Theory and practice of self-management - Lukashevich NP



In this section, which is a logical continuation of Section 1, we propose a system of social technologies for the practical implementation of the adaptive-developing concept of self-management. Social technology is usually understood as a way of organizing and ordering practical practical activity, a set of techniques aimed at determining or transforming (changing the state) of a social object, achieving a given result1. In other words, we will talk about a set of methods, techniques, tests that enable us to evaluate our own business qualities and choose the sequence of operations and actions for self-development and self-realization of our creative potential on the way to achieving business success. Social technologies cover the main parties and stages of the business career, forming a system of relevant Practices - from choosing the most suitable career to self-development. The system is designed for independent work of the reader and is presented in a sequence corresponding to the logic of the implementation of an individual business career.

As you know, for a particular person, this path begins with the choice of a profession (business), which, on the one hand, it would like, on the other hand it was prestigious (significant in the eyes of others), and with the third - it corresponded to his abilities and talents. Therefore, the first practical step to a successful career should start with the right (successful) selection of activities in which individual creativity can be fully revealed. To help realize this difficult choice is the task of Pract-kuma-1.

See: Encyclopaedic Sociological Dictionary / Under total. Ed. G.V. Osipova. - Moscow: ISPI RAS, 1995. - P. 823-824.

A feature of the proposed method of self-management of a business career is the use in the implementation of your career of your individual intellectual, creative potential, your professional inclinations. Therefore, choosing a kind of occupation where your career will be implemented in accordance with your type of personality, creates the basis for using these data and when you are hiring. Practicum-2 will allow you to rely on choosing the tactics of behavior when you work for your strengths, which will increase the chances of getting a job for which you are born.

It is clear that, having got a job, you still did not guarantee yourself a successful career. After all, the choice will tell you in which sphere of work you are more likely to achieve success. However, this does not mean that the set of your merits, qualities and characteristics is already fully consistent with the chosen work and is sufficient for its successful implementation. Some qualities you can be quite developed, and over others should still work seriously. Hence, the next step for you is to define your individual set of personal characteristics - the profile of personal and business qualities, ascertaining the system of their development. Practice 3 will help you with this.

Most likely, not all qualities will be developed equally equally for you. The development of some of them will have to work. And for this it is important to choose a way of working on yourself, which would take into account your features and turned out to be the most effective for you. How to develop an individual program of self-development will tell Practicum-4.

Thus, consolidating and improving your strong personality traits and developing those that need it, you create a support for successful "career" advancement and can count on business success. The more forces you put into your self-development, the more guarantees of successful progress. However, watching how other people "make a career" may lead you to the idea: "Why is the familiar" X ", which is hardly stronger in its business potential, overcomes every" step "of the career somewhat faster than I do? In this some regularity? " Well, you are quite observant. This pattern can manifest itself here. And if you master it, then it will "work" for you. It is about learning the mechanism of mastering a new "step" of the career and determining the level of development of its adaptive potential. This is the aim of Workshop-5.

It is possible that mastering every "step" (although accelerated after your work on your adaptive potential) will lead you to the idea: "Is it always necessary to" climb "on every next" step "? Is there something like" Lift "," lift "?" The idea is correct (in addition, it indicates that you have carefully studied the theoretical foundations of self-management in section 1). Indeed, such "elevators" exist not only in theory, but also in practice. To master the technology of "user" with such "elevators" will help you Practice-6.

The next "discovery" on the hard path of a business career may be its insecurity. In fact, success in the business sphere is associated with hard work, nervous overstrain, and often threatens with failures and stresses. Practice confirms that stress is quite a frequent phenomenon in the life of a business person. And the "steeper" his career, the greater the threat of stress. Therefore, it is important to determine for yourself the extent of such a threat in order to take timely measures. Help in this you will have Workshop-7.

If Workshop 6 focuses your attention on the causes that "contribute" to stress, then Practicum-7 should help you avoid them. The experience of people who have made a successful career gives a "key" to solving this problem. A successful career is possible (and even most effective) and without damage to your health. It is important to learn the secrets of a healthy lifestyle of a business person. Practice-7 will help you evaluate your own style of business life and determine the ways of its correction.

Thus, the Workshops cover the whole process of a business career - from choosing a job to mastering the mechanisms and technologies of pursuing a career. Therefore it is desirable to master the Workshops in a certain sequence, corresponding to the logic of the career process (in order of increasing numbers of the Workshops). However, this does not exclude the reference to each Workshop separately, depending on your priorities and the specific conditions of work.

We draw your attention to the fact that there is also the internal logic of constructing the Workshop - the logic of self-management: self-knowledge, self-esteem, self-management and self-development. This logic also does not exclude the possibility of accessing each block of the Workshop separately.

After reading this brief introduction, you probably noticed that the author aspires to "throw the bridge" from the theoretical foundations to the methods of implementing a successful business career. Work on the Workshops will help you evaluate your abilities, weigh your strengths and channel your creative energy along the path that promises success to you, where the best possible application will be your own creative potential. Work with techniques, do not miss your chance to achieve success in life!