Theory and practice of self-management - Lukashevich NP


How do you hope to understand the device to work, that is most appropriate for your type of personality, it does not guarantee a successful career in this workplace. Rather, it is a prerequisite (though very important) to your continued success. To achieve it, it is important to assess whether a "set" of your personal and business qualities corresponds to the work carried out, what the strengths of your personality type is lean in the work, and the impact of any try to smooth, to develop some of the qualities and characteristics you should work for success .

This determines the Workshop-3 structure, which is shown below.

1. Determination of the strengths and weaknesses of your personality type, which may occur in the work. For this reference technique TART1 remains.

2. Definition of the business model of the human-oriented success. There is a reference technique, based on the understanding of man as a living biopsychosocial system2. In addition, the technique will be used creative self-management capacities (Andreev) 3 and construction of psychological self-portrait (N. Litvintseva) 4.

3. Self-assessment of his personal and business potential. To do this will use different test metodiki5.

Here we use a shortened and adapted version of our methodology

Tartu (see P. .: Tiger, Tiger B. Barron, op. Cit.).

See Lukashevich .: NP education Sociology. - K .: AIDP, 1996.

See .: Andreev VI Decree. Op.

See Litvintseva .: NA Decree. Op.

See .: Crosswords Executive / Comp. IV Lipsits. - M .: Case, 1992; Do not repeat the mistakes (Practical tips head) / Comp. IV Lipsits. - M .: Economics, 1988; Transports NN, Shchekin GV Decree. cit .; Know thyself (30 popular tests) / Comp. MI White. - M .: Economics, 1992; Practical Psychology for Managers. - M .: Inform.-izdat. House "Filin", 1996; Secrets of skilful manager / Comp. IV Lipsits. - M .: Economics, 1991; Tests and methods of business games for the manager / AB Borovsky, IA Grab-lic. - K .: MZUUP, 1994; Do you want to know yourself? No problems! - Chelyabinsk: Atoxil-ST Press, 1992.

Using these techniques, you can estimate how much (little) you appear as individual qualities and characteristics (in a rather wide range), and the combination of them in the form of integral characteristics and properties.

4. Determination of its business self-portrait (personality profile). The reference in this case are the methods for determining the profile of the person (Andreev) 1 and the construction of psychological self-portrait (N. Litvintseva) 2.

1. Determination of the strengths and weaknesses of your personality type, which may occur in the work.

techniques Contents: list of strengths and weaknesses for each of the 16 types of the person on the Tartu.

How to use the procedure.

Refer to the code of your personality type, consisting of four letters, and track down a list of strengths and weaknesses of its sides in this section of the Workshop.

Carefully read the list of the first strong points of your personality type.

"Try on" the list itself.

Drop quality, which you can not see at home.

Determine the presence at each of the properties in accordance with the five-point scale: 5 points - for the full manifestation of this quality you; 1 point - for unobtrusive expression of quality.

Place your strengths in a column in descending order of their appearance:



3 .......

2 .......


The top two positions prompt, what your strengths, you can now build in. For details on how to do this, refer once again for the Workshop-2 and restore the memory, as you did when applying for a job. After the device to work - it's also a kind of work. So some experience you already have, use it.

See .: Andreev VI Decree. Op. See Litvintseva .: NA Decree. Op.

The remaining lower position will show you, what qualities of your personality type, you can work more efficiently to rely on them in the future.

Now refer to the list of weaknesses of your personality type and study carefully.

"Try on" the list itself.

Drop quality, which you can not see at home.

Determine the presence at each of the properties in accordance with the five-point scale: 5 points evaluate the quality, which is reflected in your work to the full; 1 point - the quality of which is shown in your work process less noticeable.

Place your weaknesses in a column in descending order of their appearance:



3 .......

2 .......


The top two positions prompt, what their weaknesses should not be let out of the field of vision, constantly working on their compensation during operation. For details on how to do this, refer once again for the Workshop-2, and remember how you did it for a job.

The remaining lower positions contain characteristics from which a constant work on them will be to get rid of.

Personality type ENTST

Strengths and weaknesses ENTST that may occur in the work Strengths.

ENTST able to create and maintain a harmonious relationship between people and strengthen the spirit of cooperation. They value diversity of opinion.

There may be good speakers and organizers of collective discussions.

They are determined and organized. ENTST - born leaders.

Weak sides.

ENTST tend to idealize others. Hasten decision-making.

Poor coping with conflict situations and tend to "sweep the rubbish under the carpet."

Take criticism too personally. May neglect the actual data.

Personality type INTST

Strengths and weaknesses INTST that may occur in the work Strengths.

INTST are good at finding alternative and creative approach to problem solving.

They are able to understand the complex terms and concepts.

Aim for harmonious relations between people.

Enjoy the gift of persuasion, can be leaders and do not deviate from their ideas.

Readily help people grow spiritually.

Weak sides.

INTST may lack flexibility, their vision may be limited.

They are not practical and do not see the extent to which their ideas are viable.

They strive to achieve excellence in everything, too independent to work in large teams.

Express your thoughts is very difficult to understand others.

Personality type ENTSD

Strengths and weaknesses ENTSD that may occur in the work Strengths.

People like ENTSD able to think innovatively, effectively solve the various problems.

They can combine their talents to the interests and abilities of others.

Can succeed in any area that is of interest to them.

They know how to place the right people in the desired positions (or to put them in front of the required tasks).

Charges others with his optimism and energy.

