Aesthetics - Levchuk L.T.



Aesthetics is the science of people's culture. Tak zagalne viznachennya vitіkaє з оргаічної єдності двох своєрідних частин цієї науки; Yakimi є: 1) vyyavlennya dialectics of the process of development, the specifics of the estetic yak manifest tsinnisnogo stavlennya muzhni to diznosti; 2) artist diyalnist humanity.

Обидві частини хоч і тісно взаємопов'язані, protiv sidno samostіynі. At the first sight of the nature, the specifics of the creative potential of the estetic, the category of esthetics - beautiful, tragic, comin tescho. Another part of the artist is interested in the art of the people, the structure and function of his creativity, the nature of the artistic talent, the species, the genre, and the style of samotbutnost of the mystery. The very development of the estetik yak of the subject without a change can be called a process of the pokushka adequate spivvidnoshennya mizh zazhchichimi parts. Svoeridnu function "plastic bridge" with the tsiku vikonuvali so ponimtya, yak beautiful, thorough, harmony, tsinnity, fіlosofіya misterstva. Staggering bugatokh table estetika vystupala і як «science about beauty», и як «science about досконале», і як «science about the law development of the mystery».

Konstatuyuchi folding viznachennya subject of estetiki, slyid peredusim rekonstruivati ​​історію by problems, zvernuvshy osoblyvu respect for the specification of the terminology.

Understanding the esthetics is traditionally attributable to the Greek hermetically - pochette. Prote can not be found here, so it's Greek terminology, yestanamay, estesi, esteme, can not be ungainly, and by the process of formulating an individual object before the object. Хоч згадані терміни і відповідають ponattyu pobuttya, the protesters stole in themselves the bagano nuances of the indivisual human stavlenya up to the subject, orients the people to the authorities, the hearing, the dentists of the building, the vimagali until the wet svitosprimannya.

Poyva pevnoy terminologii і zagalne viznannya її all hacks did not lead to vikinnenya novosti sciences. Aesthetic knowledge was formed in the interlaces of the phylosophy of the yak ії sоерідна частина. Confirmed estetiki yak samostynoy sciences vidbulosya deprived in the XVIII century.

Formation of the first estetichnyh uyavlen slіd spivvіdnesti z ti znachennyam, yakogo drevnogretska fіlofіya poured out to the people's voices vzagali. Analiz їх. Prokli klasyfіkuvati, viyaviti protilezhni chutt'evі sili - important folding fіlosofkih visions Pifagora. Alk-meon, Empedocles, Theophrastus. Gruntuchis on їхніх rozdumakh schodo nature pobuttiv, mozhna bzlo vzhe dokis pereklivo difentsitsyuvati poteutsya fine chi pokatnogo, tragic chi com. Otzhe, piling up at the hips ganalofilosofkoї tradition, estetika "vibudovuvala" vlasniy object, vidbilevachi і nadbannya, і prora-hunki dlinnogretskoi fіlofіїї.

Pershy, try to vikoristati pokutty yak basis for osmislennia singing esteticheskikh nevysch povyazyany pifagoriytsyami - fіlosofskoyu school, zasnovanoyu Pyfagor y vi st. BC. Є. Pifagor ototozhnyuv ponattenya garmonіya, posskalalst, beauty, and the basis of harmony vvavat number. Harmony of numbers pifagoriytsyi were known to be found in the rose planets. Sered vidіv mystetstva vyshim nosієm garmonії golosolushalasya muzyka. At tsiomu pidkreslyuvalasya chutt'eva nature of the whole of mysticism, zv'azok yogo z sykhovoyu zdatnistyu mneni. It is not possible, without interruption, to be woken up to the saints of the music videos of the yak "mystery of the mysteries", or in the interlaces of the viznannya. The yak of the nose of the harmonious beginning. Pifagor, zybiv bugo plidnogo for rozrobki problems muzichnogo vihovannya, specifiki sprimyannya muzichnogo tvoru. Музика в його розумінні є носієм душевної рівноваги, вона stimлює душевний спокій.

Vazhlive mosk at fіolosofkih glances Pifagora borrowed vchennya about bezsmertya dushi і mozhlimіst її vtіljuvatysya at be-yake tіlo (metempsihoz). However, for the "animated", "resettled" souls, vvazh vine, the treb pass through the cleansing ( catharsis ), a whiskey form of the Ikoe-opanuvannya musically-numeric structure of the cosmos. Pifagoriytsy zgdomom introduced tetkatidya tetraktid (sum of the first number of numbers 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10; vonna include the basic musicals: octave (2: 1), quintus (3: 2) and quarta (4: 3)).

