Українська та зарубіжна Culture - Вечірко Р. М.

Українське образотворче мистецтво ХХ st.

Українське is more educated than the mystery of the twentieth century. Rooted at the roots of the basic styles, techiques and genres of the holy mystery. The Ukrainian artists of the Buli are well aware of the shortcomings of the holy mystery. Vidatnymi painters of the genre were motivated by M. M. Pimonenko (1862-1912), landscapes S. Vasilkivsky, V. Orlovsky, P. Shevchenko, I. Trush, K. Kostandi. Maistras of the portrait painting of the Buli Ivan Trush, brothers Fedir ta Vasil Krichevsky, Oleksa Novakivsky. Before the historical themes were involved F. Krasitsky, M. Samokish, M. Ivasyuk. The goal of a special splash of the avant-garde mystery. The Ukrainian avant-garde having cast a glance at the mystery, its svietozomninya. O. Bogomazov (1880-1930), M. Boichuk (1882-1939), and K. Malevich (1878-1935) were particularly interested in the extravaganza.

O. Bogomazov at the treatise "Picturesque Elements" viklav his eyes on the avant-garde mystestvo, rasping the yogi ambush. The cartoons "Potyag", "Bazar", "V'yaznitsa", "Lvivska vulica in Kiev" became a spectacle of cubo-futurism and exclusionism. Вони вирізняються чіткою ритмікою кольорів, їх синьо-фиіолетовим вираженням. K. Malevich became the founder of Suprematism. Yoga creativity drew its strength from folkloric necklaces. Чорний, білий та червоний квадрати, як і all the creativity of Malevich, goodness in the svіtі. The square of the Suprematist vikonannі є naybіlsh is cleaned, unselected in the mother's spiritual booties, by the introduction of asociations. Zvichni prostorovi orієntatsії people znikayut yogo tvory. Prior to the speech, "Chervony square" vіn interpreted yak "painting realism villas in two wimiras." The main characters in пізніші роки creativity are the villages and villages, yak втілення енергії nature і Vsesvіtu.

Mihailo Boychuk enchanted the school of the monumental Ukrainian mystery, the yak podeknulo constructive osoblivostіі painting vizantіyskogo ta epochi італійського Відродження. Before the school, T. Boychuk, M. Yunak, O. Pavlenko, І. Padalka, V. Sidlyar, M. Rokitskiy ta іn. The stubs were decorated by the Kyiv Opera House, the Art Institute, the Ukrainian Pavilion of the Silovia Exhibition in Moscow, one of the Kharkiv Theater. Tse buli pershy srazki Ukrainian ya ysogo Radiansky monumental misterstva. Mihaila Boychuk, yak i bagatoyh інших талановитих митців, спіткала share інтелігенції "розстріляного відродження".

Tse booli rock, if the dossier of the senior artist-realists F. Krichevsky, І. Їakekevich, K. Trokhimenka, AP Petritsky, M. Samokish, O. Shovkunenka young mitsi M. Deregus, O. Dovgal, V. Kasiyan, V. Kostetskyy нn.

The heaviest hour experienced Ukrainian culture in the rock of the Other Svitova Vinyi. Duzhe bagano creativity Інтелігенції - літераторів, науковців, артистів have disappeared in battles, died to hunger. The theme of the mystery and literature was patriotism, heroism, Zachist Vitschin, pratya for help.

U pershі післявоєнні роки в Україні відновили роботу 30 тис. Шкіл (згодом майже 35 тис.), 150 вищих навчальних закладів. Розпочав робото вже in Києві Київський фінансово-економічний інститут (как називався тоді КНЕУ), have renewed their mysticism and disloyalty over 100 theaters.

Shalenyi kompartnyjnomu convict bula pіddana dіyalnіstі істориків України, поетів M. Rils'koi, V. Sosiuri, composer K. Dankevich, film director O. Dovzhenka, the campaign on cybernetics, genetics was widely stolen, fights were fought against cosmopolitanism.

We were impressed with the robot of the museum. On the cobble of the 50th rock'n'roll bolee vzhe mayzhe 137.

Vidbudovoychy promyslovist, zruynovane sylske gosdarstvo, people pіdnіmav i kulturnne zhittya. Nezvazhayuchi on stalinіs'ky totalitarian tisk, pereslіduvannya mittsіv, the order of the formations of the klassovoy culture was pierced by the parrots і zagaloljudskogo and national humanitarian humanism in the mystery and literature. Zbroyniy opir natsionalno-patriotichnyh forces in Zakhidny Ukraine trivav to the back of the 60's rock.

"Khrushchevka Vіdliha" has criminally cleared the tidings for rozvitku kul'tury, the form of culture-making processes. They rode around a lot of literary, gromadsko-polichnichnyh vidan, in the middle of them "Radiansk literaturoznavstvo", "Ukrainian History magazine", "Vsesvit". The Ukrainian literary art was violated by the poets O. Gonchar, O. Dovzhenko, G. Tyutyunnik, M. Stelmakh, M. Rilski, V. Sosyuri, M. Bazhan, P. Ticini, A. Malishka, P. Voronka. Zgodom said about himself pokolinnya sixties. Sered them L. Kostenko, V. Simonenko, I. Dziuba, І. Svitlichny, M. Vingranovsky, M. Singaevsky, V. Stus, Є. Sverstyuk, O. Berdnik, A. Gorska, I. Drach, D. Pavlichko, V. Chornovil, V. Zaretsky, O. Zalivaha, B. Oliynik ta іn. In the camps V. Marchenko, O. Tikhiy, Yu. Litvin, V. Stus died.

The Ukrainian music was rooted, a number of opera creations were spotted, the Ukrainian pisen was creative. Lyubov'yu people korostustitsya і siogodnі operni create G. Mayborodi, V. Gubarenka, A. Kos-Anatolsky, K. Dankiewicz, V. Koreike, pisni O. Bilasha, P. Mayborodi, І. Shamo, A.Filippenko. Відродилась українська пісня, declared about themselves a number of monsters spivakіі and співачок: D. Hnatyuk, M. Kondratyuk, Yu. Gulyaev, S. Kozak, M. Stef'yuk, Є. Мірошниченко, А. Солов'яненко та багато інших.

At the folding instincts of the denationalization of Ukraine, the kino was pushed to self-immolation, penetrated into the glibini of the national life. Здобули популярність фільми І. Savchenka, S. Paradzhanova "Tieni zabutih predkiv", Y. Іllіnka "Bili ptah z chornoyu znakoyu", fіlmi V. Іvchenka, "U bіі іdut odnі oldi" by L. Bikova ta "Kam'yaniy hrestest" L. Osiki, fіlmі І . Mikolaychuk, M. Mashchenka and others.

In the minds of pererbudov in Ukrainian culture, they began to plant ambushes of democratism, nationality of those peerless values, humanism and tsіlіsnogo екологічного світорозуміння.


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