Aesthetics - Levchuk L.T.


Problem місця, ролі і специфіки естетики у структурі міжпредметних зв'язків має olden і folded istoriya. At the end of the paragraphs, the role of the phylosophy of science was punctuated, and it was discussed in all the spheres of the human knowledge. Aesthetics of the bull was included in the subject matter of the phylosophy, and the aegis, Ії basic ідеї rozvivalisya in the interlocutors of the zagalnofilosofskogo znannya. The interdependence of the esthetics and the phylosophy of the Poles in this, the theoretical principle and the scientific method of esthetics, is to be found. Svitoglyadnih positіі, methodology, fіlofіskoї conceptіії of a particular fіlofofof the original fіlofofskogo strains. Such a reservoir was not prostituted in the quiet of theorists, yakis yshli to estetichnoi problematics, vidstovhuychichis vіd vlasnih fіlofoskih kontentsіy (Platon, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel), and th y quietly, hto raskoblyav estetiku in the interstices of mystestvoznavchchoї orієntatіїї (Leonardo da Vinci, Boileau, Lessing ). Methodology esteticheskih doslosdzhen, yaka bezsosednyo povetsyana z virishennyam head pittannya fіlosofії - vidnoshennya myslenny up to buttya, obmovlena spetsifikoyu dialektichnogo chi metafizichnogo pidhodiv. Same soderzhidnistyu methodologichnyh bases viznachaatsya svoeridnist esteticheskih kontceptciy. Otzhe, vinykennya і rozvitok esteticheskih iіdi vidbuvalisya at the boundaries of the fіlіofії і vіdbiivali zagalom ті суперечностіі, які були влавіііірііі філософкоїї думки.

In Borotby's literary works, strains, shkіl passed the formulation of the subject of esthetics, Ії main categories і to understand. Gossip yak part of the fіlofіїї, estetica through іdeju calokagatії actively співпрацювала з етикою. Vіdrogennya i іntensivne teoretichne vіcorostannya kholokagativnuyu to the principle in the minds of the hour etapu rozvitku estetichnoї sciences - is far from єdiniy priktsialnost vzemodії estetiki i etiki. In the science of cynics, there is a spontaneous cynicism in people's minds about a different subject of moral and aesthetic analogy and a creative potential. Bezperechno, scho naprikintsi XX century. Ці науки втрачають антропоцентричні тенденцииції щодо розуміння ролі і значення реальoї people in the shares of civіlізації. Alya chim glibshim стає знання людини, tim доцільнішим є пошук шляхів її гуманізації.

Svoerіdnim aspect of the relationship between the aetics and the ethics of the structure of the esthetic poteutya, yake to be formed on the organi cial identity of the so-called zvonnichnyh i vnutrishnih pocuttiv people. Formuzvaniya zovnіshnih pocuttiv - zoru, hearing, dots - the result of trivalov bіlogіchnoї evolyutsії svіtu. Intrinsic pobottya (love, hate, friendship, kolektivizm) -there is a moral-etic, scho-svyadchennyam pivnogo rivnya olyudenostіі і kulturi. Aesthetichki poteuttya, yak folding alloy zovnіshnіh i vnutrishnih, nese in sobi morally-etichnee navantazhennya.

I will specialize in the role of ikeika vіdіgraє at analіzі artіngії діяльності, мистецтва як warehouse part of the subject of estetics. The skin is concrete, it is esthetical, it beholds the pinnacle of the world, the mysticism, the esthetical dyalnosti vzagalі ta na danu іstorichnu epokhu zokrema. З урахуванням цього доцільно ставити і розглядати питанняіцінії еетики митця, yogo moralії відповідальності залліні владиї творчисті. Ajer, "the shortcomings of morality are exacerbated by the importance of the element of people's dignity, the very disposition of people in the assortment of people who can not be taxed on the morals and on the specifics of moral regulation. Існують окремі види человеської діяльності, що висувають виблиів високі й навіть надвисокі моральні вимоги до осіб, корі профійно цією діяльністю займаються * 7.

Profesionnaia каetika і normi profilіchnikh dіlovi vzaemin є traditsionnymu storozovuyu partno etichnoi nauki. Shchopravda, naholos at chyomu robitsya, as a rule, on the professions of the teacher, teacher, lawyer. Chi any professia of the specialty of the profession? Shchod Professia mittsya, then you can be positive here. Warehouses, superexplicable processes in the development of the mystery in the historical development, the artistic obedience of the mittsi reactionary ideology, the fate of concrete mystic strains in the artistically imposed violence, the chaotic reluctance, the moral all-permissiveness and the insolence of the problem of professional mysticism.

