Філологія. Methodology. Pedagogy

Diskusіya yak the method of active students on the busy earthwaters

TM Gusak , Cand. Ped. Sciences, Assoc.

Diskusіya - tse method navchannya, a kind of base on obmіnі dumki z pevnії problems. Point zoru, yaku virazhaya student in the process of discourse, can yaob vidobrazhati yogo vlasnu dumku, so spiratsya on dumki інших осіб. In the distance, a discussion was held about the great vihovnu that was on the level of cynicism, aggai vina vchin bilsh glibokomu rozuminnyu problems, vminnyu zahischat his position and rahuvatisya dumkami і dotkoyu zoru інших people.

Diskusiyu varto vikoristvuvati in the vipadku, if the student has accumulated the singing vocabulary stock, volodya specific ob'єmom umnіn na naivik spilkuvannya neozemnoyu movoyu. Існує багато видів обміну думками, що і є з грнутою формою дискуії. Before them lay down:

  • Krugliy stіl - besіda, in yakіy ber, the fate of a small group of students from six-six choloviks, scho obminiyuetsya dumkami yak mіzh himself, so і з іншшою частиною аудиторії.
  • Засідання експертної групи (panel discussion, zazvichai chotyryokh-six students from the head to the head), I talk about all the participants in the band, singing the problem, and potem vonya vikladayut its point of view to the audience. With the help of the forehead, the participant is exposed to short exposures.
  • Forum - obogovorennya, podibne up to zasidannya ekspertnoy gruchi, if the group enters into the discussion with the participants.
  • Simpozium - tse bіlsh ob'єmniy vygod participatіv, після якого аудиторія put ім питняня, on які вони відповідають.
  • Sisidannya parliament, abo so zvanі debati , if two of the participants in the campaign are ready to perform. This is the rank of the situation, the nagado is negotiated with the Parliament.
  • Sudovo is caught in a whispering, obedience, yoke імітує судове слухання.

Дещо відрізняється від цих видів дискуії « техніка акваріуму ». Taku named after having gained special attention to the organi zations of the collectivism, which is seen in the middle of the younger forms of navchalnoy discus. For its own form of "technician aquarium":

  • The posing of problems, which is the result of the encyclopedia.
  • Викладач ділить аудиторію на дві групи, які сідають у коло.
  • Vikladach abo participants kozhno grupi vibirajut his own representative.
  • The group is given an hour, zazvichay small, for obogovorennya problems and viznachennya spilnogo point of view.
  • Vikladach ask the representatives of the groups to get into the center of the auditorium, place their point of view on the wall, and place them in a position to keep the group up to the point that they are in the group. Kreim predstavnikin, nihto not mie rights vyslovyvuvatys, one participant of the group allowed to transfer his representatives of the note with visions.
  • Vikladach can be allowed to the representatives, so I take the "time out" for consultations.
  • "Akvariumne", discussed by the problems between the representatives of the groups, is completed by the deadline for the established hour, or by writing problems.
  • Pislya obogovorennya conducted yogo critically analіz vsієyu auditorієyu.

Such a variation of the discusions of the tiqavi tim, scho nagolo to be played on the very process of vyslovyuvannya point zoru ta її argumentatsіїї. Zaluchennia vsіh uchasnikіv reach the part of the cutaneous from them in the preorder group situation, the song of the choir group is locked for the robot and the pi-truyu zv'jazok with its own representatives. At the center of the respect of all auditoriums, there are signposts of students, to conduct a disorder. The goal is to respect the active feedback of the basic poses. The very nature of the "aquarine" organization of auditoriums of postpositions in the practice of carrying out grupovikh psychologic trenings and students to the students is possible to meet the needs of the leaders of the leading participants - representatives of the groups. A bit further, let's talk about what you can do, and so, and procedurally, the moments of discourse. "Tekhnika akvarumu" does not allow students to be included in the group of consulates, ale th rozvivaet umnіnnya naivchki grupovoe roboti, spilnogo prinyattya rishen. Tse takozh daє mozhnivist proanalizuvati process vzasmodії uchasnikіv na mіzhosobistіnomu rivnі.

One of them is to discuss the problems of discus- sion and problem discus- sion . Vona mozhe boti vikoristana Todi, if zmist navchalnogo materіalu povyazyany z problemy naukovo - prikazatelnogo so sotsial'nogo temperatu, ta protyrichchimami, virishennya yakih mozhna opratsyuvati in іmіtatsіhnikh, and mozhlivo, y s spravzhnіh projects, but can be put into practice.

