Філологія. Methodology. Pedagogy


Українська мова у вищій школі

Ya.V. Janusz, Dr. phylol. Sciences, prof.

The problem of Ukrainian language learning in non-specialized wholesome nalchalnyh Ukrainian pawns on syogodnі zalisyatsya diskusynoyu. Nezvazhayuchi those who are actively engaged in discussions at the science conferences of the richest district, on the "round tables", de priemalisya rishennya about neobhіdnіst vivchenna Ukrainsko mavi na nespetsіalnyh vishchih navchalnnyh pawns of Ukraine, must not linger without zmіn.

In tsikh pawns, you can sell your goods to Ukrainska dilova mova (true, in the course of a very short period of time), but all Ukrainians need to write a document, protocols, locals, declare oneself, do not be ignorant when you are in the middle of the river.

Загальновідомо, що у вищих навчальних закладах України (за винятком західного регіону) більшість студентів спілкується російською мовою і навчальні дисципліни за традицією теж бажає слухати здебільшого російською мовою.

Gostrota situatsії s ukraїnskoyu movoyu in nashіy derzhavі zumovlyuєtsya th tim, scho Graduates serednіh The Teaching zakladіv (serednіh shkіl, gіmnazіy, koledzhіv, lіtseїv toscho) for Neznachny vinyatkami, mayuchi in atestatah Dobri th vіdmіnnі otsіnki s tsogo subject, in addition chislі th medalіsti, People with knowledgeable knowledge do not volodymy. About Tse svіdchat i vstupnі іspiti (Especially spіvbesіda) to Kiїvskogo natsіonalnogo ekonomіchnogo unіversitetu Where Money Does I Pratzen, th schorіchnі testuvalnі dictation s Ukrainian Language in the Perche kursі (Quantity pomilok od 10 to 60), scho їh pochinayuchi z 1989 roku spending department of the Ukrainian Language That literary, as I am guilty.

Graduates serednіh The Teaching zakladіv Ukraine perevazhno not know ukraїnskoї lіteraturi, navchalnoї distsiplіni, yak tіsno pov'yazana s ukraїnskoyu movoyu unaware of Ukrainian-pismennikіv klasikіv, їhnіh tvorіv, usnoї narodnoї tvorchostі scho generally produces up bezduhovnostі th nizkoї culture osobistostі zagalom.

Слід відзначити especially low rіven kultury usnogo y pisemnogo мовлення випускників середніх навчальних закладів, що, на our look, змовлене як postійним перебуванням їх у російськомовному середищі, and і lack of respect to the important things of robotics in the course of naval architecture in the middle schools, litseyah, Гімназіях, коледжах та ін. The reason for such encampments, our Dumka, slіd vbachati i in nedostatnіy kіlkostі Godin, SSMSC vidіlyayutsya for Programs on vivchennya Ukrainian Language is the lіteraturi in serednіh The Teaching mortgages Ukraine, Especially in the senior class, de ukraїnska mova Got vikladatisya on vischomu rіvnі porіvnyano s Pochatkova th serednіmi Classes, і in nedoskonaliyah programs in the course of naval disciplines, and in defective kvalifikovaniyah fahіvtsіv іїїїїсьсьсьї мови та літератури в Києві й у країні в цілому.

Otzhe, folding situation with the Ukrainian way in our power to dive vvisno. Do not talk about neutrality - meaning not to pile up the problems of life, yak іsnuvatime to quietly, leaving in the middle nalchalnymi mortgages will not be perebudovana system navchannya uchvіv Ukraїn'sko мо moivi ta literatury, abandon movah in all spheres of our syspilstva not loan nalezhne їй місце.