"At the professional level, a system of specific moral standards is to be formed, with practical rules, such as" servicing ", that is," the service of the people ", and" in the head office of the galusies, the head office of the dyadostnost "lyudina, kotra vpravі spodіvatisya y spodivaetsya na stavlennya to myself Not yak up to the subject of the call-up, but the yak itself before the people, the toboto rozrachovuє on povaga, rozumnіnya, spіvchuttya that merciful "8. I І tsіlkom zrozumіlo, scho be-yakі show baiduzhostі mittsya up to the artistic auditorium, polichnich yogo kon'juktura chi svidome Self-prostanstuvannya vlasnih creatives povinni, prinaymn morally, osudzhuvatisya suspilstvom.

Znachne moral-etiny navement of Nese in the problem of creativity, profession, michia vichovannya. Ajay so baked, і so є teper, scho mittsi formuyutsya in specific creative smallsters, creative labs in vidomih mittsiv. Kozhen uchen, priymayuchi chi prostastuyuchi artnogo principle vchitel, nese in sobi peredusim yogi creative model. Yetika vzaemin "vchitel - uchen" will require vivchennia, rozrobki i vyroblenya soderodnogo "code honesty."

The problems of art and creativity are being spied on our respect and on the relationship of esthetics and psychology. Teorichnichnii intorsi cih sciences є zagalnimi u tom kolі pitan ', yakі povyazhenі iz z'yasuvannami tekstifiki esteticheskogo poteutty, protsessu creativity, stanovlennya khudozhnoї obdarovanosti, talanovitosti, genialnosti. Aesthetics and psychology peresikayutsya vivchennyi specifiki spryymannya hudozhnogo tvoru.

7 YETA. K., 1992. From 316.

8 Ibid. C 317.

Obovyazykovym є і rozglyad vzemodії estetiki s mysteststvoznavstvom - sukupnistyu nauk, yakі doslidzhuyut sotsialno-esteticnu sutnist misterstva, yogo pokhozhennya, sistemirnosti rozvitku, osoblivostі і zmist vidovoi tekhniki misterstva, the nature of artistic creativity, the ministry of mystery in the spiritual life of the estate. In a hurry, mystestvo-vedicism accentuates respect for pre-ordained mysteries in the context of spiritual culture. The folding structure of mysticism is characterized by complexness, yak is about yogo zagalne and partkov. The Yak system is known about the secret of the mystery, it is vain to subscribe to literary discourse, teatraznavstvo, kinoznavstvo tochno. The skin of the spheres of knowledge is vividly self-explanatory, that is to enter the warehouse part of the water body to the natural structure. Yakshto shortly, then mystestvotvazhestvo є sukupnistyu three of the parts - історії мистецтва, теорії мистецтва и художьої критики. The aesthetics of the future are yak zagalna teorii mistetzva i same u ts'omu aspekti perehuretsya іnteresi yestetiki i mystestvotvazvstva, yake, at his own cherry, theoretically, with nemistetstvoznavchimi nauchnikimi disciplines, methodological pіdhody, sposberzhennya i visnovki yakih majut suttєve znachennya for complex vivchennia misterstva. In the whole world, especially, ¬, napriklad, psychology of artistic creativity, sociology of the mystery, culturology, semiotics tolko.

The problem of the interdependence of aesthetics and mysticism is to be folded, superimposed, and ambiguous about the ambiguity of the mission and the role of mystery in the subject of estetics. The rosum of the subject of aesthetics yak teorії mystetstva, to the authorities for the singing of historical knowledge, to the development of the esthetic knowledge, did not ask for the subject of estetics, brought up the pittance of one's science, and did not meet the nutriment on the head: chomu, the yak of self-science, the esthetics and the mystery of the past, Human beings, without having crossed one one? Chi does not mean tse, sho von taju taku specifiku, yaka obumovlyuє neobhіdnіst існування цих двох наук і підміна їх неправмочна?

Szedlenogretzka mifologii zafiksuala misterstvo yak specifichnu diyalnist humanity. Zgadaimo hoch bi wide widiom of the myth about Apolon, to the boules of the pidporyadkovany muses: Melpomene - tragedy, Єvterpa - lirichnoi travel, Erato - love liriki, Terpsichore - dance, Calliope - epic travel, Taliyah - comedy, Clio - історії, Ура-нія - астрономії , Полігімнія - гімнів.

