Economy of the enterprise - Pokropivny SF

14.2. Marketing activities and the formation of programs for the production of products (services)

Functions, principles and concepts of marketing

Marketing is the industrial and commercial activity of an enterprise aimed at identifying and satisfying the needs for its products (services) by selling it on the market in order to obtain profit. Marketing as a kind of activity necessary in a market economy performs specific functions; The main ones are shown in Fig. 14.2.

The object of marketing is a complex of "needs - goods - price - advertising - sales." The central place in this complex belongs to the commodity, that is, to everything that is sold to meet certain needs (products, services, resources, ideas, etc.).

In the broadest sense, marketing is not just a kind of enterprise activity, but a market concept of production management, when the fundamental idea - the satisfaction of needs through the market - becomes fundamental for all divisions of the enterprise (design, production, financial and commercial). This means that marketing integrates all phases of entrepreneurial activity and subordinates them to the interests of the enterprise in the market.

Marketing makes it entirely dependent on production from the demand for it (from the possibility of selling it). In the conditions of scientific and technical progress and competitive struggle for survival and successful work, each enterprise is forced to have a developed marketing system, an appropriate strategy and the tactics of solving marketing problems.

Marketing, like any responsible type of activity, is based on a certain set of principles, without strict adherence to which it is impossible to achieve the expected results of management. The main of these principles are shown in Fig. 14.3.

The basic functions of marketing a producer as a market entity

Generally accepted principles of marketing activity of an enterprise

In its development, marketing has undergone a noticeable evolution, the stages of which can be characterized through a change in its concept. The concept of marketing is the general approach of an enterprise to achieving its goal in the market. There are several marketing concepts known; Their list with a brief characteristic is shown in Fig. 14.4

Possible concepts of marketing activities of the enterprise

It is necessary to take into account certain features of these concepts. In particular, the production concept is typical for conditions of unsatisfied demand due to the low level of development of market relations; It is also applied when the cost of production is high, but there are reserves for reducing it. The product concept corresponds to the requirements of competitive struggle, when it is possible to improve the competitiveness of products by improving them (provided a sufficiently stable demand). In the case of an ohmic concept, the various forms of psychological influence on the buyer are most effective when he (the buyer) does not know the intended product and its consumer properties.

It is clear that an enterprise that is forced to constantly adapt to a volatile external environment does not realize only one concept. Marketing concepts are combined and used in a comprehensive manner, depending on the specific conditions.

Strategy and tactics of marketing

To achieve its goal in the market, the company develops strategy and tactics of marketing. The marketing strategy includes such basic decisions and justifications: the market on which the enterprise acts; Features (strategy) of behavior on it; Composition and volume of products that will be offered on the market, development of new products, forms and methods of advertising, delivery and marketing of products, prices for it. The marketing strategy is implemented by making specific operational decisions on various issues, which can be called marketing tactics.

The strategy and tactics of marketing are based on the study of the market, on its constant analysis and structuring. From the standpoint of marketing activities, the market is viewed as the aggregate of real and potential buyers of goods.

The main indicator of the market for the seller is the demand for its products, i.e. the need for it, provided by the real purchasing power of the population. In the process of analysis, demand is divided into the corresponding levels: unlimited (demand significantly exceeds supply), satisfactory (corresponds to the capabilities of the enterprise, is fairly stable), irregular (fluctuates in time under the influence of certain factors), lack of demand.

Demand for products is not stable. Therefore, when studying it, it is important to determine the factors on which it depends. First of all, they analyze the competitiveness of products, that is, they study the relative characteristic of consumer qualities of their own products, comparing it with similar products of competitors.

The study of the market is not limited to analyzing the demand and competitiveness of products. Its other characteristics are also defined: the geography of the market and its segments in which the enterprise operates; The capacity of the market and part of it, which the enterprise can master under favorable and unfavorable conditions; Main competitors, features of their products and marketing strategies; Predictive assessment of the market situation for the coming year and perspective (2-5 years); Possible changes in market capacity, demand dynamics, the severity of competition, price policy, etc.

The market as a set of buyers can be structured, that is, divided by certain characteristics into groups of buyers - segments . This or that segment of the market consists of buyers who have close motives for buying this product and approximately equally react to the marketing actions of the enterprise (product options, advertising, price, etc.). Segmentation allows you to choose an attractive market for the company (target segments) and focus on them the main focus.

