Economy of Nature Conservation

Theme 3. The science of basic nature conservation

3.1. Economical Mehanism of the Hunting and the Rural Life of Natural Resources

Postlistovyh rozvitok scientifically ambush zakoroni nakkolishnogo sredovischa i ratsionalnogo vikoristan yogo resursiv povinen zdіysnyuvatysya on the basis of such principles, yak planirnist, proporazitsinist, optimality.

Planonomy is an economical function of the state for managing and regulating eco-logical and economic issues.

Proportionality means weathering in the natural resources of nature for the territory, and for the galleys of the people's government, the exclusion of the natural barriers in the natural environment.

Optimalnost vikoristannih natural resources - tse досягнення nikraschogo varianta vzaemovіdnosin suspilstva z navkolishnym sredovischim.

Metoyu upravlіnnya in the Branch ratsіonalnogo prirodokoristuvannya Je realіzatsіya zakonodavstva, control doderzhannyam vimog ekologіchnoї BEZPEKA, zabezpechennya Venue of efektivnosti i Integrated zahodіv schodo receptionists navkolishnogo natural seredovischa, ratsіonalnogo vikoristannya natural resursіv, dosyagnennya pogodzhenostі Act reasonably Reigning i Gromadska organіv at the Branch navkolishnogo natural seredovischa.

Economical Mehanism - the goal of sukupnist riznyh forms and methods in practical vikoristana ekonomichnyh zakonov, zvedeny at pevnu system vidpodidno to vimog obektivnyh lawov rozvitku prirodnykh sistem. Warehousing economical mechanism for nature protection: economical assessment of natural resources, payment for the citizenship, viznachennya ekonomichnyh zbitkiv, zavdanyh to the people's government zabrudnenyam nakkolishnogo sredovischa.

On a day-to-day basis, the economics of the economy can be viewed in the form of elements of the economical mechanism of the regulation of nature conservation :

- payment for korestuvannya natural resources

- the system of economical stimulation of nature's hunting

- payment for zabrudnenya nakkolishhnyogo natural mezhdovischa ta rozmіschennya vіdhodіv

- alignment of the natural resources

- recruitment of systems in the economy of the economy of economic factors, especially for the production of the nature of exploitation excavations

- екологічне програмування, - торгівля ліцензіями, - екологічне страхування

In Ukraine, funding for visits to the economy of the natural environment of the country is required for the rakhunok of the state budget of Ukraine, the republican budget of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the budget of the budget, the funds for the implementation of the budget, the installation of the organization, the foundation for the conservation of the natural environment, and extrabudgetary contributions of those small koshtivs.