Aesthetics - Levchuk L.T.


Estetichna svіdomіst on Pevnyi etapі Svoge rozvitku vimagaє Naukova analіzu estetichnoї dіyalnostі i Mistetstvo scho porodzhuє sukupnіst estetichnih poglyadіv i teorіy. When tsomu zauvazhimo, scho Hoch estetichna Dumka porodzhuєtsya pragmatic reasons against pretenduє not won on normativnіst and navpaki, zalishaє for estetichnoyu dіyalnіstyu Povny freedom bіlshe that - she viznaє qiu freedom її іstorichny rozvitok, Visoko tsіnuє її obumovlenіst.

Mozhlivіst theoreticity doslіdzhennya zdіysnyuєtsya yak through empіrichny pіdhіd to ob'єkta vivchennya; stvoryuyuchi so the title of mistetstvoznavstvo i teorії Mistetstvo, so i through theoreticity pіdhіd scho vitіkaє s doslіdzhennya Abstract іdey beautiful, chuttєvogo, hudozhnogo i t. іn., on osnovі yakogo vinikaє fіlosofіya beautiful, fіlosofіya Mistetstvo and potіm i estetika yak okrema Naukova distsiplіna.

Traditsіyno vvazhayut scho Basics of teorії Mistetstvo zakladenі in Aristotelevіy "Poetitsі" that in the "Poetichnomu mistetstvі" Goratsіya. Shcho Well before fіlosofії beautiful, you will її pov'yazuyut s Plato, yaky vvazhav scho іstinne - tse not okremі Dobri vchinki, pravilnі sudzhennya abo chi hudozhnі chudovі people create, and the Same good іstina, beauty. Two and a half before the vigilance of the esthetical sphere were rooted in parallel, and, in each case, only one, all were overflowed and filled with donations and self-taught sciences.

I thought long settled: for the dwellers in rozumіtisya mistetstvі i vinositi pravilnі sudzhennya schodo Demba, neobhіdno peredusіm loves Yogo, volodіti Pevnyi profesіynimi knowledge proniklivo osyagnuti digit obsyag okremih hudozhnіh tvorіv rіznih іstorichnih epochs that rіznih vidіv Mistetstvo. Oskilki kozhen tvir mistetstva є vitvorom its hour, nalezhit svetyomu peopoli, singing serdovschu і zalizhit v them, neobhіdno znati bilsh a wide context of historical surroundings, in which are alive and creating mitets.

Vzhe at the interstices of such an historic pidhodu mozhnivі rіznі look, and ozhe, rіznі critical sudzhennya shodo dostoїvstvіnogo tvorіnogo tvoru. Systematized and formulated sukupnist point of view in the mystery of mysticism, as in the most empirical sciences, zagalnie criterias and principles, and in the podshshomu formal obzaglennnі - theoriyi okremih mystettsv. Same nayavnіst cich uzagalnenyh characteristics schodo okremih creativity dye zmogu systematizuvati їh, vizdnit rizogljunuti create to the pious form of mystery. Ponies takozh zapryayut rozvitkovki artist's delight.

Obіznanіst in sferі іstorії Mistetstvo, poєdnuyuchis іz zagalnoyu a spiritual spriynyatlivіstyu, formuє zvichaynogo Mistetstvo amateur zbagachuє that pogliblyuє spetsіalіsta-profesіonala, zagalnoyu the right yakih Je otsіnka іndivіdualnih tvorіv Mistetstvo.

The pho- toosophy of the beautiful (aesthetics) yak is theoretically disciplined, as well as in the abstract, and in the style of the Platonists, and in the complementary works of the empirical artifacts and esthetics. The aesthetic theory, for Hegel, is guilty of virishitism and theoretically to bring, but for the human judgments about the esthetic, it is quite obvious, yak breeds sub-critically, and not vipadkov pobuttya, subektivne "fit". Tobto estetica moe virishita pittannya: Scho taquet misterstvo? For yakih minds vono іsnuє? In the course of the Polago yogo zmist? Що відрізняє його від інших видів человеської діяльності? Відповідно to рівня розвитку естетичних поглядів та естетичної теорії вони three posledіdnyi phases rozvitku: canonichnu, normativno zagalnoteoretichnu.

