Business Economics - Pokropivny SF

14.4. Quality and konkurentosposobnostproduktsii (services)

The essence, values ​​and methods of production otsenkikachestva

Each product is the carrier of the various specific properties, reflecting its utility and meet certain human needs. The utility of all things is reflected in their use value. The use-value of a product to be evaluated, ie. E. Should be determined by its quality. Consequently, the use-value and quality of products directly related to each other. However, this concept is not identical because the same use-value can be useful not to the same extent. In contrast to the use value of the product quality characterizes the measure of its suitability for consumption, ie. E. Reflecting the quantitative aspect of social use value.

Quality as an economic category reflects the totality of the properties of the product, determining the measure of its suitability to meet the needs of people in accordance with its intended purpose.

Along with the quality of the existing concept of a technological level. This concept in its content is narrower than the previous one, because it covers only a set of technical and operational characteristics. His figures are established for the design (development) mainly new tools (machinery, equipment, appliances, vehicles, and so on. P.) And are recorded in special maps the technical level, it is used in the process of studying the market and determine the demand for new products, preparing a business business plan, for promotional purposes.

Objective the need to ensure adequate quality in the design, manufacture and use of new products initiates application in industrial and economic activity of the enterprises of a special system of indicators to determine and control the quality of all types of products (Figure 14.9).

The absolute level of the quality of a product is determined by calculating the selected indicators to measure it, not by comparing them with those of similar products. Determination of the absolute level of quality is insufficient, since the absolute values ​​of quality meters do not themselves reflect its compliance measures to modern requirements. Therefore, at the same time determine the relative level of the quality of individual products, comparing its performance with absolute values at their best domestic and foreign analogues. However, the quality of products under the influence of scientific and technological progress and the requirements of consumers should continue to grow. In this connection there is need to assess the quality of products based on its long-term level that takes into account the priorities and the pace of development of science and technology. For new products and above all the instruments of labor is also advisable to determine the optimal level of quality, that is, its such a level at which the total amount of public expenditure on the production and use (operation) of certain products in the consumer environment would be minimal.

product quality performance of the Group

Depending on the purpose of certain types of products have specific quality indicators. In addition, the indicators used to assess many kinds of products, and also gauges the relative level of quality across the enterprise. In these circumstances, all the indicators of quality of products is divided into two groups: the first - differentiated (isolated) indicators, the number of which the largest and comprises seven groups (Table 14.2.); second - general and generalizing quality indicators total volume of manufactured products now.

Table 14.2


performance of the Group

Separate pokazateligrupp quality



1. appointments

Characterize useful work (function)

  • Performance
  • Power
  • Strength
  • The content of useful substances
  • calorific value

2. Reliability, durability and safety

Reflects the degree to ensure the sustainability and the use of safety

  • work Safety
  • Possible terms of use
  • Technical resource
  • Time (period), trouble-free operation
  • The maximum shelf life

3. Environmental

Characterizes the degree of adverse effects on human health and the environment

  • Toxicity
  • The content of harmful substances
  • Harmful emissions into the environment per unit of time

4. Economic

Reflects the degree of the economic benefit of manufacturing a commodity producer and consumer purchase

  • The unit price of the product
  • Earnings per unit of product
  • The level of operating costs time and money

5. Ergonomic

Determine compliance with the technical and operational parameters of the product anthropometric, physical and psychological characteristics of the employee and customer requirements

  • working bodies of the Management Easy
  • Simultaneous monitoring of operating parameters (indexes)
  • The magnitude of noise, vibration, and so on. N.

6. Aesthetic

Determine aesthetics (design) products

  • The expressiveness and originality of form
  • Colors
  • The degree of aesthetic packaging (packaging)

7. Patent law

It reflects the degree of utilization of inventions at the product design

  • Coefficient of patent protection
  • Factor-infringement

Most quantitative system of indicators used to assess the quality (technical level) of tools. It covers most of the groups of individual indicators, and almost all the complex as a measure. In addition to the specific inherent in a particular type of product performance, quality (technical level) instruments of labor is also characterized by a number of common indicators. These primarily include reliability, durability, maintainability, efficiency, cleanliness and so patent. N.

By understanding the product reliability property perform their functions, while maintaining operational performance within specified limits during the relevant period of time. Quantitatively, it is characterized by uptime, t. E. The average time between two failures.

Durability - a product property for a long time to maintain its performance under certain operating conditions. It is estimated the two main indicators - lifetime (calendar operation up to a certain limit state) and technical resources (possible operating time in hours).

Maintainability engineering is characterized by the ability to quickly identify and troubleshoot it. Indicators of patent purity of the product reflects its use in the development of patented inventions and the ability to smooth the sale on the world market.

