Economy of the enterprise - Pokropivny SF

12.2. Maintenance system

General characteristics of the system

The necessary conditions for the normal flow of production processes at an enterprise should be considered: constant maintenance of machinery and equipment, other means of labor in working order; Timely provision of jobs with raw materials, materials, tools, energy; The performance of transport operations and other related activities and work. All this should be done by a properly organized production maintenance system.

Within this system, the following functions are performed:

  • Repair of technological, power, transport and other equipment, maintenance and adjustment;
  • Provision of workplaces with tools and tools of both own production and those purchased from specialized manufacturers;
  • Moving cargo, performing loading and unloading operations;
  • Providing units with electric and thermal energy, steam, gas, compressed air, etc.
  • Timely provision of production facilities (plots, individual productions) with raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, fuel;
  • Storage and storage of imported (acquired) material resources, as well as semi-finished products, individual assembly units, finished products.

The system of technical maintenance of production includes the relevant structural units of the enterprise that perform the listed functions (Figure 12. 2).

Repair service

Machines and equipment consist of many structural elements that are subjected to different loads during operation and therefore wear out unevenly. There is a need to update and replace worn out parts of equipment still suitable for further use.

Repair is the process of restoring the initial capacity of equipment lost as a result of production use. The subdivisions that make up the repair facilities carry out maintenance and repair of labor, installation and commissioning of new equipment, production of spare parts and non-standard equipment, modernization of existing machines and equipment.

In practice, three forms of organization of repair and maintenance work are used depending on the scale of production. With centralized form all the repair personnel of the enterprise are subordinated to the chief mechanic. The decentralized form, on the contrary, provides that all types of repair work are performed by the personnel of shop repair centers subordinated to the heads of the respective workshops. The mixed form of the repair organization unites centralization and decentralization: maintenance and repair work is carried out by repair personnel of production workshops, and major repairs, modernization, manufacturing of spare parts and non-standard equipment are staff of the repair and mechanical shop.

Depending on how the need for repair work is determined, a system of preventive maintenance (PPS system) and a repair system based on the results of technical diagnostics are distinguished.

Structural elements of the enterprise maintenance system

The essence of the PPR system is that all preventive measures and repairs are carried out in accordance with pre-established standards. After each physical unit of the equipment (vehicle) has been tested for a certain number of hours, it is inspected and planned for repairs, the order and sequence of which depends on the purpose of the instrument of labor, its design features, operating conditions.

Determination of the scope and types of repair work in the repair system based on the results of technical diagnostics is carried out in accordance with the actual need for them after an objective control of the technical condition of a particular type of labor.

The first of these systems provides greater reliability, uninterrupted operation of equipment and other means of labor, the second is much cheaper.

At domestic enterprises, the most common system is PPR. It provides for technical (overhaul) maintenance of specific means of labor, their periodic planned repairs and modernization. During the maintenance process minor faults are eliminated, inspections of the status of individual components and assemblies are performed, lubrication is replaced and certain mechanisms are regulated. Scheduled repairs, depending on the volume, complexity and duration of the conduct are divided into current and capital.

Current repairs are carried out to ensure the proper functioning of equipment and other means of labor. During the repair process, individual parts (knots) are replaced or restored, and adjustment operations are carried out.

During the overhaul of equipment and vehicles are carried out: a complete disassembly; Repair of worn out parts and components (including basic ones); Replacement of those that are not subject to repair; Regulation and testing under load.
Modernization of the means of labor (first of all, technological equipment) is carried out in order to increase their technical level (expansion of technological capabilities, productivity growth) by partial modification of the design.

In the system of PPR regulation of repair work is carried out with the help of several standards. The main of them are:

  • Repair cycle - the time interval between two major repairs or between the beginning of operation and the first major overhaul;
  • Overhaul period - the time interval of the operation of equipment or other means of labor between two consecutive (regular) repairs;
  • Structure of the repair cycle - the list and sequence of planned repairs, maintenance processes within a single repair cycle;
  • Category of complexity of repair - an indicator that determines the complexity of routine maintenance of a type of technological equipment, in comparison with the laboriousness of repairing a reference physical unit. Its value can vary from a few to several dozen units.

Tool economy

Instrumental economy is a set of intraproduction divisions of the enterprise engaged in the acquisition, design, manufacture, restoration and repair of technological equipment, its accounting, storage and delivery to workplaces. The concept of tooling (tool) extends to all types of cutting, measuring and assembly tools, as well as to stamps, molds and other devices.

Instrumental economy is one of the most important elements of the production maintenance system. The cost of the tool in mass production reaches 25-30%, in the serial - 10-15%, and in the small-lot and single - about 5% of the cost of equipment.