Україномовне середище в Україні форється лише за умови практичної необхідності in українській мові. Cе - безсумнівно. Sochi realyushchego sospislstva. Same stink th viznachayut neobhіdnіst vivchennya derzhavnoї MTIE at vischih The Teaching mortgages Ukraine bezvіdnosno to profіlyu, oskіlki one s bunt zavdan gumanіzatsії osvіti vischoї school Je pіdvischennya kompetentnostі fahovoї dіyalnostі vipusknikіv rіznoprofіlnih vischih The Teaching zakladіv Ukraїnskoї powers, without chogo doskonalogo Znannya MTIE dosyagnuti nemozhlivo.

Krіm of gliboke Znannya MTIE - tse nasampered umіnnya vikoristovuvati movnі zasobi fallow od spherical, methylene th situatsії spіlkuvannya, tse gramotnіst have wide rozumіnnі tsogo words tse nalezhna movna Culture tse st culture profesіynoї MTIE, yak zabezpechuє movnu kompetentnіst osobistostі in її profesіynіy dіyalnostі . At the same time, the well - known knowledge is well known to the people, the yogi, the culture, the traditional, the zvichiv, the folklore of the tomb, to the spiritual vigilance of the virgin syspilism and the skin of the individual zokrema, in which the prosecutor conscientiously confuses "national policy National culture ".

He can be nadalі Mirit s tim, scho fahіvtsі s vischoyu osvіtoyu nerіdko poslugovuyutsya Surzhikov (not tіlki in pobutovіy, ale th in naukovіy, navchalnіy, profesіynіy that іnshih areas), yaky cover up vrazhaє i Je naochnim svіdchennyam nizkoї culture їh MTIE, ignorance ukraїnskoї lіteraturnoї MTIE , Її norms, nevmіnnya vіlno korіstvovatisya it zalizhno vіd spherical situatsії spіlkuvannya.

Otzhe, to put up in front of the school a school zavdannya - davati vitychiznyanniy nauchny i ​​vyrobnitsvu fahіvtsіv novii generatsii: kvalifikovanyh, literate, competent, visokointelektualnih, spiritually bahati, z nalezhnim rivnem мовної культури. Zavdanya, yaki without a gliboka knowledge of statehood can not be done. The problem itself is the problem of Ukrainian citizenship in Ukraine, especially in the regions, and in such a protected area, as in Kiev, our hour is vinyatko actual. Vona nabuvaє vedvno vagi, oskilki bezposerednyo stosuyutsya pidgotovki maibutnyogo іntelektualnogo potentzialu young Ukrayinsky state - її інтелігенції. Zamovchuvati її - tse not bachiti obvious!

In this way, the course of the Ukrainian customs (and not the Ukrainian language), yak misogyny yogo nazvati, in riznoprofilnih navchalnih pawns of Ukraine (krіm spetsialnih vichalnyh navchalnikh naychalnyh і phіlogologichnyh faculties) є in the edge of neobhіdnim, oskіlki sama vіn pivnoyu mіrou povinen, z one boku , Ліквідувати прогалини у навчанні української мови in the middle napchalnnyh mortgages of Ukraine і, from another, - сприти підготовці фахівців нової generation, належного профійного та інтелектуального рівня. Prior to the speech, in the case of the Russian language, the course of the bishop's Russian language is already in the midst of the nastalnye programs of riznoprofilnyh nonspecialnyh vishchikh navichalnikh pagasts. I tse nezvazhayuchi na te, scho rosiyska mova mala i moe vsi umovi v svogo vilnogo funktsionovannya i rozvitku. The reason is the same, but in Ukraine: lack of access to education in the middle naschalnyh salaries of Russia.

I will look at the divorce divisions of the Ministry of Justice and Science of Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, in the navigational programs, wisconsin school, de on її wvchennya spoletka bulo vіdilenі mіzernu kіlkіst gоdin - lishe one loan - 54 gody, з яких третю partly пропонується vinesti na samostystyne opratsyuvannya students, hoca Good in spite of, in the middle navchalnih mortgages to takoї roboty stinks not prepared.

