Aesthetics - Levchuk L.T.


Our уява about estetichnu diyalnіst sub'ekt suspilnogo practice bula ne nevnuyu, yakbis mi obeschilis lishe spheroju pratsi, suspilnykh t mіzhozobovyh vidosin. I really am the only one, the great is the sphere of the esthetical diyalnost and the water object of the esthetical podolodi - nature. Stavlenna before her inner superelevive. W one side, suspіlstvo vіdpovіdno to Svoge zagalnogo cultural rozvitku all bіlshe zvertaєtsya to nature yak dzherela estetichnih experiences estetichnih tsіnnostey i, s іnshogo - svoєyu dіyalnіstyu applied nepopravnu Skoda prirodі, stvoryuyuchi zagrozu ekologіchnoї Creasy i note by zagrozu Vlasnyi іsnuvannyu. Vihіd з such протиріччя to lie on the road to the transition from the volcautulitic to the southeast of the esthetical, spiritual stavlennya to nature yak esteticnymi norms for the human suspenstva.

Humanity in its own country has experienced a rarity in the formation of nature. Znachny vidrizok hour of borrowing a period of culture zbirannya і poljavannya, if the people tilkom zalezhalo vid nature, yaka gave yomu zasobi for іsnuvannya. Tsei stan characterize in a different manner of harmony, hoch vona і ne bula svidomim naimir mnogony. Проте вже на цьому етапі відбувається усвідомлення людиною цінності nature yak umі існування. Sposberzhennya nature, growing and izvarnogo svitu, їх взаємозв'язку порожує пробини people fall into disguise beauty, bagatstva і processes, pass the essence in the first forms of formation. The images tvarin, Roslyn, sprobi vikoristannya natural forms stvorennya predmetіv povsyakdennogo pobutu, іmіtuvannya povedіnki tvarin in ritual dances - all about tse svіdchit postupove spiritually i practicality ovolodіnnya CREATIVE zhivoї forces of nature, the power of Helsinki Human SSMSC Stavan i zabezpechuvali їy away materіalny i rozvitok spirituality.

Vinikennya productive gospodarjuvannya rizko remixed the picture of nature. Lіsi virubuyutsya, valleys rіchok vioryuyutsya pid kulturnі posіvi i nasadzhennya, zmenshuєtsya Quantity wild i zbіlshuєtsya number svіyskih tvarin ... Taqiy, Sotho sіlskogospodarsky character dіyalnostі stvoryuє minds for disgarmonії. Pershy zemorobskі tsivіlіzatsії have deprived pislya to itself pustelі.

That all the same stretching bugatokh vіkіv mіzh nature and people's існувала рівновнога. Samechim is equipped with the nature of nature in the esthetical dovsti people in the art of creativity. Vzaimodinyuchi with nature, lyudina can harmonically with her spivsnuvati, bring in the temple of the singing estetic aspect.

The laws of nature and the laws of human spivshitsya vimagayut vzaimnoy povagi. Cultural landscape tvorivsya zusillyami dvoh forces: sotsіalnoyu dіyalnіstyu Helsinki Human scho stvoryuvala vіdpovіdny for yourself prostorovo Oseredok-natural, that nature, zdatnoї plastically angers s cultural forms in i Pevnyi rozumіnnі zadati їy parameters. Tse is just shodo be-yakogo natsionalnogo landscapes, vodnochas tse vysnobyu soblivu tsinnist rіdnogo nature vzagali. Nature and culture, so bi-mobi, "pidpravlyayut" one and the same svoeridnu poednannist lyudyanostі і privyllya. Same fact obvious nature yak garmonіyna Yednist dvoh forces - prirodnoї i sotsіalnoї - from becoming Pevnyi smislі zrazok for Helsinki Human, upmost th estetichnu normal healthy i іstinnogo in zhittі suspіlstva that in hudozhnіy tvorchostі.

Scho f up tsistsprnamovanyogo estetchnogo vplyu on nature, then sposteregamo vidbitok concrete-istorichnyh yyavlen about beauty, yak was created by the practical and practical diyalnistyu people and mystery. Absentlessly one: the chim can help itself to the lyudin, the Tim of the Great World, the Bona Voda, is built up to the sprimann of the esthetical anchors of nature. Lyudina postіyno vplyvaє on svіt nature, including її in the system відносин певної конкретної сфеї діяльності. Protte buovayut momenti, if disichnost poseshi absolutely nezalezhnoyu vіd people. Podiv і навіть відчуття гізної непереверсенсті викликає in us the wilderness of the lion, the immaculate and empty oceanic. Tse є te vіdchutty svitu, which is absolutely alien to us.

Lyudina began to bring nature closer to her life, the spoiler in the form of gardens and parks. Prichomu is natural in nature, a bullet folded for the estetic sprimannya, otzhe, lyudina, stanovyuchi sadi i parks, attached to the form, which is attached to the objects of the body: straight lines, rivni chagarniki, pidstrizheni gazryai. In addition, Vona has decorated such a garden chi park statues, fountains, besidkov. Otzhe, the natural kutochka stvorovavsya practical human. Potrіbnі bilo kіlka tysyacholіt, shob lyudina became a building bachiti beauty of natural natural landscape, de volodaryuyut folded laws ґruntuтяyu ґruntu, roslin, tvarin, - rіchok ta lakes, nаскладніший geobiocenosis.

Landscape in the paintings of artists z'avivsya pіvіnjano пізно, весне кажучи, лише в епоху Відродження. Tse does not mean, scho lyudina did not bachila the nature of earlier, - just did not become for people a subject of esthetical podolodi. In the landscape, the nature of the world has overtaken and lost its self. At the ny, zanureny in tishu і zalishenіy mnogonoju, movbi awakened the tavern taєmniche zhittya, stranger and decals sparrow to the people, and vidtak poetchne, bo vidkryvae bezmezhnnost i demonizm real. Lisha romantizm zmіg peremogti samodostatnі nature nature in the landscape, олюднивши yogo for rahunok привнесення человеської духовності. Same through the romantic landscape in the background, the disguise of the zobrazhennya nature, which has become zafiksovanim vyavom pivnikh ememitshnikh stanіv mneni 'sadi, pidnesennya, trivogi tochno.

Otzhe, potrybny buliki storichchya cultural rozvitku, abi lyudina vyyavila, scho nature - it is uniquely talanovitiy creator, and lyudina tilki pochinaє ne ne vchitis. Yak do not wait here for a dumko, scho mi ni in yakomu razi not volodarjuєmo over nature so, yak zavoyovnik volodarayє over another's people. All our panuvannia is above it, in this way, in the past, in the past, in all the iniquities, in vmімоmo pіznavati її laws and correctly їх застосовувати. Prote such an optimistic look at the cannibalism of people left is not justified. Our zdibnist correctly vikoristovuvati nabuti znannya vyyavilas nepotatnoyu, scho th called people to ekologicheskoi krizi. F. Dostoevsky put on the above, those "beauty vryatue svit." Mozhna priєdnatisya to such spodіvan s minds, scho lyudstvo nareshtі usvіdomit: hour utilіtarnogo representations to the nature of long-minuv, otzhe depriving єdiny Way to vizhivannya - vihovannya mudroї, estetichnoї vzaєmodії s nature. Уява про неї як about the mid-point for living people are guilty of being driven by the accusations of їх єдності і споідненсті.