Groshi that credit - Pakhomov V. І.

Themes that plan Seminarskih take

Розділ 1. Основныені положення теорії грошей

Seminar 1. Pokhozhennya, essence and function of pennies

Nourishing food

1. Trekking pennies. Teorii їх виникнення.

2. The essence of the yoke of a special product.

3. Functionality of a penny.

4. Зміна економічної ролі Gold.

5. Viknennenia and the nature of the day's pennies.

6. Functional forms of pennies. Groshov aggregation.

Literature: 10, 23, 26, 28, 36, 42.

Seminar 2. Istoriya rozvitku ta tchaschany stanie penny

Nourishing food

1. Take a look at the nature of the penny that dzherelo-wartosti.

2. Fundamentals of the policy of theology.

3. Growth of the eyes on the role of pennies in economics.

4. Diskusіya mіzh predstavnikami rіznih techіy ekonomichnoy dumki about dotsіlnіst zdіysnennya groshovo-kreditnoy polity.

Literature: 10, 12, 23, 26-28, 36, 42, 46, 52.

Розділ 2. Groshoviy обіг і його регулювання

Семінар 1. Грошовий обіг і грошові потоки

Nourishing food

1. Understand that structure of a penny-bank.

2. Поняття, класифікація та мехаізм balance of grosovih streams.

3. Швидкість обігу грошей і look at the її character.

4. Understand popita on gros. Економічні моделі попиту на гроші.

5. Emission of pennies that character.

6. Stemming with a can of banks.

7. The legal model of the supply of pennies.

Literature: 12, 23, 26, 30, 31, 36, 42, 46.

Seminar 2. The financial (groschen) tin

Nourishing food

1. Functionality of the financial market.

2. Development of the financial market of Ukraine.

3. Understand vartostyi groshe.

4. Characteristics of the tools that specialize in the function of the vision of the financial market.

5. Look at the keynotes and monetarists on the mechanics of establishing a river market for a penny market.

Literature: 2, 3, 12, 26, 31, 42, 46, 49, 55.

Seminar 3. Grošovі sistemi і groshno-kreditna politya

Nourishing food

1. Поняття, класифікація та задачиі грошової системи.

2. Зміст, типо та інструменти грошово-кредитної політики.

3. Inflation, її visible that vplyv on ekonomichnі processes.

4. See the heaps of reforms.

Literature: 10, 23, 26, 30, 36, 42, 47.

Seminar 4. System bezgotivkovykh rozraunkіv ta regulyuvannya bezgotivkovogo groshnogo obigu

Nourishing food

1. The task of storing the systems of fireless roses.

2. Characteristic of the vibeir forming bezgotivkovykh rozraunkiv.

3. Promissory note to the governor's office.

4. Meta, the principle of warehouses and parts of the regulation of obogu gotivki.

Literature: 8, 10, 11, 23, 26, 27, 30, 36, 47.

Rozdil 3. Loan and credit system

Семінар 1. Місце кредиту в ринковій економіці

Nourishing food

1. Pokhozhennya, neobhіdnіst та сутність to the credit.

2. Functionality and theory of credit.

3. Forms of credit.

4. The principle of credit is that the form of the loan is secured.

5. Nature poschkovogo vidsotka.

6. Loaners in Ukraine.

Literature: 1, 5-7, 14, 17, 26, 30, 40, 47.

Seminar 2. Credit system

Nourishing food

1. Understand, the warehouse is the function of credit systems.

2. The essence of the functional banking system.

3. Stan of the banking system of Ukraine.

4. The Central Bank is the principal element of the credit system.

5. Appreciation and type of commercial banks.

6. Characteristics and typical specialization of credit and financial institutions.

Literature: 1, 5-7, 15, 26, 30, 40, 47, 56.

Seminar 3. Services of commercial banks

Nourishing food

1. Vibir bank for obesgovovuvannya.

2. Organizing banks for rozraunkukovo-kasovogo obeslugovuvannya.

3. Credit services of banks in this role in the economy of economy.

4. The essence of depository, depository and other types of services.

Literature: 7, 8, 15, 16, 18, 33, 43.

Розділ 4. Гроші та світова економіка

Семінар 1. Міжнародні валютноі відносини

Nourishing food

1. Ponyattya, you see that the recognition of monetary systems.

2. Evolution of the system of foreign currency invoices and formulations of the monetary and monetary systems.

3. Виникнення та розвитток Європейської валютної системи.

4. Understand that you see the currency and the exchange rate.

5. Functionality of the tasks in the currency market.

6. Currency regulyuvannya in Ukraine.

Literature: 4, 22, 26, 34, 45, 47, 58.