Aesthetics - Levchuk L.T.


Vishche zgadulovalsya, scho naydrevnimy period rozvitku misterstva є mystetstvu pervisnoi lyudi neo, yak yogo shche nazivayut, pervisne misterstvo. Tso zobrazhalno-nasilduvalna diyalnist, scho spiralsya on the image of the Myself, deprived by the great zasterezhennym moge bouti called misterstvom. I nasampered that, shoo hozylyulyuvalas more practical, utilitarian requirements. Naskelnі The images tvarin on poven zrіst stvoryuvalis, yak svіdchat doslіdzhennya vchenih for pure practicality is required - chi yak mіshen for trenuvannya i navchannya in metannі JACES, provedennі ritual polyuvannya pid hour іnіtsіatsіy, abo Yak image tvarini ritual, magіchnih Act reasonably, scho pereduvali polyuvannyu i Повинні були забезпечити успіх.

Chimala kilkіst misterstno vikonanyh zobrazhen period piznogo paleolytu, tobto peryodu polyavannya lyudi on large tvarin, it's a pity, it was not saved - the stink was badly suffered in the hour, if the people passed to the productive state darling. Bezperechno, tvarin The images i i Helsinki Human zavzhdi suprovodzhuvali suprovodzhuvatimut lyudsku culture ale realіstichny pathos paleolіtichnogo painting - unіkalny i non-reentrant, Aje znahіdkam pіznіshih chasіv pritamannі vzhe stilіzatsіya, uzagalnennya, dinamіzm, bagatofіgurnіst kompozitsії toscho.

Magіchny pervіsnogo Mistetstvo character with such a Well mіroyu vlastivy i sculpted zhіnok The images, so the title of neolіtichnih Wehner, pov'yazanih s cult materі-praroditelki i hranitelki household vognischa, ritual tantsіv-Act reasonably, scho dіyshli to us s culture relіktovih spіlnot.

The culture of the epoch of barbarism (її swe nazyvayut eneolit) of the bula is grounded in a productive state dignity, yak principally the image of the Myself and the Mankind. Перехід від мандрівного до осілого життя порожуввав нові матеріальні і духовні потребитель, аже release, відповідні засади for the new forms of artistic creativity. The beginnings arhіtekturi so zvanі megalіtichnі sporudi - chotirikutnі Budova s ​​boards (dolmens), vertikalnі, nerіdko vkritі relєfami, stovpi (mengіri) stovpi, rozstavlenі dovkola zhertovnogo stone (cromlechs) zahisnі sporudi Perche protomіskih settlements mogilnі mounds skіfskoї culture - became cob Strenery people's social space, scho vidokremlyuvav її vіd neosvoeєnogo fіzіchnogo і de в podalshomu protіkalo muzhske zhittya. Vichorstannya clay for vibrobnitsva homemade utensils, and zgodom wines of the potter's wheel, echoed to new zaluz remisnitsva і mystetstva - keramiku. Mystetstvo keramiki, in its own genesis functional, has become a namingamental type of applied mystery, while in the process of procreation it has been rewritten in one of the most abstract forms, hanging bills of the old forms, and sculpture. The very special nature of ceramics, the absolute ruffiness of the її forms gave the right to the American misterstvoznavtsyu Finkelstein to name keramiku "the crystallization of the people's mind". Ceramic and metal (bronze, silver, gold) became the main material of the mystery. Axis chomu skarby skifskih kurgans - kynska zbruya, zbroya, odayag і prikrasi, utensils - are objects of applied misterstva.

Mystetzvu chyogo історичного періоду притаманні єдність та синкретизм утилиітарного і художього елементів; Prote itself vzhe nayavnіst podіbnih elementіv, bezposeredno pov'yazanih s not practical items priznachennyam, zapochatkovuvala Novi Etap in rozvitku lyudskoї culture - appeared vіdnosnoї Svobody dіyalnostі, zroslu mogutnіst Helsinki Human, formuvannya stіykoї estetichnoї require nayavnіst rozpovsyudzhenogo hudozhnogo virobnitstva.

Shcho perevazhalo in mistertvv tih chasiv? Peredusim zoomorphic forms, roslinny and іvarinnny ornament, shchu postupovo having written an abstract character. The order of the creatures and roses of the zobrazhennya people was submitted to the soul in a natural way and was schematized. Taket posegnannya zobrazhen people ziznіshnim svitom svidchilo about those, then the image of the people themselves was not formulated and looked at a part of the navement.