Based on the analysis of the aggregate of buyers, the criteria for segmentation are selected (selected), which are different for the market of consumer goods and the market of manufactured goods. For consumer goods, such criteria are established based on the results of the motivational analysis of buyers. These include: geographical (the market is demarcated territorially), demographic (sex, age, income level, education, etc.), social (social groups, parties), psychological (personality type, behavior, lifestyle, etc. .). The criteria for segmentation of the market for production goods are determined in the process of profile analysis of the enterprise and organization. Such can be: geographical, branch, "power" of the consumer (large, medium and small enterprises), stability of clientele (constant, periodic, occasional consumers), etc.

Segmentation is desirable and useful in the selection of a market coverage strategy. Such strategies include: undifferentiated, differentiated and concentrated marketing .

Undifferentiated (mass) marketing consists in the fact that the enterprise does not allocate segments to the market as target, but focuses on the market as a whole, on a wide range of customers. Such a strategy is characteristic of enterprises that produce homogeneous products in large volumes for a broad market (steel, coal, gasoline, products, etc.). The strategy of undifferentiated marketing is economical, because it requires relatively low costs for market research, advertising, sales channels due to mass standardized production. However, in a competitive environment, it is not always effective.

Differentiated (segmented) marketing differs in that the enterprise acts simultaneously on several market segments and for each of them a specific marketing mix is ​​developed (for example, sewing of men's, women's and children's clothes). The strategy of differentiated marketing is more in line with the conditions of competition, because it is oriented to the specific needs of individual groups of consumers. But this strategy requires great marketing costs and a well-organized marketing service.

Concentrated marketing has the peculiarity that the company concentrates its efforts on one segment of the market, taking into account its features to the maximum. Specialization of production, distribution and advertising of goods ensures a reduction in costs, if the sales volume is sufficient. However, the strategy of concentrated marketing is associated with increased risk. Given an unfavorable market situation in the selected segment, the enterprise may find itself in a difficult financial position. The presence of an enterprise in several segments of the market reduces the risk. Concentrated marketing is more acceptable for an enterprise with limited resources and homogeneous production, i.e. for small businesses.

The strategy of access to it is closely connected with the choice of the coverage of the market. Possible strategies for entering the market of most enterprises are shown in Fig. 14.5.

Possible strategies for entering the enterprise market

The strategy of securing the market (A 1) is that the main task of the enterprise is to stabilize and increase sales of products in the previously developed market. Changes in the products do not make: it is oriented to the same group of buyers (segment). The solution of the tasks of this strategy can be achieved in various ways depending on the features of the product and the situation on the market: intensification of advertising, expansion of the sales network, reduction of prices, etc. This version of the strategy is the simplest and most economical. However, it is successful first of all in conditions of low saturation of the market with goods and low competition or the absence of the latter in general. Important in this case is the stage of the life cycle of the product. The strategy is acceptable for the early and middle stages of the product life cycle, but it is unpromising for the final stage, when production becomes obsolete.

The strategy of expanding the boundaries of the market (A2) provides for the enterprise to enter with new products into new market segments where the enterprise was not present before. This strategy requires additional costs for exploring new markets, advertising, organizing the delivery and sale of products. These costs should be repaid by the profit from the additional sale. It is advisable to apply the strategy when the existing market is saturated with goods, while reserves of production capacity and competitiveness of products allow increasing the volume of its production and sale.

The product improvement strategy (B1) directs the enterprise to modify the latter or replace it with a new one for the same group of customers. The new product is more in line with the needs of customers, is more perfect and therefore more competitive in composition, construction or form. This strategy is applied when the products manufactured by the enterprise are obsolete, the demand for it falls, and its competitors are vigorously squeezed out by similar products. The strategy requires considerable expenses for developing and mastering the production of new products, for its advertising, but positive in it is the fact of orientation to the future and activity in a well-studied market.