Хід такої дискусії значно збігається з ходом звичайної дискуії. Once there, the vikladach приділяє відносно меншу увагу процедурі взаємодії, зсереджуючись it's very important to visunennyі яіі, які і budut пізніше розгорнуті в завдання - проекти. In the case of variants, discourse is not a matter of prying eyes on the range of possible questions to the problems of that argument, but on the issue of the worst part of the problematic problems, which are discussed in the hour of adjournment.

The posing of problems is the task of the vikladach. Він може назвти concrete problem, наприклад, входження України в Європейську спільноту. Spotchatku studenti zapresuyut vlasnі ідеї. Потім аудиторія ділиться на підгрупи и викладач дає їм задання проглянути всі записаі ідеї та вибрати One-dvі nіbіlі productive prodvіnutії їх. The leather group of the species is represented by a representative, a skilful and curious duma. Students stretching 10-15 hvilin obgovoryuyut їх in groups, virishuchi problems vtіlennya tsih іde y zhittya. Викладач спостерігає for groups, і if obogovorennya закінчується, пропонує аудиторії pass to the zagalnogo obogovorennya, in one posytsіy grupti one representative. Hour vystupu dositsya obmezheny, then vystupayuchichi povinni duzhe stylo taemko vikladati its point zoru.

Після виступу всіх представників in groups виклададач request the auditorium обдумати, які ідеї варто було б реалізувати на практиці. Produmuvnya mozhe bouti kolektivnim і pass in the form of a pharynogouchetny obogovorennya stretch in a hitherto alternately zoomed hour, approximately n'yat-ten hvilin. On the basis of a robot over a given problem, stop. Alya mozhna її продовжити, використовуючи ті ідеї, розробка та втілення якого може мати продовження у вигляді групових проеків. Vikonannya such zavdan dotsilne on the offensive busy abo posaauditorno, behind the boundaries of the university. So, by passing through those "Mystetstvo of Great Britain and the Ukraine", one group of students can take on the role of ekskursovodiv at the museum Zahidnogo Mistetstva, and інша - at the Museum of the Ukrainian Mystestvo, having organized an excursion in a non-terrestrial monastery.

For all mozhlivih varіantіv tse spisіb organіzatії zapattya zorієntovanyh persh for everything on vysunennya creative i ta ikh podalshu rozrobku. І nayvazhlivіshim є te, scho backyvayavayutsya vsya studenti grupi.

Широкі можливості дає використання дискуії зелементыі ігрового імітаційний modeling. Vaughn, let's talk about the situation before the actual situation. Яскравий прико такої взаємодії - scenarius zanyattya z roboty naznoyu statutei about Nazism gold in the Swiss banks. Prorobivshi statte, vіdtrenuvavshi OAO All virazi that popratsyuvavshi over materіalami about problems SSMSC vinikli in Shveytsarskih bankіv s єvreyskimi dіtmi, chiї Batko zaginuli pid hour of the Holocaust, about the transfer of gold Nazis tsigan pid hour vіyni Papі Rimskomu, students pіdgotuvali zasіdannya amerikanskih kongresmenіv, predstavnikіv Shveytsarskih bankіv, The victims of the Holocaust that represented the tsigan. Bula was surrounded by a group, yak represented the press and held an interview before and after the meeting.

Mi miraculously takozh імітаційно-іgrovі situatsії on підсумкових занятях з аналітичного читання. Pіslya zakіnchennya subtracting books Sіdnі Sheldon "Nіscho not vіchne" provodivsya "Round stіl" about Dvi Sistemi receptionists Health Protection - amerikansku that ukraїnsku de rozroblyalisya projection polіpshennya nashoї Sistemi receptionists Health Protection. Buli are recognized as expert groups, they have been involved in the project.

In protsesі gris formuyutsya vmіnnya th navichki analіzu situatsії, vmіnnya viznachati Meta, zmіst i zasobi dіyalnostі, її ochіkuvanі result, planuvannya dіyalnostі, samostіynogo viroblennya ratsіonalnih rіshen, їh of acceptance that realіzatsії, otsіnki efektivnostі vikonanih Act reasonably that їh koriguvannya scho Duzhe vazhlivo. In kolektivnіy іgrovіy dіyalnostі students rozvivayut umіnnya pratsyuvati in komandі (modelyuvannya robots in kolektivі) osvoyuyut navichki CREATIVE rozv'yazannya complex problems. Pid hour gris student takozh zasvoyuє moralnі that etichnі normalized povedіnki, vchitsya visluhovuvati i spriymati point Zora іnshih that stislo virazhati vlasnі іdeї. Principi spіvpratsі th spіvtvorchostі zumovlyuyut Visokiy rіven іntelektualnoї aktivnostі studentіv, Leather s oskіlki them Je Activity vikonavtsem іgrovih roles.