Weak sides.

Not different organization, poorly versed in priorities.

They do not like elaborate plan.

It is easy to deviate from the original goal, to lose interest in it.

They do not like the monotony, repetitiveness. Less effective, working alone.

Personality type INTSD

Strengths and weaknesses INTSD that may occur in the


People like INTSD prefer to work for the sake of ideas and goals, who sincerely believe.

Productive work alone, from time to time dealing with those whose opinions cherished.

Always try to meet their obligations.

They work with enthusiasm, if they believe in what they are doing.

Well versed in the people, are in contact with them.

Weak sides.

They can be carried away by unrealistic plans.

They seek to independently control all their actions, with the loss of independence may lose interest in the work.

Frustrated if the work which they are engaged, does not meet their ideals or beliefs.

Experiencing difficulties if they have to bring in their ideas of the amendment.

They do not like to work in an environment of competition, rivalry.

Personality type ENRT

Strengths and weaknesses ENRT that may occur in the work Strengths.

People like ENRT can be leaders, staring into the future.

They prefer to work in organizations where there is a possibility to take a higher position.

They are ambitious and hardworking, honesty and sincerity are different.

Are good to solve complex problems, think logically. The ability to see in front of both short and long term goals.

Weak sides.

There may be too demanding, critical of, tend to exert brutal pressure.

We tend to put work above the other aspects of life.

In an effort to be sure to take a decision may be missing out on important, relevant facts and details.

Forget about what people need support and to express their approval.

It is not enough to appreciate the participation in the common effort of others, can ignore their merits.

Personality type INRT

Strengths and weaknesses INRT that may occur in the work Strengths.

Enjoy the gift of inner vision, and as no one else able to create a variety of systems.

We are pleased to solve the particularly complex creative and theoretical problems.

Able to theoretical and technical analysis and logical assessment of problems.

Good work alone and do not lose their composure even in difficult situations.

Able to understand complicated matters.

Weak sides.

Once the problem is solved creative may lose interest in the overall project.

Is presented to the other the same high standards as well as to themselves.

Can build their difficulties, if they think those with whom or for whom the work below him on the level of competence.

They have a tendency to too much independence, and, as a consequence, it is difficult to adapt to a particular environment.

There may be excessive straightforwardness, defending their ideas.

Personality type ENRD

Strengths and weaknesses of the ENRD, which can manifest itself in the strong side.

Creative and able to improvise. They work best if interesting tasks follow one another.

Can ignite audience inspirational speech and hold the attention of interesting messages.

Good show themselves during the objective analysis. Confident and can work virtually wherever they want.

Weak sides.

Finished the stage of creative problem solving, tend to lose interest in the case.

They face difficulties if they have to work out the details of the project.

They do not like repetitive, routine work and may shy away from the established order.

The conversation is often interrupted the interlocutor; may overestimate themselves and their ability.

There are optional, others fed.

Personality type INRD

Strengths and weaknesses INRD that may occur in the


People like INRD able to analyze problems and to see them from the inside.

This architects, creators of creative ideas and systems. They appreciate the opportunity to learn something new, hone their skills, improve their knowledge.

Able to work alone, intently. Think through their actions in advance.

Weak sides.

There may be a distorted view of the practical benefits of their ideas.

Their ideas may be too complex to be understood by others.

They may lose interest in the work and not to bring it to the end. Irritating to the abundance of small details.

Can be indifferent to others, to be overly critical and demanding.

Personality type ESRT

Strengths and weaknesses ESRT that may occur in the


People of this type tend to be extremely practical, result-oriented.

Focus its efforts on goal, facing the organization. They are born organizers, they are good at objective decisions.

Will show in the performance of its obligations and can be tough when necessary.

Easily identify illogicality, inconsistency, impractical or ineffective.

Weak sides.

Can be impatient and irritable if someone does not follow the established order, ignores the important stuff.

Intolerant to inept or incapable of employees.

We tend to neglect the interests of other people pursuing their own goals.

Do not show interest in the possibilities and options, which does not exist yet, but that may appear.

They do not like to listen to objections, other opinions can afford rudeness.

Personality type ICRT

Strengths and weaknesses of the ICRT, which can manifest itself in the strong side.

People type ICRT inherent accuracy and thoroughness in all things, whatever they were doing.

They respect the established rules and procedures.

They know how to concentrate, can work in isolation and do not feel the craving to communicate.

It is the support of companies and organizations.

Stable, reliable, always bring it to the end.

Weak sides.

May have trouble adapting to the changed conditions.

Accept new ideas only when they see how you can apply them in practice.

Not inclined to welcome the changes may be a lack of flexibility.

May show indifference to the needs of others if those needs do not coincide with their own requirements.

We tend to underestimate their abilities and contribute to the common cause.

Personality type ESTST

Strengths and weaknesses ESTST that may occur in the


People of this type work well in large teams; they create a harmonious relationship with others.

They bring in any case his personal attitude.

They are hard-working, conscientious, committed to bring great practical benefit.

Well adapted to the monotonous routine work; subject to the rules and limitations.

Well organized, able to store and use the facts.

Weak sides.

Sensitive to criticism in his address, under stress, when there is a tense situation at work.

Dampen, fall into depression if their efforts are not adequately assessed and they are not praised for the work.

Hurry decision-making, passed many options.

Not interested in new ways of working can be stubborn and conservative in their views.

Exhibit nervousness, if they have a long time to work alone; they need to communicate.