Філологія. Methodology. Pedagogy

Komunikativno-genre pіdhіd before увлентання мовленнєвого матеріалу навчального посібника

OG Image , Cand. Fіlol. Sciences, Assoc.

Marketing - the goal of economic science, privocheniyah vivchennyu rinku, yogo syogodnishnogo y tomorozhnogo stanu, zagalnogo i sotsialnogo analizu z metoju dotsil'nogo vyvozhennya e efektivnogo prosuvannya sub'ekta (S) ekonomichnoi dіyalnosti. Advertising dіyalnіst є topical і дієim chinnikom zasischenchenogo вище processu. Vona rodzhuju masu tsikavih lingvistichnih creatives - мовленнєвих жанрів і текстів, які доцільно проаналізувати з точка зору дослідника i педагога. W metoyu Venue of tsіlespryamovanogo didacticism transoms movlennєvih tekstіv, їh smislovoї i zhanrovoї klasifіkatsії mi vvazhaєmo for neobhіdne viznachiti svіy pіdhіd to tsієї dіyalnostі, prinagіdno zupinivshis on such basic ponyattyah lіngvіstiki text yak genre, lyrics, vislovlyuvannya, linguistic modality.

Advertising yak genre - tselovlennoe vtilennya zumovlenogo spilkuvannya, kotre schematizmo mozhe bouti vyrazheno y logychnіy formula імплікації "якщо А, то В", тобто at a wide tractualized read this: "якщо є А (якась певна потреба), то є В (можвяість її Envy). " You can read it in different ways: you can read it like this: "You can satisfy yourself with a song, you'll need a cliche, or a specific product), then you'll need to write it down" - the formula is advertised.

Vihidnoyu pozitsієyu nashogo pidhodu є pozhljanya about those, scho modalnist grammatichnyh oditnits, zokrema umovi, mae wide range of yak basic, so i dodatkovyh. Tse stosuєtsya peredusіm umovnoї modalnostі scho vinikaє in individual minds movlennєvogo spіlkuvannya, Mauger mother rіznu umovno viznachenu spetsifіku, ale from cutaneous komunіkativnomu aktі th vіdpovіdnomu tekstі yak yogo specific vtіlennі realіzuyutsya Ti modalnі value SSMSC vіdpovіdayut funktsіonalnіy ustanovtsі text.

Modally-clever construction in the French way at the traditional pivdochi vivchayutsya is very important yak oditnitsi systemi movi, tobto z boku virazhennya logiko-grammatichnogo zmistu, kotri vystupa yak grammatichno zafiksovane u svidomostі mnogony virazhennja vidnoshen 'ob'ektivnogo diznosti. In Nashomu maybutnomu posіbniku, Vidanov yakogo zaplanovano Year for 2003, robitsya sproba vivchiti tsі konstruktsії yak funktsіonalno-komunіkativne gramatichne yavische, yak zavzhdi pov'yazano s Pevnyi komunіkativno-movlennєvoyu situatsієyu, reprezentuyuchi zavdyaki tsomu umovnu konstruktsіyu yak dvobіchne semantic komunіkativne utvorennya. At the time of the meeting, the principle of the communal functions of the government is to create a koduvannya, which is influenced by the context, organisation of the form of the genre and the yogo structure.

Actuality of the marked entry to the dignity of the text opratsyuvannya tekstіv viznachaatsya neobhіdnistyu vivchennya protsessiv vikoristanna (functyciovunvnya) moovi s spilkuvanni. In the warehouse of the communist act і text yak yogo result vislovlyuvannya nabuvaє riznomannichnyh funktsionalnyh vlastovosti, scho visuvaє on chilne misse little rozoblenu problem zv'yazku teorії text i sistemi movi. One aspect of the problem lies in the problems of the rules of the prediction of the system of the system's monotony with the minds of the concrete function of texts.

Umovne vislovlyuvannya in Nashomu rozumіnnі ohoplyuє OAO All movnі th movlennєvі Method virazhennya іmplіkativnoї zalezhnostі for logіchnoyu formula "Yakscho A, then B" de A - posilannya, privіd zvernennya to the addressee, tobto causal Chastina and B - visnovok, performance Chastina vislovlyuvannya. Vano vivchaetsya in organizovannom context, pіd yakim mi rozumієmo мовленнєvy the genre, for rozoblenim us by the method of spivvydnoshennya textual fragments і grammatichnyh konstrukіy at mezhah teorії moovnovnevoї діяльності.

The basic method of the contextual analysis of the wits of Wislowshuwan in the present state of the Poles is that the text is completed in the form of a straight line to delete the structural elements (texts and fragments), which are taken at the boundaries of the pebble installation (information, vplyv) with the installation. Umovni vyslovyuvannya, being komunikativnim nucleus text fragment, to carry the basic information in the dodatkovu informatsiyu.

By the method of visualizing the interdependence of the text and the wits of the Wislows, the functional text of the text was assembled, and the text was edited before the compilation of the advertising-type structure of the advertising-type text-prospectus. On the basis of the performed analisys, the viscose is crushed:

1. Communicative-pragmatical meaning of the wise waggish is in the context of the organisation, a kind of існує у формаі мовленнєвих жанрів. In doslіdzhuvanih movlennєvih genres "Exposé", "pobutova advertisement" umovnі vislovlyuvannya, zberіgayuchi svoє directly (movne, logіko-gramatichne) value carols konkretnoї nepryamoї modalnostі, modalnostі modus (komunіkativno-genre of pragmatic value), scho virazhaє emotsіyne representations movtsya (author Vyslovyuvannya) before that, it is practical to practice the form of the genre.

2. Communicative-pragmatic aspect of the wits of Wislowshuwan in texts should be interpreted according to the information in informative and zaochochuval (modal) semantics. The nature of information and information in the text is to be found in the specific information system of elements of the situation, in the course of the mobility (communal and intellectual), the social status of the community, the social status of the participants (the author, the addressee, the person in charge of the contact).

3. Komunіkativno-pragmatic values i tekstoutvoryuyucha funktsіya umovnih vislovlyuvan realіzuyutsya in text fragments dіalogіchnogo chi monologіchnogo type, mainly to acquaint themselves yakih Yea those scho umovne vislovlyuvannya vistupaє komunіkativnim movlennєvogo kernel context: the causal Chastina (Umov, privіd) umovnogo vislovlyuvannya yavlyaє him yogo bumps (nova , Ochikuvanu information).

4. Розмаїття indirect witches mean, scho stvooriyuetsya zavdyaki functііonalnі zv'yaznostі text, on the application of the clever design of the design, the draft of the rіznogo sort of construction, the rіght і and the word mаdіlу z іnnovnuyu semantikoy є bіlsh chі mensh obmezhenoju. Що кількості різних ситуацій, які обслуговуть ці конструкції, вона є нескінченно great.

Socially-movovnevi contexts are not only semantic and functional zabachachit, and by the hour navdit piddayuut peremisnislennu movnі form virazhenna umovi. Vony takozh rodyuzhyuut moovlennye, the situationally zoumovleni method virazhenna umovi, the power of the lish song genre.