Українська та зарубіжна Culture - Вечірко Р. М.

Українська мова XVII-XVIII ст. Ta correct writing of the XIX century.

On the cob of the XVII century. In Kiev there are other cultural cultures, a kind of discussion of people around the world in Kiev. Petro Mogila domegavsya, shchob u Kievskii kolgії suvorotorlyuvalisya spelling of the old Russian language. Tse, zvichayno, vidkinulo problem rozvitku nationalities far back.

In 1619 r. Viyshla a different book by Meletiy Smotrytsky "Gramatiki Slovene Syntagma" . Yak ukazuyut moovoznavtsi, chi grammar bula not stilki slov'yanskoy chi ecclesiastical'yanskuyu, skilki close to the springs of the authorities of the Rus' deactivities. Do not zavzhdy know, yak vimovlyayutsya sounds in the words' yansky mov, Meletiy Smotrytsky transferring them in Rus. Protte tse bula persha gramatika, as though they were corroded in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.

Pіd vlivom tsієї grammaty skladalosya chimalo shkіlnih pіdruckyvіv, yakі сприли поширенню грамотності серед просто люду. For the grammar of Meletiy Smotrytsky, the alphabet of the 17th-18th centuries was laid down; Tsіnim yogo grammatitsi boule proskazhnya over-sign, yakі udrudnuvali chitannya, izodennya lteri G zmest krim, kak yazhivasya in the words kgrunt, kganok і podibne. One day, whitewashing chelimo vzhe "non-live" liter (ь, s, ь ta іn.).

Prote in the XVII-XVIII century. Ukrainian books, folk songs close to the people wrote written notes. Pevnu played a role in the approved national Ukrainians in the creative work of the mandrels of dyakivs-ungracious spadays, yakis, who were lavishing the navcha, were crumbled to death by literary and theatrical whistles.

On the cob of the XVIII century. Українська мовна єдність bula is defeated by the reforms of the Moscow Tsar Peter. The yogo of the writings of the reform has contributed to the dissemination of information in the Ukrainian written norms. Scіdna Україна, перебуваючи в складі Московської держави, прийняла Петровю "гражданку" (civil, тобто of requests font and alphabet), and західні землі під Polschyu prodovzhuvali koristustvatsya Cyrillic.

Already from the XVIII century. Почалося непорозуміння з приводи українського правопису. Moscowi were ritualized, and Ukrainians literally vimed Yak I , and Litteru read Yak LI . Почався a gripe on українську school and church. Popi namagalisya doogozhiti Moskvy, and the school vchila read all the Litera so, yak chitayut at Moskvy.

Sered writing in the ear of the XIX century. Bula Uzvichaєna Ukraіnska Vimova ba ta J. По-українськи їх вживав Іван Котляревський. Ale school, yak postyyno navchala read Lak Є, residual zynshchila embankments ukrainian vimovi cych litter. Tom Grigoriy Kvitka-Osnovyanenko, Єvgen Grebinka, Taras Shevchenko moved to the Russian abetka. Tse gave zmogu simple people, a student studied in church schools, read this way, yokomu bula zvichnishe, with the same rozumyuchi, scho tse Ukrainka mouva.

Panteleimon Kulish has been reformed in such a way. Yogo spelling of the buv names " kulishinovyu ." Vín skasuvav litteru LI , and zmіst Ъ vprovadiv І , zmіstost yotovannogo E - Є. Ale littera is not in the mood of the bula to be shuffled. Її vzhivali for poznachennja rozdilnoy vimowi in the middle of slov (yak of the daily apostrophes) ta in кінці slів: бём ( б'ем ). For the sound of the IO, the prepositions of the Swedes were planted ( his , before him ). Litteri was not a boule.

The korektiv "kulishnivki" was crumbled in 1870. Bulo vidkinuto ü at the end of the word і is lined with tilki in the middle (for rozdilnoy vimovi), and takozh is given to the pupil Ї.

