Філологія. Methodology. Pedagogy

Lexicographer's description of French frets yak zasib analizu їх належності до реляційних стройових слів

B. Є. Turchanina , st. Folding

At мовознавстві останніх років great respect to приділяється problems лінгвістичного the status of chastok . Більшість літератури, що розглядає частики, базоється на матеріалі давньогрецької, німецької та та слов'янських мов, які є мовами синтетичного типу та vаsledідок цього відізняються великий кількістю часток. Alya Bulo used the wrong way to understand the meaning of the frequency in analogical mobs, zokrema in French, nezvazhayuchi on їх vinodosno neznachnu kilkіst u niy, through those, ny nischo u movi can not be different, everything is in common with systemic invoices. Komunikativne zavdannya vislovlyuvannya can not boutique vikone without priymennikіv, spoluchnikov, chkotik tin іshih servisovih slіv.

Pіd the hour of the formalized description of the pose її actualization, and that with the traditional descriptions on the buttstocks of the elementary syntactic constructions of the sub-section, before the servants of the slaves, are lulled by the nevrahovanimi to lie down to the so-called "lavish" litter, then it is impossible to supply them with food. Otzhe, stench not mozhut vystupati at the role of members rechennya. Alle Same at the "Molovnenovomu pouring" viyavlyayutsya tі semanticheskih factor, but not ppeddayutsya mehanizovannomu vpiznavannu [4].

Prior to the service, it's zvichayno vidnosyat ti words, but they did not spend up to the row of bedless people, dіslіv, prikmetnikіv, numerіvnikіv, lіzmennikіv ta prіlіvnikіv. Not muyuchi "samostіynogo" nominative znachennja, not majuchi slovozmіni, stinking warehousing yakus amorphous mas lexical oditnits, yakі nіbito not pidlyagayut systematic description.

Our analiz ma'e on meti viznachiti, chi mozhna vidnesti ploski to reljatsionnyh strojovikh sliiv frantsuzkoi movi order priymmennikami, spoluchnikami that, mozhlivo, active prislivnikami. Al, the story of the skinny word with the word "service" is not unique, and the vivacious principium divisionis naved for such zagalnovidomh groups, yak "spoluchnik", "priimennik", "part" nashtovhuyutsya on seryoznі hard. Vzhe odnec tse svidchit pro te, scho zmistovne mizhleksemne porіvnyannya servisovikh sliv nemozhlive without vyayavlenya i fіsatsії gorichnogo kіlostі rіznorіdnih parametiv ta perbachaє on the next stage of the details of the lexicographic description of odinitsy, scho pobrovnyutsya [1]. This is the rank for the delivery of the lexicographic appendix of the French phrases for the application of interlocutors, to enter before a group of discursive, nibylshi groups in the warehouse of French frets.

At the same time, the frequency of visits to one person in one of the functional problems of day-to-day self-awareness , the same analisys of semantico-syntactical identities, that can be seen in the classroom, without interruption, may not be ruled out by the widening of the crowded civic circle , Але й чіткішій систематизації лінгвістичних odnitsy vzagali.

Difficult semantic and lexicographic descriptions of the frequency of the material in the French way of explaining the duma by factors: in the first place, the frequency of the chant in frantsuzkiy movi is not known, in other words, the bilingual tradition does not traditionally bogajat viznavati іsnuvannya frantsuzkih chastok yak osremogo klasu sluzhbovikh sliv. The subject of lexicography in Persha is the cherga по unequivocal words. Service is a word, yake is not a mere self-nominative value, it is often seen as a modifier of syntactic structures, but kvalifikuyo is one of the obovyazykovykh constituents, or the entire structure of predicates, [2].

Frantsuzky parts, from the point of view of the lexicographic description, to be seen in the Nainewigodnya stanii, bo vozglyadayutsya at the warehouse in some parts of the Moovi, all kinds of stinks resemble. Zokrema, bilshist Intermediate Frequencies resemble the desires, activities of them - vid prikmetnikiv. On українську мову французькі обмежувальні частики перекладаються відповідними українськими частиками: тільки, лише, абсолютно, виключно. Shodo etymologii, frantsuzkyk osnepryvatnye chastitski majut zledilshogo frantsuzke pokhozhenna, napriklad, ne ... que , absolument , seulement , seul , rien que , uniquement , simplement .

