Culturology - Gritsenko TB


The main forms of the Belarusian painting are the monumental church paintings (mosaic that fresco), the icon and the book miniature. Мозаїка - це сюжетні або орнаментальні композиції, виконані з натурального каміння, смальти, керамічних плиток. Fresco - technics to the painting by water fairs on dry plaster of plaster. Naidavnіsі vіzantіyskі Mozzaії zbereglissya at temples that tombs m. Ravenni, kolis to the great cultural center.

In the ІV-VI century. In the vizantіyskimuyu painting, the antique traditions were crossed, and the mozaiki of the Great Imperators' palaces near Constantinople were surrendered. The stinks reflected realistic genre scenes from the people. Пізніше, in the ІХ-ХІІ century, the system is designed to decorate the temple, with the help of the order of the ritashuvannya of the scenes on the yogas of the walls, those of the Mali ілюуструвати basic dogmatic of Christianity. For the system in the cupola in the apsidi (yakshcho not the dome of the cupola), the zzrozhdi rozmyschuvalos velikne zobrazhennya Christ Pantokratora (Almighty), in the apsidi - fogura Bozhoi Materi, in particular for all the vizyadі Oranti, scho pray, piddavshi up to the sky hands. By obydvі sideli vіd neї, yak hunrontsі - фігури архангелів. At the lower tier - apostles, on sails (elements of the cupola design in the form of a spherical tricuit) - Evangelism. On the pillars - Blagovischennya, on the walls of the transept - the stage of the life of Christ, ta Mari, on the back of the wall - the terrible court that ín

When vnutrishnomu ozdobdennyi temyvі vіzantіyskі misterry vikoristovuvali mosaic із golden background. Gold є naybіlsh sіtlosnim materіalom, vono stlyovє magіy svіtla, scho posiljuє divinіnistі інтер'єру the temple. The order of gold, especially the loan, was taken by the illiteracy of the country and the country with colossi and ricinarian garbage.