Українська та зарубіжна Culture - Вечірко Р. М.

Українська мова in the 12th-16th centuries.

Those who deserve the Ukrainian identity in the ancient culture pamyatki, з zrozumilim. Ajer dzherlem movi, the culture dzherel became the people's people, but nazvichayno vysokogo rokkvitu nabulashu in prehistoric (yazichnitskomu) folklore. Our far-off ancestors rozumili importantness of the political movement. By the Decree є te, scho Yaroslav Mudriy in the best of good, honestly, the people did not cultivate the people, having created the law, going to the uninhabited Sofya Kyivivka, and having been scribbling books, stilovvav biblioteki, spiviv rozvitkovki written. The report of those who are stoops of the people's bouleau has been decimated by the power of the polity. Сутність її відома з тогочасних документаів (літописів). Vona bula is straightened by those who do not like the earth, the boon of the bula with the symbol "earth", the people themselves. About neobhіdnіst nobility, shanuvati, lapping his mow spoke from the noble wards і з church amvonіv, from the prince's edicts, fіlіofоskikh treatises and litops. At one o'clock in the afternoon, she was stuck in a frown. If, however, the hanitim of the words of the letter were read in the "Povisty minilikh liter", which will not be seen in the church, as the docks do not vykravitsya.

Zakonirno, scho "words'yanska" mova in Kiev Rusya dovyagla nazvichajno vysokogo rozvitku: became the basis of science, science, legislation, religion, and takozh literaturi i vesіy kul'turi. In the "Izbornik Svyatoslav" 1073 r. Vkazuvalosya: vitschiznyane word - barviste y bagata, gliboka understandings and nazvichayno rozmaite tekstinnistyu. Pisemnny pam'yatkam tsiogo periodu ("Galitsko-Volinsky Litopis", "The Word of the Ruined Ruskoe Zemly", "Kiev-Pechersky Paterik") pritamanni figurativ, vychiststі style, folk-poetic visly, aphorisms.

Logically, scho in the oncoming epoch of Ukrainian word (Todi - "Ruske") little power vagu. Navvit kol priborilosya Velika princelyness Litovske, the warehouse part of the Iago of the Tatar-Mongolian ruin became і Україна, - yogo Statuti boolo it is written: "... And the scribe zemstvo mate in Rus littera i ili sloviimi vsi lists, writers and names of writers, and Not the least, izikom i slovi "(1588 rubles). Unfettered for the great Vijskov cannosti, Litovsk prince saw the Russian people for the country. Pro tse svidchat pam'yatki dilovogo pisatelstva, gramoty HIV-ХVІ st., "Sudebnik" Kazimir Jagail 1468 р., "Литовський статут" 1566, 1588 рр.

The books and books in the Lithuanian state were written as follows: "Lithuanian Litopis", "Lucidary", "Ceti-Minei".

Люблінська унія 1569 р. Progolosila utovorennya odnієї federativnoy power (polsko-litovskoy) - Rech Pospolitoї. In the course of the periode of the Ukrainian literate letters, one reads the number of copies and postings through the colonies of Poland and Germany. However, the vocabulary of the lexical prepositions of the boule is not known. The basis of the terminology vocabulary was stored in the old, old, decayed documents of the Kyiv Rusko language. Split polskoїmovi on the morphology and phonetics of the Buv takozh is insignificant, the incidence has been paralyzed with the Polish and the Ukrainian phonetic forms. Naystіykіshim zalshivsya syntax, vin zberіgav order of sliiv zhivії ukraїнської folk mo ta pam'yatok Київської Русі.

Ala Borotba orthodox'ya catholicism pevnoyu mirovu vplyvala on rozvitok pismyannyh pamyatok. Oborontsi orthodox'ya vvazhali, scho trebi pisati staroslov'yanskoyu, and Catholics ganbili staroslov'yanku yak nenadatnu before the church letter. It was necessary to save the old people in the cultural and religious writing, and the omelet, the piece of obmezhennia in the mouth of the common people's Ukraine, became the cause of the galmuvannya rozvitku Ukrainianskoe movi, Ukrainian culture.

Oskilki staroslov'yansku mova vzhe in the IX century. Did not conceive zmіn, in fact, the bula was dead and і за; To this is written the vocabularies, which serve as a transfer for the Old Believers - the Ukrainian people's movement.

Vidatnoy pam'yatkoyu old Ukrainian outreach - "Peresopnytska Evangelii", written in 1556-1561 pp. Yogo Mova mya virazny people's color, is forced to use phraseological expressions in the living folk music, picturesque screensavers, ornaments in Old Ukrainian style. The book of Mikhailo Vasilovich was interrupted by that archimandrite of the Peresopnytsky Monastery Grigoriy.

Protestant rushes of the XVI century. Fought against the fact that before the letters of letters I heard more words from the common people of Ukraine. At the same time, the vocabulary of the vocabulary penetrated into the book-church, the acts, and the art of the Ukrainian literature.

Ivan Franko vvazhal, scho tsya epoha bula "sometimes, in kotry we nasiladisya i pachala garno rozvivatisya persha vsyukraїnska, dіysno natsіonalna literatura", if they wrote "a message, a wholeness in all the counsels of Russia-Ukraine". І хоча література України періоду майже трьох століть була багатомовною (старослов'янська, латинська, польська, російська), already z'yavilisya create, written in Moscow, close to the people's Ukraine.

For svіdchennyam сучасників, тоді існувало безліч рукописних збірників народі пісень або віршів, writing simple folk music. Yaksho tserkva prikagnala anchor before zberigati tserkursnol'yansku mo яu yak literaturnu, then svitskaya literatura, especially the train, the heaviness before vyzhvannya folk and close to folk Ukrainians. Prose, napriklad, writing Ivan Zhoravnitsky (1575 rubles.). Otzhe, yak bachimo, Ivan Kotlyarevsky and Grigoriy Kvitka-Kvets'yanenko did not start on empty ground. І цілком зрозумілою є думка І. Frank, scho "Eneida" Kotlyarevsky "not a bula absolutely new in the Russian written language for viewing the text, and in the plan of the literary method ... Kotlyarevsky buv prodovzhuvaem old Russian traditional literary tradition."

At the friend's half of the XVI century. In Ostroz, the most important culture of Oserod was set, a prince Kostyantin Ostrozky. Here vidyayutsya book y formetsya books Ukrainian language, Yaku rozvivali writers XVII Art.