Міфологічний образ Аполона whichever folding wings rozvitku і допомагає to us тепер зрозуміти postopovy process іvіdomlennya spetsifіki естетичної діяльності, її зв'язку з красою. Міф свідчить, що спочатку Аполон, син Zeus і Summer, brother Artemіdi, having buried his homeland in the grief and neschast. Pіznіshe yogo rested ototozhnyuvati with Gelio-som - the god Sontsya. On the honor of Apolon, the Greeks were going to the Khram (on Delos Island and Delphi). Tsі Khrami mali zagalnogretske znachennya. Postolovo after Apolon (vin becoming the god of music), the culture-culture, the culture-turozasna functioning, and in science through symbolism, symbolic-metaphoric interpre- tation, come the problem of species specificity and synthesis of mysteries, the problem, the integration of estetics and mysticism.

Yakshto rekonstrujuvaty teorichtichnu istoriyu problemy svіvvidnoshennya estetiki і mystetstvoznavstva, slіd peredusim vidiliti dot Zorona Ignann Vinkelmana (1717 - 1768 pp.) And Wilhelm Humboldt (1767-1835 pp.). Representing nimetski estetiko-mystetztvoznavchu school of the XVIII - XIX century, stinked namagalisi vneinti enteres to the classic misterstva, nagoloshuvali on neobihodnosti vzaimodії teorії misterstva and literary criticism. On the foundations of the fundamental dossier. Vinkelman "The History of the Mystetstva of the Old Man" (1763 р.) Is not less formalized and systematized by the ancient mystery, but is given the theoretical groundwork for the sistem in the mystery of the world and the form of internal prejudice and consolation. On the application of analizu chotyryh steps the development of the ancient mystery - archaic, pidneshenogo (Fidiy, Skopas), the beautiful (Praxitel) and the epicenter - Vinkelman, on the day, vishov on the new riven osmislennya tragic, dramatic, self nature of the human sufferer.

Відштовхуючисьсь Від позиції Вінкельмана і полемізуючи з ним, видтний німецький естетик XVIII ст. Gotthold-Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781 pp.) Zmіg dokyagti tikh spravzhnіh, teoretichnikh vysot, yakі yavi yovogo pratsam "Laokoon" (1766 p.) And "Gamburzka dramaturgy" (1767 p.).

So, before the position of V. Humboldt, then rozglyad him creative nadbet Goethe and Shiller, giving zmogu proanalizuvati specifiku realizatsii іdealu mistretvom (Interpreted vyn yak concrete-istorichny and natsionalniy phenomenon).

Further on, the problems of the esthetical specialties of the mystery were dealt with in such scenes of the British English philosopher Bernard Bozanket (1848-1923 pp.): "The History of Esthetics" (1892 p.), "Lektsii z estetiki" (1915 p.), "Principles Індивідуальності і цінності "(1911 p.)," Value and share of the indivision "(1912 p.). Hegel's interpreter, Bozanket, having seen the mysterious way to the disguise of the holy harmony. When tsiomu vin namagavsya obgruntuvati bilsh shiroke, nizh tse boolo priinyato in історії естетики, розуміння гармонії. Vaughn, on the doom of Bozanket, - the heart of the "absolute reality" - tsіlіsnostі, yaka долає просторову і часову роз'єднаність предметів і явищ. Mistetztvo namagayutsya poednati mnogonu, scho іsnuє na rіvnі prirodnoї chuttєvostі, z "absolute realism" yak nosієm dosskonalostі. After uttering the "divine comedy" of Dante, the secret of the mystery, Bozanket, on the day, sprimav estetiku yak science, scho oponovuє і інтерпретує functціональну специфіку мистецтва. Especially the "estetichne" Navantazhennia Mae, the duma of Bosanquet, piznavalna function. The English theorist on the ears of the twentieth century. Namagavsya do not deprive you of the new arguments, the arguments of the schodogel geology, and the interchange of the object of estetics by the mystery, but the name of estetics, mystery of the creation of knowledge, the rationality of the statues before the day.

The problem of the diversity of esthetics and mystery of the world is more than a nonspecific prikovaluval to itself the respect of the prejudices. Thus, the writer of the Himalayan Estetic, Max Dessuard (1867-1947 pp.) Chitko and poslidovno vidokremljuvav za-galoneesteticnu problematy vid mystecktvozvstva. Yak in the theoretical papers "Aesthetics and mystery mysticism" (1906 p.), "Systematics and History of the Mystets" (1914), and in the Organizational Diyalnost of the European subjects of the theoretical schools "Aesthetics and zagalne misterstvoznavstvo" Dessuar vihodiv З тези about підпорядкованість the sphere of the artistic sphere estetichnogo (yak bіlsh ob'єmnі). Існуючи самостійно, мистецтвознавство як sphere of the artist's guilt vrachovuvati mozvolistі estetiki - the sphere estetichnogo. Vodnochasch Dessuar namagavsya vidokremiti mystestvotvazvstvo vіd fіlоofії mystetstva, azhe ostannya, for yogo words, ruin the "theoretical purity" of the sciences about the mystery.