Moscow Tsar Oleksandr III defending "kulishivku" and punishing writers with Russian liters. Tsei kazenny pravopis was called "єrizhkoyu" (in the name of the Russian Litera LI - "єry"). In 1905 the river. The fence of the boule is shined і і українці відмовилися від "єрижки" that turned to its own "kulishnivka".

In the Ukraine, the reform of "kulishivok" was rife in 1885 r. Євген Желехівський: він позначив літерою Ї не тільки йотоване І, а й уживав її for pom'yakshennya приголосних, наприклад: діло , сїрий тощо. Tsej a spelling of buv proskvalazheny at 1893 r. The schools have those institutional establishments of the Austro-Ukrainian Ukraine. Подібний праписми ми зустрічаємо у творов старших науковців cobble of the twentieth century, zokrem in Mihaila Grushevsky.

The remaining corrections to the Ukrainian spelling are boring Boris Grinchenko. Having established the rules of the rules, you can get rid of the Galicians in the written-down Pitans:

  1. Do not ask me to do it with my fingers.
  2. Do not ask yourself in the words.
  3. Treb vzhivati ​​apostrophe, shob odrizniti r'ya odya ry , z'ya od zya i t. Іn.
  4. Do not write a small sign for such words, yak svit (do not write a script ).

Postulov's th Galichani recognized the transitions of such vipravchenoї "kulishvіki", now Ukraine is to be punished with the right of the cymbals.

Voskresnemo zі Word Ukrainian , bo in yogo glybinnyh nadary can poshoga. Velikі sini i daughters to the people have contributed to the word "rosy" and "life-giving" in Ukraine, and on new carbs, which have been enlarged, nareşti, naprikintsі XX century. Vlasnu derzhavnіst, udevnenyuyu walk in the third place in the tisyacholіttya.

Ukrainians roznovili their moivu on ґrunti mostsevih plemmіnnyh obladnan. Українці - безпосередні нащадки населення Київської Русі, and отже, і мова оспадкована від старої мови полян, древлян, волинян, сіверян; Boujan, street, tivertz, that інших oldenorussian tribes.

Naidavnіshі іноземні мандрівники, що перебували в Україні і в Московії, бачили відмінність цих мов: "The Ruthenian people have lived in poverty for a long time, as well as in Poland, already for a long time" (František Palacki); "Українці - стародавній народ, а мова їхня багатша і всеосяжніша, ніж перська, китайська, монгольська і всілякі інші. Vona maє rissi, подібні до московської ... "(Elvia Chelebi, 1657 rubles).

Bezpіdstavnst tverdzhen about those, sho moovi Ukrainsky nem, and є tilki yakas govirka; Що українська мова - якась нова вигадка українців; Scho ruska mova - tsemowa spilna i rosіyanam, і Ukrainians, " obscheruska ", yak something sekuut, miє reign over ridnu moovu ob obom nevertheless (but through them, having motivated, the causes, the Ukrainians rooted their Ukrainian language, they wrote, drukuvali , Taught), іще in 1905 р. Recognized Rosyskaya Akademia, yaka strverzhuvala:

Schoen is so called obscheuska mosva not spivna mowa velikorussiv і українців, а мова великоруська.

Scho guarantee her zovsim " legally and naturally " from the old times-davin rooted out literary Ukraine.

Schoow of Great Britain literary moth could not be satisfied with the Ukraine, not knowing about the fence, the Ukrainians literally got out of the way.

Що всі заборони української мови тільки шкодили народові, його освіті і розвоєві.

To the drive of M. M. Hrushevsky writing: "It is great to get together with Russian students against all kinds of sightings in Ukraine and the word і українство. You can call them if you have to argue with these kinds of things. "

Mihailo Hrushevsky, who appreciates the bagateloads of the Ukrainian customs, wrote: "The share did not always serve the Ukrainian and the Great Russian. Velikorussky bulo is lighter. Velikorossi mali its power, Mali povnu zmogu rozvivati ​​moivu і pisgnnist. Ukrainians lived in Poland. I was much harder. Alyoshe tіsnіš became a Ukrainian language, a Ukrainian language, a church, a Moscow patronarchy, and a Ukrainian language with Moscow. The Moscow clergy started censorship over the Ukrainian books, and the tsar Peter gave to the fence - the Ukrainian books were stolen by the Ukrainian books, and the schools of the Ukrainians were rushed to drive the Great Russian language ... All sorts of orders were planted in Ukraine, and the Greyhounds were increasing all the time Вкраїні, а книжня українська мова мусила завмирати ... True, the love did not vanish in Ukrainians to its own motive. Suproti ... novosti ... movi ... Ukrainians dali rozvivayut its people people ... "