The subdivisions that make up the instrumental facilities of the enterprise fulfill the relevant specifics of the function.

The tool department deals with the supply of tools and devices manufactured at specialized plants, as well as the design of technological equipment for their own needs.

The tool shop produces, repairs and restores special equipment (tools) of general use. The entire purchased, manufactured and repaired (restored) tool enters the central instrument store (CIC). Here, it is accepted, recorded, stored and issued by the workshop (site, consumers). Direct service of workplaces with technological equipment is provided by shop tool-distributing storerooms (CIRC). They receive technological equipment from the TIS, store its revolving fund, collect and transfer the worn out tool to the Central Electoral Commission.

The management of the instrumental economy is carried out by the chief technologist of the enterprise, to which the instrument department (bureau), the tool shop and the MIS are subordinated. The shop KFMs are subordinate to the chief of the corresponding workshop.

The immediate process of managing an instrumental economy involves: determining the need for an instrument; Organization of own production of equipment; Purchase of the necessary tool from specialized producers (sellers); The organization of the proper operation of the tool by the production units of the enterprise.

Calculations of the annual requirements in the tool are carried out, proceeding from the planned volumes of production, the range of equipment necessary for this and the application rates of the tool. The rate of application of the tool is determined depending on the type of production. In mass production, it is counted on an operation, part or article. In a single and small-scale production, the rate of use of the tool is set in a generalized form (for example, for 100 hours of operation of a particular type of process equipment).

The volumes of own production of the tooling depend on the total annual requirement for the tool and the opportunity to purchase a certain part of it on the market (place an order for the manufacture of the tool on the side). At the same time, it is taken into account that the enterprise's need for the tool is partly covered by its own restoration.

The complex of works on operation of technological equipment includes: the organization of receipt, storage, issue and recording of movement; The organization of sharpening, repair and updating; Supervision of the condition and compliance with the established operation rules.

Transport facilities

The process of manufacturing products at the enterprise is always accompanied by the movement of a certain number of various cargoes (raw materials, materials, fuel, production wastes, finished products), which requires considerable expenses for transport services of production, which ensure the combination of all elements of the production process.

The complex of units engaged in loading and unloading operations and the movement of goods is the transport sector. Its composition depends on the nature of the product, type and volume of production. At enterprises with large volumes of transportation of goods, specialized workshops of railway, motor and other modes of transport are organized. At medium and small enterprises, a single transport shop is created. In any case, the transport facilities of the enterprise are headed by the head of the transport and technological department; The structure of such a department in most cases includes a technical bureau, a bureau for the organization of transportation, a dispatch service, a bureau of a container.

The whole set of transport operations at the enterprise is carried out with the help of three interrelated modes of transport. External transport provides the company with the reception points of public transport (railway stations, river and sea ports, airports), as well as with local counterparties. Inter-shop transport is used for transportation of goods through the territory of the enterprise (between workshops, services, warehouses). The management of external and interdepartmental transport is entrusted to the head of the transport department or the head of the transport department. Internally transport performs transport operations within a separate shop. It, in turn, is divided into general shop (cargo transportation between shop floors, sections, technological lines) and inter-operational (communication between individual workplaces). Management is carried out by the heads of the respective shops.

In the process of managing the transport sector, the flow of goods and the volumes of their transportation are determined, the necessary number of vehicles is selected and installed, transport plans are prepared, and the operational regulation of the transport services for production is carried out.

The basis for planning the transport economy is the definition of cargo flows , that is, the number of goods (in tons, cubic meters, pieces) that are moved in a given direction for a certain distance for a specific period of time. The size and routes of individual cargo flows are calculated on the basis of the production program of the enterprise, the rates of consumption of material resources and the distance of transportation. The sum of all freight flows carried out by all types of transport is the annual total volume of cargo transportation.

The choice of types of vehicles depends on the volume of transportation, dimensions and physical and chemical properties of cargo, the distance and direction of their movement. The calculation of the required number of vehicles of each type is carried out taking into account the daily volume of traffic, the carrying capacity of vehicles and the number of flights per day.

Planning the work of the transport economy consists in the development of annual (quarterly) and calendar (monthly, daily) plans, as well as in the operational regulation of transport. In annual and quarterly plans, the volumes of cargo transportation, the number of vehicles and mechanisms, the volumes of loading and unloading operations and other indicators of the economic activity of the transport sector are calculated.

Calendar plans contain tasks for a month (day, shift) and are compiled on separate transport routes. They specify the types of cargo, the point of departure and acceptance, the time of commencement and termination of transport.