The strategy of diversification (B2) means that the company extends the range of its products and promotes new products in new markets, develops adjacent production branches. Diversification can take many forms. Widely used, for example, the development of new products, which by production technology, operational in the purpose or nature of service is very close to the products that are already being manufactured. Sometimes diversification takes a conglomerate form, when new products and industries that have no connection with the existing production are developed. Such diversification is organizationally more complex. Diversification as a market entry strategy is expensive and must be carefully justified. It can only be applied to financially powerful enterprises and is used first of all when activities within one industry start to limit the growth in sales volume and the scale of the enterprise's development. Diversification is also a means of increasing the firmness of an enterprise in the market and reducing the risk of bankruptcy.

Features of determining social demand for certain types of products

The organization of the release of specific types of products (provision of production and household services) should be preceded by a careful definition of demand in the external and internal markets for goods and services. The best way to do this is through marketing, namely the systematic conduct of marketing research. At enterprises that adhere to the strategy and tactics of marketing, they apply such a fundamental principle of production and economic activity: first to find out what kind of goods, what consumer properties, at what prices, in what quantities and where exactly the potential buyer wants to acquire, and only then plan and organize Its production.

Public demand for a certain type of products is determined by the needs in it both of the internal (corresponding country) and of the external (world) market. The domestic demand for products covers the necessary volumes for production and personal current consumption, accumulation, replenishment of the state reserve, including defense of the country, space research, etc. If the enterprise leaves the world market, the necessary export volumes will depend on the needs of this market.

In Ukraine, the total amount of public demand for the corresponding types of goods should be determined with the direct participation of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and other government economic structures. This is due to a number of objective factors of management in a market economy. First, the enterprises themselves can not always determine the actual scale of market demand; Secondly, there is a system of state order for the production of a certain volume of products (its most important types) on a competitive basis. Thirdly, it is necessary to constantly maintain the consistency of the most important macroeconomic proportions in the development of the national economy of the country.

Under such circumstances, the state takes part in complex processes of market research and determination of public demand for the corresponding goods, carrying out generalized calculations of the economic needs in certain types of production for consumer and industrial purposes. At the same time, the features of the calculation of the total need for means of production and commodities are taken into account.

The general need for means of labor is determined differentially (according to specific types), proceeding from the need to replenish and renew the existing fleet of equipment (in accordance with the expected increase in production in various sectors of the national economy), provision of reconstructed and new enterprises, regulation of state reserves, exports. The corresponding calculations are carried out using generalized data on the performance by means of labor of certain amounts of work, and also on the basis of the norms of productivity of machines and equipment.

Calculations of the need for material resources are carried out in the main areas of their use: production and maintenance, research, capital construction, consumer services. The volume of material resources for production needs is calculated on the basis of data on the scale of production of goods (services) on the basis of progressive norms for the specific costs of raw materials, materials, fuel, etc. When calculating the necessary amount of material resources for maintenance and capital construction, On one million monetary units of cost of the basic production assets (civil and erection works).

The necessary volumes of production of consumer goods are determined taking into account the volume and structure of demand for them, separately for food and industrial goods. At the same time, the expected volumes of receipt of agricultural raw materials and the existing norms of consumption of these goods by the relevant population groups can be taken into account.

When determining the total volume of production of these or other types of products by domestic enterprises, the public demand for them is necessarily adjusted taking into account the import of goods under international contracts (contracts, agreements).

Preparation of the production program of the enterprise

Наиболее важным разделом плана хозяйственной деятельности развития любого предприятия является его производственная программа (план производства продукции), то есть конкретная совокупность заданий по объему производства продукции определенной номенклатуры и ассортимента, а также надлежащего качества, на определенный календарный период (месяц, квартал, год, несколько лет). Поскольку продукция всегда воспроизводится в натуральной и стоимостной формах, то производственная программа предприятия имеет две составляющие: первая — объем производства в натуральных измерителях; вторая — стоимость объема производства продукции. С учетом этого осуществляется разработка и формирование производственной программы (рис. 14.6).

Каждое предприятие разрабатывает свою производственную программу самостоятельно, используя: исходные данные в процессе изучения рынка спроса; портфель заказов на продукцию и услуги для других потребителей, отражающий его постоянные прямые хозяйственные связи; государственные контракты (государственный заказ), которые предусматривают не только конкретную величину поставок, но и гарантированное государством обеспечение их оплаты, т. е. необходимые бюджетные ассигнования. Кроме выдачи предприятию обоснованного государственного заказа и контракта на изготовление и продажу общественно важных видов продукции, любое другое вмешательство государства в процессы хозяйствования, базирующиюся на рыночных отношениях, является недопустимым.