For a comprehensive quality indicators (technical level) of tools include, for example, the coefficient of reliability of the equipment, characterizing both its reliability and maintainability; the unit cost of one kilometer run of the car and so on. n.

Quality of working subjects assessed in most cases by means of indicators processability handling and processing. Most of them represent the physical and mechanical properties and chemical composition of the work items. Indicators for consumer goods are differentiated according to their specific purpose.

Certain practical importance detailing indicators use products according to the number of its functions: one, two, three, several (many). Example detail destination indicators reflecting the number of functions performed is shown in Table. 14.3.

Table 14.3

Example (fragment) DETAIL ON PRODUCT POKAZATELEYNAZNACHENIYA number of functions performed

View produktsiipo kolichestvuvypolnyaemyhfunktsy

Specific products

Main destination indicators


Mining, metallurgical, energy, compressors, pumps, lifting and transport equipment, agricultural machinery

  • Performance (for the regulation of the most important additional indicators of destination)

fuel gas

  • calorific value

Electric Energy

  • current

2. Two-functional

The metal-cutting and press-forging equipment

  • Performance
  • Accuracy

Prodovzhennya Table. 14.3

View produktsiipo kolichestvuvypolnyaemyhfunktsy

Specific products

Main destination indicators

Computer technology

  • Speed ​​(speed)
  • Memory

Refrigeration equipment

  • Capacity
  • temperature chambers

3. Three-functional

Aircraft, bus and rail transport

  • Capacity (payload)
  • Speed
  • Range


  • The purity of sound
  • Number of channels
  • Volume

Instrumentation and complexes

  • Speed
  • Accuracy
  • measurement range

4. Multi-functional


  • Functionality
  • Strength
  • comfort
  • Compliance fashion

TV equipment

  • Screen size
  • chromaticity
  • Contrast
  • Clean and sound volume

Clothes, shoes

  • Compliance fashion
  • wear
  • Ease of use and recovery


  • Ecological (environmental safety)
  • The content of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and others. Elements
  • calorific value

In economic practice it is important to know not only the quality of individual products, but also the overall quality level of the entire set of products manufactured by the enterprise. For this purpose, the definition of a system generalizing indicators of quality (Fig. 14.10).

indicators of the quality of enterprise system

To determine the level of quality products that are made (mastered production) in the enterprise, used several methods: the objective, the organoleptic, differentiated and integrated. At the same time objective and organoleptic methods used in determining the absolute and differentiated and complex - the relative level of the quality of certain products.

An objective method is to evaluate the level of product quality through bench testing and instrumentation, as well as laboratory analysis. This method gives the most reliable results and is used to measure the absolute level of the quality of the means of production and some properties of consumer products. In particular, it is used to determine the most technical and operational indicators: labor funds - performance, power, threading materials processing; objects of labor - the content of metal in the ore, color fastness of fabrics; Consumer goods - elasticity and moisture resistance of footwear; sugar or fat content in food and t. n.

Sensory method is based on the perception of the product's properties using the human senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch) without the use of technical means of measuring registration. Using this method, apply the proxy means indicators of quality evaluation system based on the standard list of attributes (properties), which fully cover the main characteristics of the product. Each assessment ( "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "poor") corresponds to a certain number of points (eg, 5, 4, 3, 0).

Differentiated method of quality assessment involves comparing the individual performance products with those of products, standards or benchmarks the standards (technical specifications). Evaluation ovnya ur quality by this method consists in calculating the values ​​of relative indicators, compared with the standard (standard), which is taken as a unit.

The complex method consists in determining the summary measure of quality valued products. One of these may be integral index, which is calculated by comparing the beneficial effects of the consumption (use) a certain product, and the total value of its creation and the use of cost. Sometimes it is used for a comprehensive assessment of the weighted average arithmetic value using the weighting factors of all the calculated indicators.

Competitiveness of production

In general, the concept of competitiveness describes an object's property to satisfy a specific need for a particular in comparison with similar facilities in this market. Competitiveness can be seen with respect to a variety of objects: design documentation, production technology, a separate project, a separate company (enterprise), industry, region, the country as a whole.

The competitiveness of the enterprise is its ability to effective economic activity and ensure profitability in a competitive market. In other words, the company's competitiveness - the ability to ensure the production and sale of competitive products, ie, one that has any advantages over other producers kroduktsiey...

The competitiveness of the goods pawned, even at the design stage. In the production of the most important materialize (determining) the elements of the competitiveness of products: quality and cost. Modeling and determination of the level of competitiveness of products is a prerequisite for its sale (realization) of the relevant market. A common assessment of the competitive circuit shown in Fig. 14.11.