In the context of the analysis of the subject of esthetics, merit is due to the point of view of Alkmeon, the eminent likara, and the natural philosopher of the Persian half of V art. To її. Є. Vvazhaetsya, scho Alkmeon buv first vzchemu Gretsii, a kind mozlizhuvav misselja i vidchuttya tververdzhuvav, scho sprimannya - tse folding process ruhu vid pocuttevich nerve to organisv chittya i dili - to the brain1.

The foolishness of the buli was the subject of a theoretical interest and of Empedocles (490-430 pp. BC.). On the yogo dumku, the lower rivnem pocutta є vidchuttya, yakі pіdvladnyi principles "subbene piznatsya podibnim." And she herself ідність "відчуття - почуття" вже формає більш широкі сили - Любов і Ворожнечу. Tsіs Empedokl having recognized yak nematerіalnі, але просторово визначені. Поперемінність переваги тієї чи іншої з них обумовлює циклічний хід світового процесу. Empedocles, with this rank, does not foresee in advance the traditional wives of nature and importance of pocuttives, but by closing the catharsis, nagoloshuychi on the moral and ethical nature of the process of purification.

In III century. BC. Є. Theory of the Nautut Nabula completed for that hour the Vicla at the hands of a prominent ancient Greek prince, the philosopher Theophrastus, the jasper representative of the peripatetic school. Почуттєва спрямованість поглядів філософа влатова його дослідницьким працям "About відчуття", "Етичні характеристики" та "About благочестя".

In the arsenal of arguments in the history of writing in the historical process of formulating the subject of esthetical science, I adhere to the principle of the "golden backstop" - a geometrically-mathematically expressive proportion, with which I myself so spontaneously move in my own part, ya bil'sha z zmenshoyu. In geometricized forms, the principle of looking at one another is the same: 5: 8 = 8: 13 = 13: 21 = 21: 34 ... Davnogretsky science vvazhala, scho be-yake tilo, subject, geometric figure, spivvidnoshennya part of some of these proportions, proportionality I cope with the enemy's enmity. The Greek Parthenon, the Marmurov colonies, have a long life for the temple, following the principle of the "golden backwater", ма mabut is still a superfluous phrase of a practical sham principle.

Slid mati na uvazi, but theoretically practical interest before the golden gentleness is not interfaced with the periode of the development of the old-warming estetics. In the era of Vidrodzhennya, the rule of the "Golden Retina" looked like the obovyazky law of arhitekturi, painting and sculpture. Theorists

1 Div.: Fragments of the early Greek philosophers. M .. 1989. Part I. 23-24.

І mittsi that hour namagalisya know absolutely, geometrically the basis is beautiful. Tipovim schodotsky - the treatise "About the Divine Proportion" of the unknown mathematician L. Pacholі. The teachings of the bouves of the reincarnations, and the rule of the "Golden Retina", is the esthetic value of "earthly objects". Віддаючи належне политииі «золотого перетину», слід, проте, визнати помилковість його абсолютизації. Сліпе слідування геометризовані красі механізує це folding understand, proportion proportionally proportionally znizhuyu zmіstovnu side beautiful, formalіuzєє її.

The water hour zvertane to the rule of the golden shade of potrebna for the sake of nagolosity on the meaning of people's health in a formative esthetic poteutya. Існує кілька гіпотез, які explanatory, чому саме співвіdosen 5: 8 є the basis of mathematical tlumachennya proportionality. Vidilim dumku about those, scho proporazitsya 5: 8 zbіgaєtsya with the margin of horizontal and vertical kutіv poglidu mneni dyama ichima. Tsya gipotoza daє zmogu stverdzhuvati, scho svidomo chi іntuyetіtivno Greeks came to the principle of "golden gilt" through the vozrozhzheni mozyalostі manicheskogo eye, tobto nature "gave away" lyudi direct and without a helm before vidchutty proportional і garmonії.

Пізніше терміни естаноме, естаномай, нейсетикос втратили прявй зв'язок з поняттям почуття, the subject of estetics has been ransacked through osmislyuvati through the noblest shirshi for the oath and for the insinuations of understanding: thorough, proportional, harmonious, beautiful, estetic. Same bagatoznachnist podalshshogo tlumachennya ponimatja estetika spounuka us to neobhіdnostі vіdnovіti історію ставлення Subjects of science естетики, яка має olden і glyboque коріння. Pershi paristki piznannogo piznannya і oporennya dіysnosti mozhno znati vzhe u mіfologichnikh texts. Tsikavo y te, scho stanovlenya esteticheskogo znannya not povyazjane z yakimos concrete regi chi kraine, and the authorities yak dlinnogretskiy phylosophy, so i fіlosofії China, Індії, арабо-мум-манських країн, Візантії тих далеких чаів.