On the canonical theory, Hochi formulated a mystery about the mystery, protested the criterion of artistic expression in the mathematical system of proportionality, accentuated by the form of the external spectacle, yak tsebolo in the old-fashioned Gretsii. Vidomiy Greek sculptor Poliklet creating the statue "Canon." For povіdomlennyam rimskogo іstorika Plіnіya older, "Zroby Polіklet takozh spisonostsya, zmuzhnіlogo Yunak. її (statue) artists ZVUT "Canon" i od oderzhuyut neї, nache yakogos s law, the basis of Svoge Mistetstvo i Polіkleta vvazhayut єdinoyu Lyudin, KOTRA іz creates Mistetstvo Zroby yogo teorіyu "5. Іsnuє Cheema іstorichnih tipіv kanonіv, that hoch Mistetstvo slit s chasіv Renaissance porivaє s canons, yet I stink zberіgayut in іstorії Mistetstvo is the second in navchannі Yomou pevnі funktsії - funktsії hudozhnogo dosvіdu.

Aesthetic theory, yak normative, not perebacha obovyazkovogo nasliduvannya zrazkiv (tsiogo vimaga kanonichna), boev virobllya normi, scho - zagalnimi vimogami to misterstva. Pong i zabezpechuyut Yomou hudozhnіst, tobto yakіst scho daє right vіdnositi tsі to do the first Mistetstvo, not to yakoїs іnshoї spherical dіyalnostі. Zrazkom takoї normativnoї teorії Je zagalnovіdomy tvіr "Poetichne Mistetstvo" Nіkolo Boileau, theorist frantsuzkogo classicism.

Scho stoosuyutsya zagalotoreotichnogo pidhodu, then yogo problematics hunted vzagalі whole estetichny dosvіd yogo sutnist i vimagaє viroblennya vidpovіdnogo teoratichnogo aparatu.

Виникнення загальної естетичної теорії створиє інші форма та інший рівень взаємодії із світом мистецтва й естетичної діяльності взагалі. According au-Perche, Won vіdkrila mozhlivostі printsipovo zmіniti processes profesіynoї pіdgotovki artist: translate navchannya Zi spherical remіsnichoї

5 Op. For: Losev A. Artistic canons as a problem of style // Vopr. aesthetics, M., 1964. Vol. 6. S. 354.

Pidgotki (navchannya dії s pervim materіalom) in the sphere of theoretical and practical preparation. Tse vidrazu set up for the rozvitku і and manifested індивідуальних particular images of artists, and otze, became postovhom up to rozmaїtostі індивідуальних стилів та художественніх метоів у мистецтві. Aje hudozhnіy method formuєtsya through zasvoєnnya zagalnih zakonomіrnostey hudozhnogo virobnitstva, SSMSC formuyutsya in teorії i stvoryuyut the artist Pevnyi uyavlennya about Mistetstvo, i yogo nature suspіlnі funktsії. When the yomu is not set on the canonical, nor the normative, nor the stylistic parameters of the creative work, but the navpacks, the stink of the artist himself.

In a different way, in the rituals of the rozma, the rarity, the mysticism, the demand for objective criteria for the artistic artistic endeavors. In zv'yazku s CIM narodzhuєtsya hudozhnya criticism minds іsnuvannya yakoї Je nayavnіst sformulovanih teorієyu zagalnoteoretichnih zakonomіrnostey schodo Mistetstvo, SSMSC give zmogu zdіysnyuvati otsіnku hudozhnіh tvorіv s pozitsіy єdinih vimog. Tse natto is important for criticism, boevo vyslovlye not individualniy gust of the critic himself, and pretend to zagalnu znachimist. Tobto critic, yak naibilsh professno pidgotovlena lyudina, vіd іmenі suspilstva vinosit verdict of the artist's creativity to the desired creature.

It is just one sphere of esthetical culture, the function of anchoring directly and without a middle ground in the zmistu і rіvnya rozvitku estetichnoї teorії. Tse system is estetic that artistic vihovannya.

Vzhe tickle in the іstorії lyudstva vchennya about garmonіynu Lyudin - davnogretska Kalos kagathos - bezposeredno pov'yazane s antique uyavlennyami about beauty. It is advisable to come to the future, and the theories about the people, and so do not wait for the sys- tem, but they can satisfy the realities of such an ideal.

Otzhe, esteticnogo poglyadi і teorii, with all folding and ambiguousness vcheplu on estetichnu that artist practice, formuyut complex osoeredkuvannya mizh them: the artistic method and the system of theoretical art, the institute of artistic criticism and the system of esthetic vichovany.