Українська та зарубіжна Culture - Вечірко Р. М.

Teologicheskaya ta fіlosofskі poshuki seredn'ovіchnochno

Yaskravim with the butt of the ancient cultural treasure of the ancient svitu is based on the principles of christianity svitovidchuttyam - the creativity of the church father theologian Blessed Avreelia Augustine (354-430), hocha potrbno pidkresliti all superechlivost predstavnya Augustine before the ancient culture vzagali. Yak especiality and yak philosopher Avreliy Augustin was formed in the ancient culture of the Middle Ages, that in his creations, that propovydnykі dіyalnіі vikoristivavav yogo досягнення, аle yak high church ієррх і політичний діяч мусив ботися з проявами язичництва. In his "Spovidi", chi is not nayviznachnishomu creativity, vin nagoloshuє on that, but mirske znannya is not guilty of servitude to the real people and people in the street, shkilnyi science mait pidvoditi uchnya to pisnannya Holy Letter. Wisdom pidporyadkovuєtsya vіrі, and love until wisdom re-rooted in Augustine for love before God. In her "The City of God", Augustine christened the intercourse between the spiritual vulture of the church and, in turn, obvruntuvav її role in the life of the people of that susinstvo. Protistavlyuchi "yazichnitsky" antichniy fіlofofі novostvoryuvanu khristiansku teologііchnu system, Augustin u її філософікі підвалини заклав містичний неоплатонізм. In the traditional neoplatonism, the ontology was violated from theology. Yak Khristiansky theologian Augustin pidporyadkovu earthy ієрархію heaven, the argument of the transgression of theocratic system, yakіy svitskaya vlada pidporyadkovana church.

Середньовіччя bagate on missilites, breeds of culture еллінів. Nayaskraveshyu osobististyu means of them vidilyaetsya Severin Boytsiy (480-525). Antichna spiritual recession, yaku Augustine rethinking and transforming vizhlyadі vvіv from the system of values ​​of Christianity, the bullet is saved and adapted to the needs of the estate in the new historical life of the zavdyaky Boytsiyu. At his own fіlіofskikh tvіbіts Boevicі zaklаv base a new type of the phіlоlofsky mission, vіznachiv novіі critії іntelektualnogo zhіtya єvropeyskogo sospіlstva. The very style of the missionary, the character of the judiciary, the poetics The fight for the spirit and the way of the fall of the boule is close to the middle peasants. At Svoyemu vichennі Boetsі nemovbi підсумовував розвиток філософії пізньої античностій one-hourly viznachav basnovі strains fіlofosko-theologіchny dumy serednyovіchchya. Great extravaganza Boytsія і в розвиток середньовічної освіти. Оскільки мовою культури нового світу стає латинська, Боецій докладє the zusil to the devotion of the writers latinoju підручкуів та енциклопедій, yakih are systematized antichnі znannya z arithmetica, muziki, geometriya ta astronomії. So, before writing a little arithmetic, you get the Pifagora about numbers; Nagoloshuvav, scho all svit zbudovany on Ідиних ambushes Гармонії, яку мона порівняти з гармонією в музиці.

Innovation The battlefield of the Pole in that, on the first plan, was to systematize, nagolochuychi, nyvazhvlyshim navchannny - prischeplennya lyudin svnogo naprymku misselnya, dotrimannya in rozumіy diyalnostі strict discipline, yak dopomozhe mastery be-like material. For pidruchnikami Boatsya rallied at the schools of those universities stretching the middle of the middle peasants, and not nobles, they were ganebim.

Боецій був одним з посередників між Стародавнім світом та середньовіччям. In one of his works, "About the music", ґruntuychis on the creatures of Nycomah, Euclid, Ptolemy, that vidstovhuyu-chiss vіd antichnih traditional, Боецій viznachaє muziku yak mystetstvot zvіtyіv tak ya garmonіyu. Take wide tracts of music pidvodit Boetzia to rozriznennya tryoh vidiv music, and Same: "svitovoy", lyubskoy iznstrumentalnoy. At his chergo, the theory of "svitovoi" music, yakі was introduced to the head of the mosque in the musical conception, a bally of the great glory of the Pifagoriiysk vhennia about the "harmony of the heavenly spheres."

Музична теорія The battle of the Bula is more popular in the musical sense of the heart, yogo create canonized, and the judgment of the court nabuli to the character of the unbreakable authority.

Значне місце в культурі середньовіччя посідають просвітителі Флавій Кассіодор (490-585) та Ісидор Севільський (570-636).

Publications at 537-538 rr.tvіr of the Cassiodora "Varії" giving a broad list of social, political, state, cultural life of the Ostrogotsky Suspensity, about Sils'k state, craft, trade, Vіys'kuu spravu, zvicha, people's insurgency. At "Variyakh", the portrait of the soup painters was enlarged, an explanation of the natural criminals was given.

