Groshi that credit - Pakhomov V. І.

The list of recommendations is recommended

1. The Law of Ukraine "On Banks and Banking Diyalnist"; Zatv. Decree of the Verkhovna Rada No. 2121-14 dated 7.12.2000 // VVR of Ukraine. - 2001. - № 5-6. - P. 30.

2. The Law of Ukraine "About the state of regulation of the market of paperns"; Zatv. Decree of the Verkhovna Rada No. 475/96-ВР dated 30.10.96 // VVR of Ukraine. - 1996. - № 51. - P. 292.

3. The Law of Ukraine "About tsіnnі paperi ta fondovu birzhu"; Zatv. Decree of the Verkhovna Rada No. 1202/12 dated 18.06.91 // VVR of Ukraine. - 1991. - No. 38. - P. 508.

4. The decree of the CMU "On the system of currency regulation and currency control" with zymnami that dopov. № 932-ХІУ dated 14.07.99 // Voice of Ukraine. -

1999. - 11 sickle.

5. Laying the NBU "About credit"; Zatv. Decree of the National Bank of Ukraine No. 246 dated 28.09.95 // Dod. To Вісн. NBU. - 1995. - No. 10. - P. 23.

6. The Law of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine"; Zatv. Decree of the Verkhovna Rada No. 679-14 dated 20.05.99 // VVR of Ukraine. - 1999. - No. 29. - P. 238.

7. Poslozhnya NBU "About the order of the law on the reestra- tion of commercial banks"; Zatv. Decree of the Board of NBU No. 77 dated 27.03.96 // Dod. To Вісн. NBU. - 1996. - No. 5. - P. 3.

8. Інструкція про безготівкові розрахунки в України в національній валюі; Zatv. Decree of the National Bank of Ukraine No. 135 dated 29.03.01 // Dod. To Вісн.

NBU. - 2001. - № 4. - P. 3.

9. The Instruction of the National Bank of Ukraine "About the order of regulation of the bankruptcy in Ukraine"; Zatv. Decree of the National Bank of Ukraine No. 368 dated 28.08.2001 // Dod. To Вісн. NBU. - 2001. - No. 9. - P. 3.

10. Інструкції about the organisation of the robotics of the security sector in the establishments of banks in Ukraine; Zatv. Decree of the National Bank of Ukraine No. 69 dated 19.02.01 // Dod. To Вісн. NBU. - 2001. - No. 3. - P. 3.

11. Poslozhnya pro vedennya kasovikh operatsiy u natsionalnyi kvalui in the Ukraine; Zatv. Decree of the National Bank of Ukraine No. 72 dated 19.02.01 // Dod. To Вісн. NBU. - 2001. - No. 3. - P. 29.

12. Antonov N., Pessel M. Money circulation, credit and banks. - M., 1995. - 270 p.

13. Achkasov AI International Monetary and Credit Relations: Two Ways of Development. - M., 1998. - 176 p.

14. Banks and Banking Operations, Ed. E. Zhukova. - M., 1997. - 471 p.

15. Bank of Ukraine Encyclopaedia / Ed. A. Moroz. - K., 1993. - 328 p.

16. Banking Encyclopedia / Ed. S. Lukash. - Dnepropetrovsk,

1994. - 249 p.

17. Banking / Ed. O. Lavrushina. -M., 1992. - 428 p.

18. Banking: Textbook / Ed. S. Kolesnikov. - M., 1995. - 480 p.

19. Brovkova E., Prodius I. Financial and credit system of the state. - K., 1997. - 224 p.

20. Currency regulyuvannya in Ukraine: Довідник / Упоряд. S. Koltun, T. Pa-ninska. - K., 1996. - 200 p.

21. Entry to the Bank's Information: Посіб. / Відп. Ed. M. Savluk. - K., 1998. - 344 p.

22.Ealchinskiy A. Currency is a currency system. - K., 1993. - 189 p.

23. Yelchinsky A. Theory of pennies: Nav. Посіб. - K., 1996. - 413 p.

24. Eolub A., Semenyuk A., Smovzhenko T. Groshi. Credit. Banks. - Lviv, 1997. - 206 p.

25. Eritsenko O. Groši ta groshovo-kreditna politya: Navch. Посіб. - К., 1996. - 180 with.

26. Ероші т credit / For red. M. Savluk. - K., 2001. - 614 p.

27. Ероші that loan: Підручник / За ред. B.Ivasiva. - Ternopil, 2000. -

702 sec.