Defining the competitiveness of the commodity, manufacturer production must necessarily know the requirements of potential buyers and appreciated by consumers. Therefore, the formation of the competitiveness of products starts with the definition of essential consumer characteristics (the customer needs), which is estimated to realize principal products in the relevant market, where buyers will constantly compare its performance with competitors' products with respect to measures to meet the specific needs and prices.

To determine the competitiveness of the products of its producers should be more or less know exactly:

  • specific requirements of potential buyers (consumers) to the proposed product on the market;
  • possible size and dynamics of demand for products;
  • the calculated level of the market prices of commodities;
  • the expected level of competition in the relevant market of goods;
  • defining the parameters of the main products of competitors;
  • the most promising markets for the relevant goods and stages of securing them;
  • payback of costs associated with the design, production, and marketing of a new product.

Driving assessment of enterprise competitiveness in the market

The competitiveness of the new object, it is desirable to measure quantitatively, which will control its level. This requires information that characterizes the useful effect of the object and the object of competing normative term of their service and the total cost over the lifetime of the object.

The useful effect - is the return of the object, integral index, which is calculated on the basis of certain objective indicators of the quality of the object that match this or that particular need. It can be measured in physical units (eg one-parameter performance of machinery and equipment), cash or in conventional points (for objects with a few important parameters, complementary).

Total costs over the life cycle - are those costs to be taken to get from the object corresponding to the useful effect.

The competitiveness of the objects for which it is impossible to calculate the useful effect, or the total cost can be determined by the results of experimental verification of the specific conditions of use, a trial sale, with expert and other methods.

Quantitative evaluation of the competitiveness of one-parameter objects (eg, machinery and equipment) can be done by using the formula:

the competitiveness of products in a particular market (14.16)

where Kc - the competitiveness of products in a particular market, ed .;

Eo.p, Ep.k - efficiency respectively estimated production and production-competitor units. useful effect / unit. currency;

correction factors that take into account the competitive advantages correction factors that take into account the competitive advantages.

The effectiveness of the product [Eo.p (PK)] is determined by comparing its beneficial effects for the standard service life (Ep.n.s) with total costs over the life cycle (Zs.zh.ts), that is,

Eo.p (PI) = Ep.n.s / Zs.zh.ts, (14.17)

A useful effect is usually calculated on the basis of a single indicator, taken for assessing the competitiveness of a particular product type (performance, power, energy consumption, caloric content, and so on. N.). In particular, the beneficial effect of one-parameter of machines and equipment for the standard service life is recommended to determine the formula

the useful effect of one-parameter of machines and equipment for the standard lifespan (14.18)

where T n - standard service life of machines, s;

Ac - hour performance cars (the passport);

Fv.g - annual fund operating time of machines;

К1…К п — коэффициенты, характеризующие несоответствие показателей качества машин требованиям потребителей.

К показателям (коэффициентам), уменьшающим полезный эффект, относятся:

  • коэффициент снижения производительности машин по мере их технико-экономического старения;
  • показатели ухудшения безотказности и ремонтопригодности;
  • показатели уровня шума, вибрации и другие измерители энергономичности и экономичности машин;
  • показатель организационно-технического уровня производства у потребителей машин.

Совокупные затраты в течение жизненного цикла одной машины можно определить по формуле

Совокупные затраты в течение жизненного цикла одной машины (14.19)

где Эс.ж.ц. — совокупные затраты за жизненный цикл;

Ск.м.и — сметная стоимость маркетинговых исследований, научно-исследовательских и опытно- конструкторских работ;

Со.т.п — сметная стоимость организационно- технологической подготовки производства новой машины;

N 1, N 2 — количество машин, которое предусмотрено изготовить по данной конструкторской и технологической документации ( N 1 = N 2 если производитель обоих машин один и тот же).

Зп.м — затраты на производство машины (без амортизации предыдущих затрат);

Зв.м — затраты на внедрение машины у потребителя, включающие транспортные затраты и сметную стоимость строительно-монтажных и пусковых работ;

Зэ.о.р — затраты на эксплуатацию, техническое обслуживание и ремонт в t -м году (без амортизации предыдущих затрат);

Зд.л — затраты на демонтаж и ликвидацию (реализацию) элементов основных производственных фондов (включая саму машину), выбывающих из эксплуатации в связи с освоением и внедрением новой машины. Если эти затраты будут меньше, чем доход от реализации элементов основных фондов, то в формуле (14.19) они должны быть со знаком минус, если больше — со знаком плюс.