Розглядаючи французькі обмежувальні частки на рівні речення, слід відзначити, що вони здатні виділяти be-які члени речення:

  • Pidmet " Seule la peur de ses parents ressemblait à ce que j'aurais pu éprouver ";
  • " II ne fait que dormir ";
  • Direct attachments " Au début je ne savais que ce que je je ne voulais pas ";
  • Indirect additions " Cette musique est la seule chose qui appartienne absolument à cette génération, elle est son reflet en même temps que son tremplin ";
  • Framing the hour " La tenue de fantasie n'est autorisée que les jours de sortie ";
  • Pідрядне реchenня « Je ne peux dormir que lorsqu'ils dorment tous les trois ».

Zavtzyaky can be used to obtain additional information, stolen from the wives. Багато лінгвістів, наприклад N. Yu. Shvedova, GE Kreidlіn, write about "прихований зміст" rechennia zavdyaki presence of frequency in ynomu. Theory of Presuppositions Prefomentary zrozumіtі takrіtі tu dodatkovu informatsіy, yaka іnnya іn реченні.

Mi vvazhaetmo dotsil'ne when describing the semantics of the frequent zvernutisya ponimaetta presuppozitsyї z viyavlennya kilkostі іnformatsії, zakladenoy in the rechennia. Rozglyanemo stock with discursive intermediate part absolument :

1) " Cette musique est la seule chosen qui appartienne à cette génération, elle est son reflet en même temps que son tremplin ".

2) " Cette musique est la seule chosen qui appartienne absolument à cette génération, elle est son reflet en même temps que son tremplin ". Presuppositsії першого висловлювання:

  • Given music - єdina rіch, scho nalezhit tsyomu pokolinnu so itself, yak і alternately (abo nalezhaetime oprednomu);
  • Given music - єdina rіch, scho належить тільки цьому поколінню.

To the friend vyslovyuvannya moe lishe ostannu presuppositsіyu, tochni таu ta concretehishu for pershu.

In vyslovyvannanyh z discursivnymi intermediate parts, krim viddomosti actual character, nadayutitsya kyvalіfіkatnіі імплікації. Rozglyanemo stock in ne ... que :

" ІІ est plein de talent, il est torturé par son échec, par I 'aveuglement du public qui n'aime que les copies ".

Zavdyaki private ... ne que que maemo dvі yavnі characteristics oktantiv vislovlyuvannya vіd person of the author:

  • "Vіn" - talanovita lyudina, yaka not viznaє templates;
  • Publikka not pomichaet talent that shilna pooplyuvatisya Lisha templates.

Alem miemo takozh third prihovanu characteristic - that, hto say: він співчуває талановитій людині та it is negative to be put up to stereotypes. The third characteristic is subektivny, boevo lie in the one, chi zgodnі mi zi smakami that psychokaroterologichnimi shkhilnostyu hto talk. Vaughn mozhliva lisha in this vipadka, if vsislovlyuetsya third person. Ala yakshchto that, hto speak, zbigayatsya with one z octantiv vislovlyuvannya, then vyayviti can be maximally deprived of two characteristics (sub'ecta ta ob'ekta) vyslovyuvannya.

In this way, tse doslozdzhennya allow konstatuvati, scho parts not є reljatsynimi stroyovimi words on vidminu vіd priymennnikov that spoluchnikov, oskilki vony do not take part in the impulse of the main structural kistyaka rechennya, and vidosoni, yaki stony poznachayut, є skorishe stavlennyam togo hto speak, before Addition, hto sluchaye, before situatsii, scho obgovoryuyetsya. Actually, parts of the nose are presuppositions, vizra- nics of the important part of the zmistovy aspect of vyslovyuvannya.


1. Kreidlin GE, Polivanova AK On the lexicographic description of the official words of the Russian language. - Questions of linguistics. - 1987. - No. 1.

2. Chumakov, OM Syntactic structure of a simple rechennia. - Мовознавство, 1988. - № 1.

3. Shvedova N. Yu. Essays on the syntax of Russian colloquial speech. - Moscow: AN SSSR. - 1960. - 380s.

4. Yatsyuk TA Syntactic paraphrasing as a way of describing the semantics of particles. - Philological Sciences. 1985. - No. 1.