28. Demkivsky A. Сучасний весельнийний обіг. - K., 1996. - 138 p. 29. Money / Comp. A. Chukhno. - K., 1997. - 509 p.

30. Money, credit, banks: Textbook / Ed. Kravtsovoy. - M., 1994. - 411 p.

31. Dolan E.J. et al. Money, Banking and Monetary Policy / Trans. With the English. V. Lukashevich and others - St. Petersburg, 1994. - 496 p.

32. Zhukov A. Services of commercial banks: foreign experience and practice. - M., 1995. - 69 p.

33. Kalina A., Kashcheev A. The work of a modern commercial bank: A teaching method. Help. - K., 1997. - 224 p.

34. Krasavina L. International Monetary and Financial Relations: A Textbook. - M., 1994. - 592 p.

35. Kruglov V. Fundamentals of international monetary and financial relations: Proc. For universities. - M., 1998. - 432 p.

36. Lazutin V. Groshi that groshniy obіg. - K., 1998. - 168 p.

37. Lisenkov Yu., Fetyukhina Yu. Rinok tsinnyh papperіv: osnovnyі ponjattya i ter'ni. - K., 1996. - 168 p.

38.Lutziv B. Leasing and factoring yak is an alternative to dzherelo credit and the tool zbutu: Nav. Посіб. - K., 1993. - 72 p.

39. Lysenko Yu., Lyashko V. Veksel in the economic circulation. - К., 1994. - 156 with.

40. Lviv Yu. Banks and the financial market. - St. Petersburg, 1995. - 528 p.

41.Lyashenko V. Stock indices and ratings. - Donetsk, 1998. - 320 with.

42. McConnell K., Bru C. Economics. Principles, problems and politics. - M., 1992. - 400 p.

43. Markova O., Sakharova L., Sidorov V. Commercial banks and their operations. - M., 1995. - 287 p.

44. Mendrul O., Shevchuk I. Ринок цінних паперів: Навч. Посіб. - K., 1998. - 152 p.

45. Mishkin F. Economist of groschen, banking and financial news. - K., 1998. - 963 p.

46. ​​Міжнародні валютно-фінансові та кредині відносини. - K., 1992. - 145 p.

47. National bank that groshno-credit policy / For ed. J. Moroz, M. Puhovkino. - K., 1999. - 368 p.

48. General Theory of Money and Credit: Textbook / Ed. E. Zhukova. - M., 1995. - 473 p.

49. Fundamentals of Banking / Ed. A. Moroz. - K., 1994. - 330 p.

50. Polyakov, Moskovkina A. Fundamentals of monetary circulation: Proc. Help. - M., 1995. - 351 p.

51. Pyatenko S. Monetary Policy in the United States. - M., 1993. - 220 p.

52. Saks D., Larren F. Macroeconomics: a global approach. - M., 1996. -

847 s.

53. Finances. Money turnover. Credit: Proc. For universities / Ed. Dro-bosina. - M., 1997. - 386 p.

54. Філіпенко А. Міжнародні валютно-фиінансові відносини. - K., 1997. - 246 p.

55. Stock market: Terminol. Words-reference. Ed. Yu. Lisenkova. - K., 1997. - 266 p.

56. Getman V. Banking system of Ukraine: діяльність і проблемми // Банківська справа. - 1995. - № 1.

57. Heyets V. The nutrient theory and practices of macroeconomic stabilization in the aspect of transition from an economic crisis to a crisis // News of the NBU. - 1997. - № 9.

58. Musienko T. Problems of international roses in the territory of the SNM and that perspective of the future // Bankovs'ka on the right. - 1995. - № 1.

59. Nikitin S. Inflation theory and their evolution // Money and credit. -

1995. - № 1.

60. Savluk M. Groshovo-credit policy in the factor of economical stability in Ukraine // News of the NBU. - 1997. - № 4.

61. Savluk M., Sugonyako O. Chi vistacha penny in economics of Ukraine? //

Вісник НБУ. Вісник НБУ. - 1997. - № 8.

62. Simanovsky A. About directions and tools of a monetary policy // Money and the credit. - 1992. - № 6.

63. Yushchenko V. Problems of remonetization of economics of Ukraine // Visnik

NBU. - 1997. - № 6.

64. Yushchenko V. Monetarna Politics of Ukraine: results and perspectives //

Вісник НБУ. Вісник НБУ. - 1996. - № 4.

65. Yushchenko V., Lisitskiy V. Курсотворення в Україні та інги країн із перехідною економікою // Вісник НБУ. - 1997. - № 7.