Zgodom Ministry of Science of Ukraine , yak is not marvelous, I took the practical course of the Ukrainian language for the course of Ukrainian Diploma. Внаслідок цього в усіх вищчах навчальних закладах України почала навчатися складати ділові папери, Хоч it is obvious, шо їх warehouse it is possible лише for умыв наявності необхідних знань з української мови. Until then, why are all students looking for secretaries, but for storing documents? І хіба українська мова використовується тільки в діловій сферыі, Хоча й дуже важливій? And in other spheres, zokrema in professia, science, navchalnіy, sotsіalno-kulturnіy іn., Хіба українська мова не вживається?

By the hour of the Ministry of Science and Science of Ukraine, the number of foreigners from the Naval States to the Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the United States of America has become significantly more important. However, in our view, the problem is far away from the world. A bagatoeshell of money in order to take care of the money in the realms of our pasture, young women and women, yoku gutuyu vishchy navchalnі pawns of Ukraine, bula sravdіі ukraїnskoyu, shobob vіno volodіla mіvuyu derzhavi, in yakіy zhive, vchetі bude budetsyuvati!

A stylist is to be put on that one, in our view, that the course of the Ukrainian-Ukrainian intercourse in the richer prophetic nachal'nyh Ukraine's pawns and yaki zavdannya vin put before him. Nasampered tse-buti course sushasnoї Ukrainskoi moivi, pro scho vzhe vyshe vishche. Tsya nazva - naybіlsh відповідною, оскільки українська мова in nyomu poderetsya in the contextual context, in a new perspective. Інші назви, а саме: Practical course української мови, який передбачає лише піднесення рівня грамотності, chi course української ділової мови, at опрацюванні якого навчаються складати ділові папери, - не відповідають вимогам часу, вони за змістом є недостатніми.

For my concept, vtilenoyu in Kyiv National Economic University, the course of the Ukrainian language is not a dubious program, but it is more important to put forward and put before oneself shirshi zavdannya pobivnyano zі shkolyu. Vіn spriyaє pіdgotovtsі fahіvtsіv novoї generatsії: visokokvalіfіkovanih, movno competence at svoїy profesіynіy sferі, literacy, s nalezhnim rіvnem movnoї culture is the culture profesіynoї MTIE, s temple іntelektualnim potentsіalom, fahіvtsіv, SSMSC good volodіyut ukraїnskoyu movoyu i vіlno koristuyutsya her in vsіh areas spіlkuvannya, Especially At the professional level of office and business.

For zmistom course "Sushasnoї Ukrainskoi moivi" is based on quietly growing in the Ukrainian language, yakі vivchayutsya in schools i ik ya vypuskonnikami vzaknih podbotav abo not zasvoeni, abo zasvoeni nepotn'no. The basis of ikh vyvchennya pokleno functionalny principle.

Propnovyvanie course є complex, oskilki vіn include the material zі stilіstiki, kul'turi моvi, termіnoznavstva, історії літературної мови, діловодства й частко краєзнавства. At tsilomu vin zabezpechuyu maybutnim fahivtsyam z vishchoyu osvitoyu mіnimum lingvistichnyh znan, a kind of neobhdny kozhny osvіchenіy ljudinі bezvidnosno to fah.

The basis of the theoretical and practical material in the course, yak, was designated, the functional principle was pawned, and the principle was fixed, which allowed people to stay in the same style in different styles, spheres, behavioral situations, dopomagah in order to avoid unnecessary accusations of rectification.

