Business Economics - Pokropivny SF

11.2. Organizational types of production

Features of the company, the specificity of specific technical and organizational decisions depend strongly on the type of production. Production Type - a classification category of production, taking into account its features such as latitude nomenclature, regularity, stability and volume of output. There are three types of production: single, serial and mass.

A single production is characterized by a wide range of products, small volume of manufacture of the same products, re-production of which in most cases is not provided.

Serial production has a limited range of products, making some of them repeated periodically certain batches (lots) and total production can be considerable.

Mass production is characterized by a narrow range of products, a large amount of continuous and long-term production of the same products.

Separately isolated pilot plant, which produces samples or party (series) products for research, testing, design refinement. As prototypes developed design and technological documentation for serial or mass production. According to its characteristics closer to the pilot production unit.

On the grounds of the type of production can be characterized and production units, from the workplace to the enterprise as a whole. At the same time an important quantitative characteristic is the level of specialization of jobs, which is determined by the operations consolidation ratio, ie the average number of process operations performed on a single slave ochem site in the past month. It is calculated by the formula

Operations consolidation ratio (11.2)

z.o where k - coefficient of consolidation of operations;

n - the number of names of objects to be processed in a given group of jobs (at a site in the shop) per month;

mi - number of operations i-th object in the processing in this group of jobs;

M - the number of jobs for which the calculated k ZO

Jobs individual production are characterized by performing different operations in different parts within the technological possibilities of the equipment. The latter is a universal technology of the same type placed in groups. Due to the frequent change of the objects of labor a lot of time spent on changeovers.

Perform a variety of operations in low waste due to frequent changes in the production facilities of technological processes require highly skilled workers-rounders. Tentatively for discrete manufacturing z.o k> 40.

In the workplace, mass production operations are carried out with a limited range of parts to be processed periodically parties. Used universal and special equipment, which is placed as a technology group, and on a substantive basis. Qualification of workers in general can be average, except for highly qualified professionals, who are working on machines with CNC and flexible automated lines.

Depending on the breadth of nomenclature, the value of the parties, their periodicity of mass production processing is divided into small, medium and large series. Workplaces small-scale production with characteristics close to jobs with several individual production fewer operations because items are processed in small batches. Factor fixing operations roughly ranges from 20 <k z.o 40. jobs medium series production characteristic is even more limiting the number of operations performed since the product batch consistently repeated. The equipment has a higher level of specialization, 10 <k z.o 20. In the workplace, high-volume production items are processed in bulk, specialized equipment, 1 <k z.o 10.

Jobs mass production differ constant performing the same operation on the same object of labor, ie, k = 1. z.o equipment is highly specialized, used special equipment. The principle of the equipment placement - substantive. Perform basic operations on production lines does not require highly skilled workers, but the automated systems of qualifications should be on the level of technique or even an engineer. Characteristics of the different types of production is shown in Table. 11.2.

Table 11.2



Organizing the type of production




1. The breadth of the product range


The limited number of types

the same products

2. Persistence of manufacturing products

Production is almost repeated or repeated at long intervals

Products are periodically repeated

Continuous output

3. The level of specialization of jobs

Mnogochilsennye operations; coefficient of consolidation of operations bolshe40 (k z.o> 40)

A limited number of recurring operations (1 k <z.o? 40)

Odnaoperatsiya (k = 1 z.o)

4. The level of specialization of equipment


Universal and special

Mostly special

5. The principle of placing jobs


Technology and substantive


6. The level of qualification of workers


The average high in automated systems

Low on simple operation, high in automated systems

It should, however, bear in mind that companies with a strictly homogeneous type of production is practically non-existent. So enterprises have individual production jobs and entire units with serial production of standardized parts and components for various products (gears, rollers, fasteners, handles, control panels, and so on. N.). For businesses of individual production plants are heavy, power engineering, shipbuilding and others.

Companies producing mass production, as already mentioned series of limited range of products, which are periodically repeated. Series - a defined set of products of the same size, made for constant technical documentation. On serial enterprises jobs mainly correspond to the type and serial production. At the same time, these companies can, as in the first case, the use of mass production processes and standardized parts on production lines. Typical examples are the enterprises serial production machine tools and aircraft manufacturing plant, manufacturers of agricultural machinery, electric and so on. N.

In the workplace, mass production companies dominated mass processes, but in some cases, with low labor input and serial operations the types of production, for example in the harvesting process. These businesses include automotive, tractor plants, enterprises for the manufacture of watches, television and radio and others.

production type significantly affects the organizational and technical construction and the effectiveness of the latter. The type of production depends on the production structure of the enterprise and its units, the choice of production processes, plant and equipment, methods of production organization and management. The most effective is mass production, where it is easy to apply high-performance special equipment and make the most of the principles of rational organization of the production process. The most technically and logistically difficult, but also the least effective it is the single production. Therefore, an important prerequisite for improving the efficiency of production is to increase its mass, the transition (if possible) from a single to a batch and from batch - mass production. This is achieved in various ways, in particular the expansion of the sales market, which causes an increase in the size of the series of products, unification of parts and assemblies especially complex machinery and instruments, the introduction of group processing methods, etc..