Українська мова, незважаючи на заборони, ровивалася знизу, з уст people, піднослася вгору the writers, які надавали їй високого рівня досконалостіі. Досягнення української мови визнали в уоому світі, at that number in Russia, навіть ті, хто її not дооцінював. So, Mikola Chernishevsky, a kind of spoiler not sryynyav creativity of Taras Shevchenko, and yogo Kobzar otsiniv deprisya nislya deaths of the great poet, writing: "To swap inodi: chi small maluyuska mova vidyagti vishchogo litarturnogo rozvitku? .. Ta hіba mozhna mati here yaky-nebud Sumniv?

... Mayuchi such a poet, Yak Shevchenko, Little Little Literature ... does not require caresses. This is the time for Shevchenko to write people with little Russian people, but they would not remain writers in literature to navigate Bagatish, nor Great Women. "

Ninі українське a word відродилося в усій силі, могуності, чарівності, науковій та державній мудрості. Українська мова не тільки вистояла, зберігши its nepovtornіst, притаманні їй особливості, коріння яких загають глибокої давнини, а й дістала in a democratic conflict, the blame for beauty and accuracy. Yak stverdzhuyut D. Grinchishin, A. Kapelyushnii ta інші дослідники, її phoneticheskaya rokkіsh, leksichne ta phraseological bagatelstva, velichechni slovvotchі mozlovistі, syntactical gnuchkist shche vinyi zabezpechili іy prizove misce na prestizhnogo svetovym competition at Paris.

Otzhe, українська мова - це гордість усієї нашої культури. Vodnochas not be able to baiduyu before, scho d syogodnі neseshhilom Ukrainskoi moivi pile up temnі hmari not tilki valuyevyh, and th homebroken inexpensive. Wants to viriti, scho our Heaven to be purified. The word is immortal.

Korystoychis nagodoyu, on prohannya numerical prihilnikіv moiv proponuetsya author's song "Ridna Mova."


Poydu, Buva, here is far,

I'm tired of strangers, I stand -

I'm worried, I'm not baking,

I do not feel it for myself.

Українська - моя рідна мова -

Ty - yak sonz, yak spiv solov'ya,

Ti - matusi laskava rozmova,

Tee is my Ukraine's soul.

Почується лагідна мова -

Прості українські words,

And nache matusi rozmova,

Nemov rіdny edge liveth.

Українська - my рідна мово -

Ty - yak sonz, yak spiv solov'ya,

Ti - matusi laskava rozmova,

Tee is my Ukraine's soul.

Chi is close to me,

A moovi rіdnіsh not buva,

Vona - yak Dniprova left,

Vona - yak wheat, spiva.

Українська - моя рідна мова -

Ty - yak sonz, yak spiv solov'ya,

Ti - matusi laskava rozmova,

Tee is my Ukraine's soul.

On sviti miracles so bagato!

Nabachivs', I heard myself,

A tilki toodi meni sacred,

I can feel my way.

Українська - моя рідна мова -

Ty - yak sonz, yak spiv solov'ya,

Ti - matusi laskava rozmova,

Tee is my Ukraine's soul.


  1. Grushevsky MS Essay on the history of the Ukrainian people. - K., 1990.
  2. Grushevsky M. S. About the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian school. - K., 1991.
  3. Kononenko PP Ukrainian literature: problems rozvitku. - K., 1994.
  4. Olefirenko V. V. Without a lot of people, // Chumatsky shliakh. - 1999. - № 2.
  5. Pazyak OM, Kisil GG Українська мова і Culture of the Phenomenon. - K., 1995.