В процессе расчета совокупных затрат за жизненный цикл фактор времени нужно учитывать по общей методике, изложенной в 8-й главе учебника.

Для лучшего понимания методики определения конкурентоспособности отдельного изделия в табл. 14.1. приведены условные примеры такого расчета.

Таблица 14.4


Проектные и конкурентные образцы

Полезный эффект, млн м3 воздуха

Совокупные затраты, млн грн

Эффективность м3/грн

Конкурентоспособность относительно наилучшего образца

Уровень конкурентоспособности

Проектныйвариант І






Проектныйвариант ІІ























Лучший образец- аналог

Значение и способы повышения качестваи конкурентоспособности продукции

Социально-экономическое значение повышения качества и конкурентоспособности продукции состоит в том, что мероприятия такой направленности содействуют формированию более эффективной системы хозяйствования в условиях рыночных отношений. Социально-экономическая эффективность повышения уровня качества и конкурентоспособности продукции, изготовляемой предприятием, проявляется в следующем:

А) высококачественная и конкурентоспособная продукция всегда полнее и лучше удовлетворяет общественно- социальные потребности в ней;

Б) повышение качества продукции является специфической формой проявления закона экономии рабочего времени: общая сумма затрат общественного труда на изготовление и использование продукции более высокого качества, даже если достижения таковой связано с дополнительными расходами, существенно уменьшается;

В) конкурентоспособная продукция обеспечивает постоянную финансовую стабильность фирмы, а также получение максимально возможной прибыли;

Г) многоаспектное влияние повышения качества (и, как следствие, конкурентоспособности продукции) не только на производство и эффективность хозяйствования, но и на имидж и конкурентоспособность предприятия в целом отражено на рис. 14.12.

На уровень качества и конкурентоспособности продукции влияет много разноплановых факторов. Достичь необходимого уровня качества и конкурентоспособности реализованных на соответствующих рынках можно различными способами, скоординированными во времени и пространстве. Совокупность наиболее важных конкретных способов (факторов) повышения качества и конкурентоспособности всех видов продукции представлена на рис. 14.13.

По содержанию и направленности эти факторы можно объединить в четыре взаимосвязанные группы: технические, организационные, экономические и социальные .

Влияние повышения качества и конкурентноспособности продукции на производство и имидж компании

Основные пути (факторы) повышения качества и конкурентноспособности продукции

Среди технических факторов повышения качества продукции и ее конкурентоспособности нужно особо выделить постоянное совершенствование проектирования, технико-технологической базы предприятия. Это объясняется тем, что надлежащий “фундамент” технического уровня и качества изделий, как уже было сказано, формируется в процессе их проектирования. Именно в этом цикле осуществляется комплекс лабораторно-исследовательских и конструкторских работ, направленных на обеспечение необходимых (желательных, ожидаемых) технико-экономических параметров образцов продукции. О решающем значении стадии проектирования для достижения уровня качества в соответствии с требованиями рынка, свидетельствует хотя бы тот факт, что более 50 % отказов технических систем происходит из-за дефектов, допущенных при проектировании изделий. Достижение запроектированного уровня качества любой продукции возможно лишь в условиях высокой технической оснащенности производства, применения новейшей технологи, строго соблюдения технологической дисциплины.

К важнейшим и эффективным способам целенаправленного повышения качества продукции, ее конкурентоспособности на мировом и национальном рынках целиком оправданно относят улучшение стандартизации как главного инструмента фиксации и обеспечения заданного уровня качества. Это объясняется тем, что именно сами стандарты и технические условия отражают современные требования потребителей к техническому уровню и другим качественным характеристикам изделий, выражают тенденции развития науки и техники.

Рыночные условия хозяйствования предусматривают активное и широкое использование организационных факторов повышения качества продукции на всех предприятиях. К приоритетным из них относятся: внедрение современных форм и методов организации производства и управления им, позволяющих эффективно применять высокоточную технику и прогрессивную (бездефектную) технологию; совершенствование методов технического контроля и развития массового самоконтроля на всех стадиях изготовления продукции.

Неотложной задачей хозяйствования является разра ботка и использование разнообразных форм и методов социально-экономического влияния на всю совокупность процессов формирования и обеспечения производства высококачественной и конкурентоспособной продукции. Формами и методами экономического влияния на эти процессы является прежде всего согласованная система прогнозирования и планирования качества продукции, установление приемлемых для продуцентов и потребителей цен на отдельные виды товаров, достаточно мощная мотивация труда всех категорий работников предприятия, а формами социального влияния — всемерная активизация человеческого фактора, проведение эффективной кадровой политики, создание надлежащих условий труда и жизнедеятельности.