One of the first krokis before the artistic luncheon of the boule was the trial of ordering the grubuvannya of the failures of the Holy Communion to the intimacy of the rhythm. Vidchuttya rhythm of power lyudin so self, yak zir, rumor, dotik, one nabagato folded vyyalos figuratively opredmetti yogo. Mi shilni dumati, scho tse vidchuttya boolo povdjazane peredusim n rukhovim rhythm. Sonic Prišov is well known. In paleolithic zobrazhenney rhythm is not vidchuvaemo zoo-izzim. Z'yavlyaetsya vin tilki already in neolitichnyh pamyatkah, proystupayuchi yak namagannya vporyadkuvati, organizuvati ploschinu (keramichnih virobah) and prostir (in arhitektury). Rozpisny wares, rіznih etnіchnih group i, vіdpovіdno, cultures daє zmogu prostezhiti, yak Person of vchilasya uzagalnyuvati svoї zhittєvі vrazhennya, grupuyuchi i stilіzuyuchi Objects that yavischa such rank, scho stink at peretvoryuvalisya pіdkoreny ritmovі geometrically chord Roslyn, abo tvarinny simple geometric pattern. The rhythm of the lines, colors, forms of the nbi, taking in itself the fountain of the rhythm of the hand, yaka postupovo turned the virіb pіd hour of the leap, and potim - the rhythm of the potter's circle, it is possible to navigate through the conductive yogin spivom.

The rhythm, rhythmic impulses of the elements are spaciously oboednogochogo that organizuyuchogo znachennya power in naiibylsh early forms of arhitecture, peredusim kultovoy; The rice was deprived of its basic and characteristic features for all the adventures of the archaeological heritage.

Then, if they were formed to be rewritten, for poetic creativity, it was primed in the main on the mythology. Tsya syncretic form of svidosty bula vidobrazhennyam dіsnostі at viglyadі chutt'evo-specific persons that spiritualized істот, які вважалися реальними. In the fundamentals of the mythological personalities of nature, the nature of the susceptible subsidence lies in anthropomorphism. The very possibility of the mythological mission of the Bula is visibly affected by the nature of the people's affairs. The author of this article is one particularity - metaphoric, tobto clarification of the meaning of one thing for the ravine of the other. The metaphorical transfer of the meaning of one object to the one under the Rozuminna їхньої різниш gave to the zemogu пізнавати і визначати нове явише або subject. Zavshyaki metaphorichnosty movi, and takozh principles and anthropomorphic bakhennia nakkolishnogo svitu lyudina zmogla ovolodіti forces of nature, a sponge in the sphere of the mission, but potym and practical. Metaphor gave naimenuvannya a new yavishchu, and otzhe, robila dumkom available for them, rozvivala її. Tobto metaphor did not appear so long as a virgin, but a very important missionary.

Mistetstvo, yak і мова, тісно по'їязане з міфом саме задяки метафоричності милення. Міф, мова і мистецтво сягають первісної нерозчленованої єдності, що лише попопово распалася на три самостійні вид духовної творчистіі. Tak Same mythologic spirituality, yoke nese in the words of the word, the power of the images and forms of the mystery. In this way, images of the mystery, yak and magico-mythological images, dyut on the people are magical. Yaksho zhova, and otze, і mystetztvo vidrivayutsya vіd spilnogo z mіmom pіdґruntya i pozhayayut rozvivatisya v okremih svoyї tense, then tse nzh nyak not znachaet, sho stony rozedoyutsya residual. Mova is the missionary, she is formally understood and judged. Це відбувається тільки за умов відмови words, мови від повноти безпосереднього досвіду або абстракції. Aly the mystery of the word, litera- ture є тією spheruyu spirit, де мовне знарядя не тиільки не втрачає its zobrazhalnu force, and thе postійно розвиває і оновлює її. Same here word zdobuyeva new povnotu zhittya, vzhe estetichno vylnogo, not povyazanyh z mifami.

Mifi is deprived for a mystic story, scenes, fantasies, a jerk of a poetic natchnya. Naybіlsh znayomі us mіfi dlinnyo Gretsії zaberhlyasya zavdyaky that the stench of bagatorezo vvtvityuvalysya not tilki viniklikh pіznіshe drevnogretskih eposi, tragedii y liritsi, and threw європейських митців на їх художнє онвлення.