At the hands of Desoursara there is an understanding of "estetichno-mietetstvoznavchy" (pіdhіd, analіz і т. Ін.), One stavlennya vchenogo before fіlоofії yak of the basis of aesthetics zagalom negativne, aje fіlоofіya, praying, "belittling" estetiku. Rozmirkovoychy over the problem of the mosaic of esthetics in the structures of mizh-subjective zv'yazyv, Dessuary orientuvat estetiku po poshuk zv'yazkiv zetnologiiє, історією, психологією.

With the help of the new knowledge of the zest of the aesthetics and mysticism of the world, the position of the unknown and the vivid French esetics of the 20th century is known. Etyne Suryo (1892-1979 pp.). Well, ZO-50-ti rock - "Maybutne estetiki" (1929 p.), "Spivvidnoshennya misterstv. Elements of Portable Esthetics "(1947) - Suryo namagavsya rozglyadati tvir misterstva yak stanovlenya novosti reality, but apparently the mystery was identified by him through the specifics of the sentiments of the elements - kvaliy (for, Latin qualia - yakist). Same through zagobi decorating kvaly, and they vygodyatyut sound, kolіr, svіtlo, word, ru, mozhe vinikati samobutnіy "kosmos" - artіvyі tvіr, cognition of originality, nepovtornіstu, author's bakhennyа svіtu.

The problem of the discrimination of esthetics and mysticism is actively disseminated by representatives of Marxist poetics (Yu. Bor'ev, A. Єremyev, A. Zіs).

Vivchennia object of aesthetics in uraikhuvannyam wide stake problems mysstektvozvstva bulo і zalyshаtsya na suhasnomu rіvnі rozvitku estetchnoї science folding and discuscular problem. The ambiguity of the matter of the mission and the role of the mystery in the structure of the subject of esthetics, the superexistence of the tax and the specifics of the interconnectedness of the esthetical and artistic spheres led to the aspiration, and then the vulgarization of esthetics, to the rubbish, to transform it into applied science. At the friend's half of the XIX century. The French ethnographer and the anthropologist Sh. Leturno invaded the so-called "estetic paleontology". The teachings of the Bouvet of the Declines, but the anthropology of the building of the Opanuvaty of the Intrinsic Settlement of the Estetics and the Mystetstva.

Especially in plodo vedo vyavlennya novi; The possibility of esthetical science through mizhpredmetnі zv'yanki mozhna vvazhati XX st., With the extension of what was folded and prodovzhuyut rozvivatisya analitichna estetika (L. Vittgenstein, U. Galli, R. Wollheim), contextualist (D. Dyue, S Pepper), structurally-semiotics P. Bogatiryov, R. Jakobson, G. Shpet), semantic (E. Kassirer, B. Croce, M. Benze), hermeneutichna (M. Heidegger, G. Gadamer) that іn. Specifically, the sphere is to become a vestige of the esthetic knowledge, which is the classics of esthetics with pre-nouns of natural and technical sciences (vibro, estetic, technic, ecologic).

Otzhe, in the morning, during and after, trivayut probizi poglibiti i izagalniti interi uchetichnoi science. The goal is related to the dynamism of estetics, to the authoritative posthumous zbagachennyam of the object, zі znachnimi vnimishnіmі creativіmі potentsііy, lishhe to some part of which is "duly" thrown into the past.

Slid pidkresliti, scho kinets XX century. Voznikizuvav teoreticheskih rozrobki shodo bilsh adequate rozuminnya oath of the subject і zavdan science. Naybіlsh plіdnoyu dotskoyu zoru є, na dumku, viznachennya estetiki through ponjattenja garmonіya i rozumіnnya tsієї yak nauk na proizolonіzіyu prinimatіv garmonіynogo rozvitku muzhchiny, menni i syspil'stva, lichni i i prirody. Tsikavim є і viznachennya estetiki yak of science about the young, self-motivating vyyav manyskih forces і zdibnost y be-yakі doskonіy profilіynіy dіyalnі.