Українська та зарубіжна Culture - Вечірко Р. М.


1. Cobs molding sreddnyovichnoy culture.

2. Especially in the middle of the world. Christianity that yoga vplyiv on serednjovіchnu culture.

3. Місце церкви в культурі середньовіччя.

4. Теологічні та філософські пошуки середньовічної пред.

5. Formation of the rosettes of light.

6. Dzherela artistic-figurative svitospriinyattya epochs: literature, basic arhitectural styles, painting.

Cobs of the molding of the median culture

Середні віки - ponimtja not stolki chronologichnoe, skilki zmistove. On the різних етапах існування воно on-різному виявляє свої сутнісні characteristics. In Ranne - the ears of the porch, it's hard for me to reinforce the strong boules of the elements of the culture, that social and historical antiquity, and the postponement of the social form of the spiritual life, pritamanni serednyovychyu. Radical zmіni vіdbuyvayutsya yak at the progress of technology, rozvitku mіst, yakі so not similarly on the antique floor, and on the New Year, the system of organizing the vibrokitntsya ekspluotatsyї basic masi selyansstva, and in the structure of the panoyuchogo feudal susspilstva class. In other words, in the spheres of spiritual life, mystery, literature, theology.

For all the signs, seredynovychchya mentally sublisted for early (V-XI cent.), Visoka, abo zril (XI-XIII cent.), And pisnee (XIV-XVI cent.). Al at zoesredzhennyi uvagi na korinnikh evidences svitovidchuttya ryadovoe mneni dana periodizatsya viyavlyaetsya not exactly, agzhe vіdchuttya svytu mnogonyni agrarnogo for his nature syspilstva zmіnyuetsya povіlnіshe, anіzh culture of people osvіcheny (mi talking about іnші rhythmi змін). The dynamics of the "elitarian" forms of spiritual life viperedzhae change into "glybin". Pritamannі nizinnomu prosharku kul'tury that mentality nastanovi і modus povedinki were characterized by an unhealthy stabilnistyu chіpkіstyu, protistavlenyam zmіnam. Tozh serednyovіchchya not zakinchuyutsya in yakis pivniy prom promyshch hour: Renaissance, Baroko, Reformatsiya y naivіt ranne. Prosvitnitsvtvot no buli such radical zrushenni, shkob pokinchiti z mentalnistyu, pritamannoy serednyovіchny lyudin - the peasant, the burgher . Якісь риси народних вірувань та уявлень about Світ зберігалися задовго because, як офіційно середньоіччя it was completed.