium as a result of adaptation, the success achieved in this process adds to the individual social experience, increases his adaptive potential, develops the individual as a person.

Thus, the adaptive-developing mechanism of human activity can be used to describe "career" behavior, in particular to explain the mechanism of "mastering" business progress.

The main regulators of human behavior, activity and life are needs, emotions, will, character, abilities and consciousness. Each component performs its characteristic function in the system of regulation of "career" human behavior.

Needs are the internal natural source of all activities, including in the business sphere.

Needs are formed under the influence of such factors:

Subject - personality;

An object (something that a person may need); The interaction of the subject with the object of need; An adequate situation in which one or another need is most easily formed;

Reinforcement (the end result, the success that a person receives in satisfying the need).

Knowledge of these components, the process of their occurrence and the ability to manage motivation allow you to influence "career" behavior.

Emotions are a form of reaction to changes in the external and internal environments through experiences. They mobilize the energy capabilities of the body to accomplish tasks and thereby contribute to a more rapid satisfaction of the need to achieve success.

Will - mobilizes, organizes and directs all life support mechanisms to overcome obstacles and difficulties that stand on the way to success.

Abilities - determine the success of activities, determine the level of possible human achievements in various activities.

Consciousness is an integrated system of human mental functions. Includes sensation, perception, presentation, imagination, attention, memory, speech. The interaction of all components of consciousness and all mental functions creates an integrated system that shapes the goals, indicates the ways, ways, means, methods and forms of realizing the need for success.

Thus, all the personality components that regulate "career" behavior, performing different functions, work in one direction - they contribute to the successful and quick satisfaction of the emerging need to achieve success. The advantages of a systematic approach to human behavior, which are of value to our concept, include:

1) the possibility of taking into account the impact on the behavior of the surrounding natural and social environments;

2) the opportunity to consider the biological, mental and social mechanisms of human behavior in unity;

3) focus on preserving and ensuring the life of the human system as its ultimate goal, around which all the functions of the interacting elements of the system are integrated, including the subsystems "man-business sphere";

4) the possibility of support in achieving a career for the whole set of personality components that regulate its behavior.


1. The concept of self-management should disclose the internal mechanisms of the business career process, explain its motivation, driving forces. Because of the complexity and complexity of the phenomenon of a business career, the concept can be presented in the form of a theoretical "package" - a set of theories and ideas.

2. The adaptive-developing concept of self-management is based on the following ideas:

• the idea of ​​success as a goal and motivation for a career;

• the idea of ​​man as a living biopsychosocial, open, multi-level system aimed at its life support;

The idea of ​​sociological modeling;

The theory of personality types (K. Jung) in conjunction with the method of their identification (TART);

Idea of ​​the adaptive-developing mechanism of the "career" behavior of the employee.

3. Advantages of the adaptive-developing concept are:

Integration of ideas;


The possibility of using test methods for self-assessment; Organic connection with the central function of man - his own life support.