In poshukah, the ability of secrecy, zberіgannya that transfer of cultural values, yakі b іdpіdіdali posіlennuyu church t.christianstva in єvropeyskom svіtі, Flavі Kassіdor у midіdі 50 rybіv nasnuvav svєmu mіtku "Vіvіriі" monastyr, which played an important role in the form of a mediocre culture. Three elements of the structure of the monastery of Kassiodorus yak cultural center became traditional for the middle of the middle, and the very: library - the library of books and manuscripts; Scriptoria - misterstrya letters for roznozhennya ta poshirrenya manuscripts; School - navchalny mortgage.

The glory of the earliest sergeantologist was straddled by Isidor Sevilsky, the 20-volume " Etymology", which is the first all-encompassing encyclopaedia of medieval, de vikladeheni svitoglyadnyi basis of a new type of culture. Greatness of the number of riznomannichnyh factov, obnednih, sistematizovanih that zorganizovaniyh with the rank of the rank, vidobrazhvali Edinst of those tastings the character of the svtobudovi. In the yogin one of the naybilshih in serednyovіchny Єvropi bibliotek peacefully spivnisnuvali create the authority of the church order of the ancient poets that wise people.

Проте було й багато противників використання досвіду античності. Prior to them, the Pergue verged on the Pig Grigory I of the Great (VI-Poo VII., VI c.), Zapotchatkovne so negativno stavlennya to vsyogo yazichnitskogo prisnuvalo to kyntsya serednyovichchya. Grigoriy I respecting the uncomprehended doctrine of peaceful reconciliation of riznomannichnyh ideology, about the sake of meeting yoga "Dialogues about the life of the country's leaders and that about the immortality of souls." Such intolerance in the sphere of culture, the element of the anchorage of Christ, fostered the intolerance of the intolerant to the uncompensated ones, but in the podal, it became one of the cultural pessiminals of the iniquity.

Grigoriy І respected takozh as an official agriography - a kind of church and historical literature, but to write down the inventory of the sacred and churchly diachivas. Агіографія швидко набула популярності задяки своїй близькості до народної релігії.

At the XI century. There is a growth in scholasticism (in the case of Latin - the teachings, skklniy) - an intellectual rukhu, the essence of a linguistic poleas in the theoretical obtrusive rewigious svitoglyadu, in osmislenni for the sake of the logistical laws of dogmatic postulates of Christianity. The central problem of scholasticism is the post-discussion about the nature of universality - understanding the zagalists . In virіschennі tієї problems there were three strains: Realism, nominalism and conceptualism .

З протиборства різних напрямів у схоластиці постає відверте protostable to the authority of the church, vizrachnik yakogo buv poguhilnik conceptualizmu P'er Abelar (1079-1142), kotrogo priests called a blazing rose table. Abelar razіonalіzuvav svіvvіdishennya vіri ta rozumu, neobhdіnnuu peredumovoyu vіri vvazhal rozumіnnya chi іnshogo theologic postulate. Zaklikav virity for dostomogo svyadchen rozumu, but not on pidstavi bezdokazovih tverdzhen church authorities, scho, madly, boulo єрессю for that hour.

З XI cent., У результаті хрестових походів Західна Європа знайомиться з культурою Сходу та Візантії; Виникають нові культурні центри в Іppanії та Сицилії. Poshirennya enteressu to the Greco-Roman cultural nadnannya manifested in perekladkі Latin creations Ptolomey, Evklida, Gippokrata, Galen, Aristotel. Same at Tse Periode prikapayet rokvіt creativity of the Arabian philosopher Іn Rushda (Averroes) (1126-1198), about what can be said about, how much is the "materialism" of the interpretation of the aristotle's fіlofіїї. Ібн Рушд, розвиваючи раціоналістичні напряції арістотелізму, мав the great вплив на розвиток середньовічної філософії. The scholar of Aristotle, the successor of the office, the zdobulo vsebіchny viznannya in the science centers of Europe. Tomu in tsіy situatsії tserkva opinnilas before neobhіdnistyu asymiваuvaty vchennya Aristotela. Familiarity with the hands of Greek students and Arab students spared the width in the 13th century. Вільнодумства та раціоналізму.

Synthesis aristotelizmu katolitskogo theologii zdіsniv Foma Akvіnsky (1225-1274), yaky pragnuv pіdvest pіd teologііnі principle svіdchennya logi і ta healthy gluzdu. Foma Akvinat creating a penitentiary encyclopedia of the Catholic theologian "The Sum of Theology", yakіy pitannaya piznannya nature of that suspistria rozgodalisya in orthodox-catholic dusi. Vin opratsyuvav zagalnі principle of the Catholic theologian, scho vvazhayutsya church nepushnimi i doteper. Visuayavachi ідею гармонії віри та розуму, Фома Аквінський, утім, pідпорядкував science of the theologian (science - ministerial theologian). Tomizm є naybilshim nadbanyam theologo-ratsionalisticheskih poshukіv scholasticism, a kind of spikatku viklikav protostoyaniya church, and pisnіshe, з кінця XIV st., Becoming ії офіційною doctrine.