Power economy

Improving the technical and technological base of production, increasing capacity and intensifying the use of machines (units) objectively increase the consumption of various types of energy. Energy costs structure of production costs increase. Since energy (electricity first) can not accumulate, that is, the process of its production coincides with the consumption process, any violations of energy supply lead to significant losses. All this increases the importance of the uninterrupted operation of the entire energy economy of the enterprise.

The energy complex of an enterprise usually includes such separate elements of the economy:

  • Electric power - reducing substations, generating and transformer plants, electric networks, battery farm;
  • Heat - boiler - houses, compressors, heat - power networks, water supply, sewerage;
  • Gas - gas-generating stations, gas networks, refrigeration and ventilation plants;
  • Furnace - heating and thermal furnaces;
  • Low-current - its own telephone exchange, various types of communication (including dispatching and selector);
  • Power repair - maintenance, repair and modernization of various power equipment.

Management of the energy complex with significant volumes of energy consumption is carried out by the main power engineer of the enterprise. Direct execution of the functions of power supply of production is assigned to the department of the chief power engineer, energy department and relevant laboratories. At small enterprises, the chief mechanic is responsible for the energy supply of the economy.

The basis for the organization of the energy economy is the calculation of the planned and reported energy balances of the enterprise. Development of a planned energy balance is carried out with the aim: first, to determine the need for fuel and energy, taking into account the allowable losses in internal networks (the expenditure part of the balance sheet); Secondly, the rationale for ways to meet these needs through the production of energy by own generating plants, the design of optimal operating modes, the generation of energy from the outside, the use of secondary energy resources (the incoming part of the balance sheet).

The reporting energy balance is used for the analysis of the actual state of the power supply of the enterprise and control over the use of energy resources. It also serves as the starting point for developing strategic and operational measures to save fuel and energy resources.

Storage facilities

The condition for the continuous flow of production processes at enterprises is the creation of certain stocks of raw materials, fuels, components, as well as inter-shop and in-shop stocks of semi-finished products of own production. All these stocks are stored in various warehouses of the enterprise, the totality of which forms its storage facilities.

The structure of the warehouse economy of the enterprise is formed under the influence of a number of factors, the main of which are: the nomenclature of consumed materials; Type, level of specialization and volume of production.

The experience of management confirms the feasibility of creating three types of warehouses at enterprises:

  • Material (subordinated to the department of material and technical supply) - for storing stocks of raw materials, materials, fuel, components and other material values, coming to the enterprise from the outside;
  • Production - for storage of semi-finished products of own production; к этому виду складов относят также ЦИС, ЦИРК, склады запасных частей и оборудования;
  • сбытовых — для хранения готовой продукции и отходов производства, подлежащих реализации на сторону; они подчинены отделу сбыта предприятия.

Организация складского хозяйства предусматривает приемку, размещение, хранение, подготовку к производственному потреблению, выдачу и учет движения материальных ресурсов.

Завоз материалов на склады предприятия осуществляется в соответствии с операти вными планами отдела материально-технического снабжения. Поступающие на предприятие материалы обязательно подлежат количественной и качественной приемке. Количественная приемка означает проверку соответствия количества, объемов и номенклатуры материалов записям в сопроводительных документах. Качественная приемка проводится с целью установления соответствия полученных грузов стандартам, техническим условиям, образцам и другим требованиям, оговоренным в договоре поставки.

Размещение и хранение материальных ресурсов на складах предприятия может осуществляться тремя способами. Сортовое размещение предусматривает закрепление за каждым видом материалов постоянного места его хранения. При партионном способе каждая партия материалов, которая поступила на предприятие, хранится отдельно. Комплектное размещение является разновидностью сортового и означает размещение материалов комплектами, которые отпускаются в производство.

Важной функцией складского хозяйства является также подготовка материалов к производственному потреблению, то есть комплектование, нарезка, раскрой и т. п. Эти работы выполняют заготовительные отделения (участки) материальных складов предприятия.

Выдача материалов со складов осуществляется в пределах лимита, рассчитываемого отделом снабжения, исходя из производственной программы и соответствующих норм расхода материальных ресурсов.

Учет движения материальных ресурсов ведется с помощью картотеки как на складах предприятия (количественно-сортовой учет),так и в бухгалтерии (количественно-стоимостной учет). В отдельной карточке указываются номенклатурный номер материала, его наименование, марка, сорт, единица измерения и цена, а также фиксируются все поступления и выдачи материала. По картотеке рассчитываются остатки материалов, которые сравниваются с нормами запаса хранения и лимитами.