For the program of the course "Suhasna Ukrainska Mova" for non-specialized wholesalers of the Navy in Ukraine, Yaku submitted to me in the Ministry of Science and Science of Ukraine in Kiev, in the basics of yoga:

1) dati students chіtkі vіdomostі about ukraїnsku lіteraturnu MOV, її normativnіst, virobiti they praktichnі navichki right vikoristannya rіznih movnih zasobіv fallow od spherical, methylene th situatsії spіlkuvannya;

2) dati їm osnovnі ponyattya s termіnoznavstva, navchiti їh profesіynoї MTIE, zbagatiti їhnіy profesіynoyu vocabulary lexicon that termіnologієyu zagalnoіntelektualnogo nature (parliament distsiplіna, іntelekt, іntelektualny, President toscho);
3) the dates of the students of the basic education and training programs, and of the ІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІ,

4) znachomiti zі specifikoyu dilovoy movi, z dilovodstvom, navchiti correctly and correctly warehousing diliov paperi;

5) pіднести riven kultury їhnnogo ussnogo izmennogo letter povstvennja, navchiti it is important stavishisja up to a word, correctly korostuvatisja it or him, virobiti at them chutja words tochno;

6) dati їm pevnі vіdomostі kulturologіchnogo character navchiti pratsyuvati s text Naukova, publіtsistichnimi, dіlovimi, kulturologіchnimi toscho, s great i rozgaluzhenoyu dovіdkovoyu lіteraturoyu (Dictionnaire, dovіdnikami, slovopokazhchikami that іn.), S perіodikoyu, navchiti pisati abstract, gotuvati stislі (on 2-3 hv.) Information on the riches, navechit nalozhnym rank orientuvatisya at the great and riznomannitnomu vocabulary of Ukrainians.

When navanchany students in the Ukrainian Navy in a be-like naval mortgage, and ozhe, і in economical, basic - the problem of the cultural structure, the culture of the Moivi is unpremeditatedly affected by the mysterious culture of the people. Do not Mauger Buti visokokulturnoї Helsinki Human nizkoyu movnoyu s culture, Aje, yak zaznachav akademіk VM Rusanіvsky, Lyudin realіzuєtsya in kulturі pratsі, kulturі pillows th kulturі MTIE and mova Je natsії the basis of culture, the people.

In addition, nischo not characterize the people so schwidko, vsebіchno i nakochno, yak її mov. Well, the old Greek philosopher Socrates told his commander: "Say sho-nebud, I gave you pobachiv," vkazuyuchi himself on the scale of the significance of the impotent behavior in the characteristic people.

Tsіkavu Dumka Vislova in zv'yazku s CIM i vіdomy ukrainian teacher Vasil Suhomlinsky "Movna culture - wrote vіn - tse zhivodayny korіn culture rozumovoї, usogo rozumovogo vihovannya, visokoї spravzhnoї іntelektualnostі". Z yogo dumko perecookuetsya vistsovlenya vidomlennogo English economist John Barton: "Ubozvto moovi, as a rule, і звнішньою знакою убозтва духу".

Загальновизнаним є fact, scho mova - tse soderjdna vizitna kartka kozhnoi lichnini. Same vona daє змогу судити про її освіченість, ерудицію, начитаність, профіоналізм тощо.

In this way, the food of the cultural culture in the course "Suhasna Ukrainska Mova" is the second milliue of Bouti by the priorities, and the students of our university pratsyuyut above them with great interest. I will specialize zatsikavlennost vony vyyavlyayut with opratsyuvannyi professionalnyi terminologii ya zagalno-teltektualnogo dictionary.

Znavna uvaga in kursi "Suhsana Ukraina mova" pridilyayutsya kul'tiі profilіyny moivi ta samostіynіy robotі student.

Otzhe, gumanіzatsіya osvіti vischoї SCHOOL, yak sposterіgaєtsya in our hour Ukraїnі, bezsumnіvno, zumovlyuє neobhіdnіst vprovadzhennya in nespetsіalnі vischі navchalnі mortgage rate nashoї powers "Suchasna ukraїnska mova". Vona vimaagaє vіd us turn to obychchyam to such an important ostentatious osvіchenostі ta інтелігентності people, yak її мова, рівень її мовної культури.

It is necessary to remember the words of Voltaire: "Chudova dumka vstrachaet its tsinnity, if vona is poglano".