Ресурсное обоснование производственной программы

Запроектированную и отраженную в плане предприятия производственную программу нужно экономически обосновать, т. е. согласовать с необходимыми производственными мощностями этого предприятия, трудовыми, материальными и инвестиционными ресурсами. Выявление реальной возможности выполнения плана производства продукции состоит прежде всего в определении максимального объема выпуска изделий, который может обеспечить наличная производственная мощность предприятия, и исчислении необходимого ее наращивания в течение периода, на который составлена производственная программа. При этом исходными данными служат среднегодовая производственная мощность предприятия и коэффициент ее использования.

Типовая схема формирования производственной программы предприятия

Приведем пример расчета возможного объема производства продукции, исходя из наличной мощности предприятия (данные условные в од. пред.):

  • Мощность на начало года............................................... 45 000
  • Прирост мощности за счет организационно- технических мероприятий 3600
  • Выбытие мощности........................................................... 1200
  • Коэффициент для пересчета абсолютного ввода в действие мощностей в среднюю величину 0,45
  • Среднегодовая мощность [п. 1 + (п. 2 – п. 3) • 0,45]........ 46 080
  • Коэффициент использования мощности............................... 0,94
  • Объем производства продукции (п.4 • п.5)....................... 43 315

Увеличение мощности за счет использования внутрипроизводственных резервов (проведения определенных организационно-технических мероприятий) не всегда может обеспечить выпуск запланированного объема продукции. Этим и объясняется потребность определения необходимости ввода в действие новых (дополнительных) мощностей за счет технического переоснащения, реконструкции или расширения предприятия. Расчеты проводятся в определенной последовательности:

  • определяют объемы продукции, который не может быть получен при наличной мощности и для производства которого необходимо вводить в действие новые (дополнительные) мощности;
  • устанавливают для каждого года коэффициент освоения новых производственных мощностей Кос с учетом существующих нормативных фондов;
  • рассчитывают среднегодовую величину новых (дополнительных) мощностей N ср, пользуясь формулой

N ср = (Вк — Вн) Kон, (14.1)

где Вк — объем продукции, для обеспечения выпуска которой необходим ввод в действие дополнительных производственных мощностей;

Вн — объем продукции изготовленной в текущем году помощи дополнительных мощностей, введенных в действие в предыдущие годы; при этом В для первого года расчетного периода равен нулю, второго — N 1 • Кос, третьего — N 1 • N 2 • Kос, и т.п.;

  • исчисляют полный объем производственных мощностей Ni , вводимый в действие в і -м году расчетного периода, по формуле

Ni = Nср / 0,45, (14.2)

где Nср — величина среднегодового ввода в действие мощностей в і-ом году расчетного периода;

Условный пример расчета необходимого ввода в действие новых производственных мощностей для обеспечения выпуска запланированного объема продукции приведен в табл. 14.1.

Таблица 14.1



Годы расчетного периода




  • Общий план выпуска продукции

46 000

54 700

65 377

  • Выход продукции с действующих мощностей

43 090

43 852

44 800

  • Объем продукции (Вк), для производства которой необходим ввод новых мощностей (стр. 1 – стр. 2)


10 848

20 577

  • Объем продукции (Вн), которая изготовляется в текущем году с мощностей введенных в действие в предыдущие годы



17 322

  • Среднегодовая величина новых (дополнительных) мощностей [(стр. 3 – стр. 4) / кос]




  • Полный объем новых мощностей Ni ,, которые необходимо ввести в действие в і -м году расчетного периода (стр. 5 : 0,45)



10 333

При этом коэффициенты освоения мощностей Кос равны: для первого года расчетного периода — 0,7; второго — 0,85; третьего — 1,0.

Экономическое обоснование производственной программы предприятия с позиции ее обеспечения необходимыми трудовыми, материальными и инвестиционными ресурсами в целом сводится к определению общей потребности в них и возможности эффективного их использования*1.

*1: {Вопросы определения потребностей в отдельных видах ресурсов и возможности их эффе ктивного использования освещены в главах 4,5 и 8 этого учебника.}