Українська та зарубіжна Culture - Вечірко Р. М.

Becoming that rosette of light

Burly boiled in the XII-XIII century. Survive osvita . Vinikayut schools with monasteries, Misky cathedrals, parafyah, and zgodom z'yavlyayutsya svitskі municipalny ta privatnі scholli, hocha t there osvita maє peremozhno religіyny character. The rostrum of osvіti buv stimuliovaniya ekonomichnim ta cultural pidnesennami Zahidnoї Європи. The development of the material virbitntsva, trade, diplomacy, and navigation required the justification of those simply literate people, who had the necessary knowledge of the mass extensibility of knowledge, the development of science and technology, and those of the writers. In one hour, the schools were transformed into universities. System kіlkastupenevoy osvіti is small such viglyad: trivium - quadrivium - medicine - law - theology. Serednyovichny University was stored in a preparatory faculty, abo artistic, de basis of science: so zvanih sіm вільних мистецтв, пo були відомі щеі з античності: граматика, риторика, діалектика, арифметика, геометрія, музика, астрономія. Mathematical mathematics - arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy, they had a chance to learn about the number of spies, and to lie in the fundamentals of the harmony. In the artistic faculty there were shist rock bands, on the advancing, whipping, medical and legal - p'yat-shist, on the theological faculty - 15 rock.

Навчання in університеті were Latino. Vykladach at lectures reading that komentiv book of visions of authorities, the students kept up the lectures and took part in disputes. Disputant is guilty of Buv viklasti svіy poglyad, vysluhachi zapperchenchenya ta prostvovati їh, scho demanded great maysternostі. The fate of the publically debatable boule is obovyazkoyuyu I presume the appropriation of the vechego step. Not to the skinny student, the bullet is pinched by the power of disguise in the middle, and to that preparatory faculty at the bachelor's degree, the tertina has been licensed, and one lesser student has become a magistrate. Наприкінці XV century. In Європі it was close to 80 universities.

At 1455 r. Cobbled with books. Johann Gutenberg (1399-1468) vinoishov car drokarsku, and the first book of the books became Bibliya.

Dzherela artist-shaped svitospriinyattya epochs: Literature, basic artifacts, paintings. To the people of new forms of the culture, the two feared feudalism was fought by two important chinniki, and the very words: the vestibules of the mosque, the saints of the XI century. Became centers of cultural and political life, that hrestovi resemble, zavdyak yakim serednivichnaya Europa vpershe vidchula to itself one tsilim zdobula vysoku metu.

Misto, yak, on suti, boulo is the geek of the bourgeois republic, it's time to formulate a culture.

The flock of the church viznachav obychchya serednevіchnogo mistertva. The main zrazkom serednevіchnogo izvestvorchogo misterstva buli pamyatki church arhitekturi. Mystetstvo bool in the hands of the church can vlyavnim vrplyu on Masi z oglyadu yogo access for all. The head-quarters of the artist boulevard hung the divine ambushes, and in the wake of the people of transgression, the sufferer was pushed. Beau, for the churches, tse - purifying vodon.

Alya svyatske mystetztvo in the period of rooted feudalism is an alternative to the ecclesiastical.

On the cob of the XII century. Vidbuvayutsya stanovlennya kurtoiznogo novel y yogo cult of human (yake tezh can vidnesti to osoblivoste epoch). In the XI-XII century. The moral-ethenny image of the person, who has been viewed as a saintly character, visually as ascetic, is stored. Litsar is guilty of praying, uniqueness of the grieha, pihatosta of the low schools, vin mah zahishchat church, diviiv ta sirit, and takozh turbuvatisya about piddanikh. Vin is guilty of buti korobrym, virnim, not zazbavlyati nikogo yogo vlasnosti; Voyuvati Lisha for justice. Litsar mav bouti bake mandrivnikom, zmagatisya on tours for the honor of Dami sertsya, everywhere diners vidminosti, tsurati vsogo unworthy; Love your suzerain and obervati yogo dostignity; But is generous and fair; Joking comradeship khorobrih that vshichisya in them zdіysnennu great diyan behind the butt of Oleksandr Makedonsky. Such an image is embodied in the literary literature.

Especially in the ritsartskii literaturi nalezhit virshovanіy povistі z zhivno-podnjadnitskim plots, zapozitsikom z Kelttskih re-takings of those legends. The head of them is the archives of King Arthur, that yogo litsariv, lived in V-VI st. Th was elected at the round table. In the midst of the legends, the cycle of romances about the king, the palace of the Holy Grail.

The most famous novel of the ritsarsky novel is "Tristan ta Izolda", the popularity of the one in the european literature of the 12th-13th centuries. Clarify the tim, but at the center of the world, you can see the earth, the people's love, the yak adheres to the respects of the middle peasants. Ani ідеал служіння сюзеренові, ані ідеал служіння Богові vzhe not vpodpіdali have spiritual needs for an hour.

In the person of persons, the literature, uninviting on Ії обмежений character, fostered rozvitku serednjovіchnoi kul'turi, pojavі Іnteresu to osobistostyі mnіnni that is experienced. Lovingly-lirichna topics, yaku rozroblyali trubaduri (in Nimecchini - menesingery), minstreli vidkryvala mozlovisti for viyavu індивідуальності. Nimi bulo has a new form in it - balad, serenade, sonnet.

Vazhlivim owlish spiritual life XIII century. Був розвиток давньоскандинавської словаесності, у якій розрізняють: unitary (davnny geroїchні та міфологічні) пісні; Traviyu skal'dіv - norvezkih іslandskikh poetіv IX-XIII century; Sagas - prozov create people's long-euskandinavsky epos. Nayvidomishim of the Germanic heroic epic is "Pisnya about Nibelungiv."

Stilovі saplivostі serednyovіchnogo misterstva naybіlshoju mіroju vtіlyuvala arhіtextura. Serednovіchchya created two basic styles: romance and goth . Romanesque style (in the Latin romanus - Roman) buv extensions in the X-XII century. І vidibivav pragnennya korolіvskoї vladi ta church, stumbled upon the authority of the Roman Empire. In arhitekturnyh sporuds, simple, simple, succinct, massive forms of crypts of arch structures. Romanesque style is characterized by the organic zlittyam ratsionalnoy structuring sporud ta їh mozhnnyh konstrukіy z vysokoju ekspresivnistju bahatofigurnih skulpturnyh kompozitsy, at kotrih those New Zapovitu (nasampered Strastnogo sudu) virazheni movoyu plasty, scho zagalom vidriznyaetsya vid antichnogo zrazka. The word "gothic" resembles the original. Gotico - goth, barbarian. For the gothic mysticism is characteristic па panuvannia lіnії, verticalism of composition, vіrtuozne detailing, підпорядкованість елементів логіці цілого, нерозривний зв'язок архітектури та скульптури. The original type of gothic architecture is the cathedral , it was the scroll of the folding carcass construction (the arch of the arch, the one on the back). Bagatokolorovy vіtrazh, gobelin, ілюстрації manuscriptіvvtіluvali esteticheskih relish feudal upper, yak in the epoch of хрестових походів доторкнулася до витонченості Сходу. In the church, the mysticism of the Gothic vidobraziv cult dvi Mari is characterized by the superexistity of the metaphysical exaltation and life of the worldly motives.

Zagalom sredneynichnaya artist culture nabula svoyh nayhakarternіshih forms in the skin of zidіvі mystetstva: lіteraturі - tsezhitya svyatih, arhіtektіri - cathedral, in the picturesque - icon, in sculpture - the image of Christ, the Mother of God of Saints, and the medieval misterstvo can be characterized as symbolic.

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